Star Trek 4: Saving the Future Character Profile

James T. Kirk

Full name: James Tiberius Kirk English name: James Tiberius Kirk Played by William Shatner Ethnicity: Human, European-American Gender: Male Born March 22, 2233 Starfleet affiliation SC 937-0176 CEC Biography: Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, Senior Instructor at the Star Academy, Captain of the U.S.S. Bird of Prey, Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise-A, Armor: Rear Admiral. Captain, U.S.S. Enterprise Senior Instructor, Starfleet Academy Captain, U.S.S. Bird of Prey Bounty Captain, U.S.S. Enterprise-A Title Rear Admiral Colonel (Demoted) Kirk was originally the captain of the Enterprise. He and Spock had known each other since their days at Starfleet Academy, and were promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral for their work in the Enterprise's Five-Year Exploration Program, but Kirk didn't like sitting behind a desk every day. However, Kirk didn't enjoy sitting behind a desk every day, but instead missed the experience of commanding the Enterprise, and in Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan, Admiral Kirk once again briefly commanded the Enterprise, stopping a plot by his old enemy, Khan Nunian Singh, at the test site Genesis. Soon after, Kirk discovers that Spock, who was killed in the mission to stop Khan, has hidden his soul in Dr. McCoy, and Kirk leads his crew to steal the Enterprise, which was severely wounded and decommissioned in the previous battle, destroying the Seiken, which was pursuing them, and heading for the Genesis planet where Spock's remains were dropped, but is unexpectedly attacked by the Klingons who have come to secretly gather information about the Genesis test program, and Kirk's son is killed in action, with the Enterprise Kirk's son was killed in the battle, and the Enterprise self-destructed and crashed, but Spock was successfully resurrected. When Kirk was about to return to Earth to turn himself in, he received a distress signal from Earth and led his crew back to the past to save the future.


English name Spock Players Leonard Nimoy (Leonard Nimoy) Ethnicity Vulcan - human hybrid Sex Male Born in 2230 Starfleet affiliation S 179-276 SP Biography First Officer and Science Officer of the Federation Starship Enterprise First Officer and Science Officer of the Federation Bird-of-Prey Bounty First Officer and Science Officer of the Federation Starship Enterprise First Officer and Science Officer of the Federation Starship Enterprise-A First Officer and Science Officer of the Federation Starship Enterprise-A First Officer and Science Officer of the Federation Starship Enterprise-A First Officer and Science Officer of the Federation Starship Enterprise-A First Officer and Science Officer of the Federation Starship Enterprise-A First Officer and Science Officer of the Federation Starship Enterprise-A USS ENTERPRISE-A First Officer and Science Officer Military Title Lieutenant Commander Colonel Spock served as First Officer and Science Officer of the USS Enterprise. He had known Kirk and McCoy since their days at the Academy, and became Captain of the Enterprise when Kirk was promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Spock is a Vulcan/human hybrid, and as such, he follows the Vulcan lineage of following logic and rejecting emotion. In Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan, Spock died trying to save the Enterprise from a warp core rupture by entering an area of intense radiation to repair equipment. His remains are preserved in a photon torpedo by his buddies and launched onto Genesis, the battlefield of Khan's blockade. However, Spock did not "die"; before his sacrifice, he forcibly merged his mind with Dr. McCoy's, depositing his soul, the "katra", inside Dr. McCoy's body. In "Star Trek 3: Stone Cold", due to the failure of the Genesis plan, Spock's remains and the entire planet together reborn, but also facing the same danger of accelerated aging, fortunately, the Genesis star is carrying out scientific research mission Saavik timely discovery of Spock's remains "disappeared", Kirk found hidden in Dr. McCoy body of the "Katra". Katra", so the senior crew of the Enterprise returned to Genesis, rescued Spock before the destruction of the entire planet, and brought him back to Vulcan to reintegrate with his own "Katra".

As a subplot to the plot framework, "Star Trek IV: Rescuing the Future" shows Spock's gradual return to his memories, his previously acquired and embraced human heritage, and his recognition of his emotions. At the beginning of the film, he doesn't understand the significance of his mother's questioning of his "feelings"; by the end, however, he realizes enough of their importance to humanity to ask his father to tell his mother that he "feels good. He asked his father to tell his mother that he "felt good.

Leonard H. McCoy

English name Leonard H. McCoy Nickname Old Bones Played by DeForest Kelley Ethnicity Human, American Sex Male Birthday 2227 Starfleet affiliation Biography Medical Officer, Federation Starship Enterprise Instructor, Starfleet Academy Medical Officer, Federation Bird of Prey Bounty Medical Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise-A Title Lieutenant Commander Dr. McCoy has known Kirk and Spock since their days at Starfleet Academy, and the ill-tempered McCoy and the rigid Spock have become a pair of best friends. He was Kirk's medical officer from the Five-Year Plan to the mission to find Spock. In Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan, McCoy was anesthetized by a mind-meld with a generous Spock and took on his soul, "Katra", but due to racial differences, McCoy behaved erratically after being deposited, and was mistakenly thought to be mentally ill in Star Trek 3: The Stone Breaker, but Kirk was able to learn from Sarek about his mental illness. Kirk learns of the Katra from Sarek, recognizes McCoy, and takes him to Genesis in search of Spock. The Katra was eventually returned to Spock through a mind meld on Vulcan.

Montgomery Scott

English name Montgomery Scott Nickname Scotty Played by James Doohan Ethnicity Human, Scottish Sex Male Born 2222 Starfleet Code SE 19754 T Biography Federal Starship Enterprise Engineer Federal Starship Enterprise Reward Engineer Captain Federation Bird of Prey Bounty Engineer Captain Federation Starship Enterprise-A Title Colonel "When we get home, we'll all call him 'The Miracle Worker'."

Back home, we call him 'the miracle worker'.

Dr. McCoy

Scott was one of the top engineers in the Federation, but had a problem with "reservations", such as taking a week to fix something that could be fixed in a day. In "Star Trek IV: Rescuing the Future," he helps Kirk with the daunting task of installing a giant glass tank on the dilapidated Bird of Prey ship to hold whales!

Light Sulu

English name Hikaru Sulu Played by George Takei Ethnicity Human, Japanese American Gender Male Born 2237 Starfleet Service Coxswain, Federation Starship Enterprise Coxswain, Star Academy Instructor Coxswain, Federation Bird of Prey Ship Bounty Coxswain, Federation Starship Enterprise-A Coxswain, Armature Lt. Commander