What is FDA Certification

FDA certification: to ensure the safety of food, cosmetics, drugs, biological agents, medical devices and radiological products produced in or imported into the United States.

1. Food FDA Certification: The FDA's regulatory agency for food, agricultural, and seafood products is the Center for Food Safety and Nutrition (CFASAN), whose role is to ensure that Americans' food supply is safe, clean, fresh, and clearly labeled.

2. Medical Device FDA Certification The FDA regulates medical devices through the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), which oversees the manufacturing, packaging, and distribution of medical devices in compliance with the law.

3. Cosmetics FDA certification. FDA's Office of Cosmetics and Colors has developed a voluntary registration program for cosmetics at the request of the cosmetics industry. The program includes two parts: voluntary registration of cosmetic manufacturers and cosmetic ingredient declaration.