New Fortune Magazine Issue 2, 2021 Table of Contents

Introduction to New Fortune Magazine

New Fortune is a directional and strategic magazine about corporate hair. By reporting on China's role model companies and the people who create wealth, it analyzes cutting-edge companies and their management in depth, captures the forces that lead the economy forward, and clarifies the nature, truth, and future of business development by examining the people who hold a small portion of the wealth. Facing the people who hold capital is the readers' orientation that New Fortune insists on, and its main constituents are capital owners and capital operators. At the same time, it also influences listed companies, proposed listed companies, brokerage firms, banks, funds, accounting firms and law firms at all levels of government financial officials, regulators and other high-level people.

Table of Contents

Viewpoints丨Speed up Carbon Neutrality: What does it mean for China to cool the world by 0.2 degrees?

Think Tank 丨Hill slanting light: the future of vaccine recovery imagined

Think Tank 丨Correcting the biased Chinese FDI, the service sector reform and opening up again

Cover 丨Equity investment wind mouth Buyers investment advisers take off

Cover 丨Third New Fortune Best Investment Adviser Awards 91 people serving customers assets of more than 68 billion, " The top stream" performance is not inferior to star fund managers

Cover 丨2020 New Fortune Best Investment Advisors List

Cover 丨Third New Fortune Best Investment Advisors Team

Business 丨Impact on $400 billion, the beginning or the end of the Fastlane?

Business 丨Two years after the Meng Wanzhou case

Business 丨粤系 "地二代" on the way to take over

Business 丨changes and changes in the year of the "freezing point": the A-share 2020 mergers and acquisitions inventory


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