Inoculation sticks belong to the first class of medical devices. Class I medical devices are medical devices whose safety and efficacy can be ensured through routine management. Inoculation stick is commonly used in microbiology experiments inoculation instrument, it consists of plastic handle, stick body and inoculation needle or inoculation ring, the overall length of 20-35cm between the diameter of the stick body 0.5cm, the handle is slightly thicker than the stick body, commonly used in flat medium and test tube slant medium on the bacterial inoculation operation. Traditional experimental operations commonly used in the external flame of the alcohol lamp burning inoculation stick front of the inoculation needle or inoculation ring to reduce the rate of contamination, the limitations of this sterilization method is that, can not be inoculated with the body of the rod to kill the bacteria in the inoculation of the slanting test-tube medium inoculation operations, the rod body deep into the test tube, it is very easy to cause contamination of test-tube slant culture medium.