Used to make silicone replica model design, such as plastic toys crafts, gifts stationery, large statues, cultural relics replica, shoe soles mold manufacturing, pad printing positioning, electronic equipment shock resistance. Large products, hand plate model design, electronic products, pad printing positioning, model design, the number of times to turn the mold is about 5-10 times, is used to do simple patterned products, toys, carboys, the main requirements: do not shrink, do not deform, the hardness is suitable for not too complex products to use.
2. Silicone re-molding advantages
Silicone re-molding has no deformation, no shrinkage, high temperature resistance, mold molding can be used repeatedly after molding, to provide products with rapid reproduction, the product shrinkage can be up to two thousandths.
3. Silicone replica mold operation
Silicone replica mold 525 is a flowing liquid, A component is a flowing liquid, B component is a curing agent. First of all, the mold species or replica products to deal with, take a certain amount of colloid, add 2-3% of the curing agent, mix well and then can be used, 2-3 hours mold can be cured molding. With no deformation, no shrinkage, high temperature resistance, mold molding can be used repeatedly after molding, to provide rapid reproduction of the product, mainly used for handboard models and small quantities of replica products.
The advantages of Creative handboard:
1, the fastest 1 hour quote, 2 working days delivery.
2, seven of the world's top 500 companies choose Dongguan Genesis hand plate
3, I have Germany's SLS and DLP, the United States of America's SLA rapid prototyping equipment, the United States of America's Stratasys 3D printers, metal powdered 3D printers, the United States of America ProJet860 full-color 3D printing equipment. Taiwan imported CNC machining centers ten, vacuum re-molding, low-pressure infusion.
4, the appearance of the board can be painted, plated, brushed, silkscreen
5, can do 3D printing board, plastic board, hardware board, functional board, the appearance of the board, transparent board, high temperature board, coffee machine board, kitchen appliances board, automotive parts board and so on.