What you need to put in an air box

What you need to put in an air box is a pad.

Puppies defecate more frequently, if the owner is not careful, not in time to put the dog out, the dog is likely to urinate in it, the use of pads, urine can flow to the bottom, the dog directly in contact with the pads do not wet the body.

Air box introduction:

Traditional simple wooden box packaging and transportation can not solve these high-tech products in the long-distance transport process can not be effectively protected as well as mobility shortcomings, for this drawback and thus produced a new alternative to the transport of packaging products - -Air Boxes.

The increasingly frequent cross-border trade makes the use and development of the air box into a golden stage, especially in the stage lighting equipment, medical equipment, audio-visual systems, multimedia, optoelectronic industry, as well as the military transportation packaging and military equipment transportation and other high-tech equipment widely used in the field.