What formalities are required to open a TCM massage and health clinic?
Secondary school diploma + physician's qualification + licensed physician's license. With the above three certificates, to the Health Bureau to apply for a medical institution license, and then to the Drug Administration to apply for a license to use drugs, so that you can open the business. 1. local hukou 2. physician or above title 3. occupational physician certificate 4. 5 years of work certificate 5. nurse pharmacist each a 6. medical property or rental agreement 7. medical diploma With these basic things you can go to the local health administration department to ask the local specific rules. The rules are different for each place. The following rules for reference: 1. tables, stools, disposal tables, stethoscopes, blood pressure gauges, thermometers, tongue depressors, gauze canisters, first aid kits, square trays, medicine cabinets, autoclave sterilizers, ultraviolet lamps, and so on. The administrative process is 1. application 2 hand in the approval of materials 3 acceptance 4 hand in the approval of the superior