Used in the name of lakes: Qinghai. Zhongnanhai
Vessel of large capacity, huge: sea bowl. Haihan. Boast of the sea
Metaphor for a large number of people or things like a sea: a sea of people. Sea of fire
To roam aimlessly: sea of curses. 海找
海hǎi名百川会聚之处。 Later, it refers to a body of brackish water adjacent to the continent and smaller in area than the ocean (sea;ocean〗Sea, the pool of heaven. The one who can accommodate a hundred rivers. From water, every sound. --The Saying of the Writings. According to, the sea is round, on the center of the earth. Sea flavor salt, hot and humid gas steam. The sea is green, the dome of the reflection, the clouds can not be separated
Zu Tiandi of the left sea also.
The left sea of Zu Tiandi is also the sea. Note: "The sea water of the Committee." Sun Shu Ao lifted in the sea. --Meng Zi -Guizi Shimao The future looks like the sea. --Qing Liang Qichao, "Drinking Ice Room Collection - Anthology" (饮冰室合集-文集) Half of the wall is like the sea sun. --Tang Li Bai, "Dreaming of traveling to Tianmu Yin Liubie", also known as: near the sea; coastal; seawater; seahidden seawater (seawater), which is boiled for salt. --Han Shu - chao qiu biography " another example: the sea old; sea looking at the big lake or big pool〖lake〗. Such as: Erhai; Caspian Sea; Aral Sea; North Sea ancient people think that all around the land for the sea, so used to refer to remote areas (border〗nine barbarians, eight Di, seven Rong, six barbarians called the four seas. -- "Er Ya - interpretation of the land" as nine barbarians, eight barbarians, six ron, five di, school people four seas and mountains and rivers Note: the four seas are like the four directions. -- "Zhou Li - transfer people" and such as: the sea north; sea; sea barbarians; sea soil; sea side on the surface of the moon or the surface of Mars, a fairly large dark area 〖mare〗 larger vessel 〖largevessel〗. Such as: silver sea; ink sea big mouth, big mouth〖bigmouth〗face skin slightly white, under the sea beardless. This person is Uncle Sai and Li Huaichun. --Qing Guo Xiaoting, "The Complete Biography of Jigong", "Hǎi", "many", "much", "all", "everything", "everything", "everything", "everything", "everything", "everything", "everything", "everything", "everything", "everything", "everything", "everything". --Duan Yucai, "Shuowen jiezi zi zhi zhi", another example: cholera that year, the dead people sea! Something sea miles, tube you full of wine and rice big (extralarge; ofgreatcapacity; verybig〗. 如:海碗;夸下海口;海灯;海骂海岸hǎi'àn〖seacoast;coast;beach;shore;seashore〗seacoast or coastal land boundary coastal turret coastline hǎi'àn西安àn〖coastline〗the boundary line formed between the land and the water. Formation of the boundary line refers to a certain range of water and ground extending from the coastline to the land and sea surface elevation hǎibá〖elevation;heightabovesealevel〗: the height beyond the sea level altitude〗: the height standardized by the average sea surface poster hǎibào〖bill;playbill;poster 〗advertisement posted up or otherwise distributed out seal hǎibào〖seal〗constitutes the seal family and the sea lion family of many species of marine carnivorous mammals of any kind, mainly living in the cool seashore or on the ice floes, go ashore to mate and give birth to pups, feeding on fish or other marine animals, limbs have changed into webbed fins, basically suitable for swimming, people in order to get its fur, leather and grease used to be a lot of 猎捕海北天南hǎiběi-tiānnán〖faraway,distancefromnorthseatosouthsky〗一个在天南,一个在海北, describing the distance between them. It is also called "Tiannanhaibei". Also describes the region is different in the past years the intention of the gas knot group of heroes, a few times towards the return of a word line. The two of them met in Luoyang City. --Tang Liu Yuxi, "Five Songs of Wuxing Mouth Calls of Luozhong Feng Han Qizhong Chancellor" (洛中逢韩七中丞之吴兴口号五首)海滨hǎibīn〖seashore;seaside〗: land adjacent to the sea海滨疗养院〖beach〗: a gradual sloping down of oceanic banks, coasts, riverbanks covered with sand, gravel, or slightly larger fragments of rock, also refers to the coastline. Coastal zone of sand, gravel, or rock fragments deposited by the sea hǎibō〖hypo〗Sodium thiosulfate, used as a fixative in photography seaweed hǎicài〖edibleseaweed〗seaweed that can be used as an edible vegetable in the ocean seagrass hǎicǎo〖seaweed;wrack〗seaweed seaweed hǎichà〖sea-lock〗a piece of narrow land that extends into a neighboring landmass. A narrow and long bay that extends into the neighboring land hǎichǎn〖marineproducts〗A variety of plant and animal products from the sea tide hǎicháo〖tide〗The natural phenomenon of regular rise and fall of the sea water voyage hǎichéng〖voyage;distancetravelledbysea〗The distance traveled by sailing on the sea that the small island Longer sea journey kelp hǎidài〖kelp〗A kind of iodine-containing brown algae growing on the rocks at the bottom of the sea, with edible, iodine-making and medicinal values. In Chinese medicine, it is called "kombu". hǎidǎo〖island〗Small piece of land surrounded by seawater pirate hǎidào〖pirate;searover〗The robbers who infested the open sea sea seawall hǎidī〖seawall〗The dyke to prevent seawater invasion seafloor hǎidǐ〖seafloor 〗:海洋的底底〖seabed〗:海床海底捞月hǎidǐ-lāoyuè〖trytofishoutthemoonfrombottomofthesea--) strivefortheimpossibleortheillusionary〗比喻不可能实现的事虽然费了很多心机,耍了不少花头,但终是海底捞月。 --Guo Moruo's "Hongboqu" also says "fishing for the moon in the water" Haiti Hǎidì〖Haiti〗An island country in the West Indies. With an area of 27,400 square kilometers and a population of 5,862,000, its capital is Port-au-Prince. hǎifēng〖outwind〗: wind blowing from the sea〖seabreeze〗: cool breeze blowing from the sea to the land (usually during the daytime). harbour hǎigǎng〖seaport;harbour〗a port on the coast or a port where (by connecting with a river) ocean liners, shipping or other maritime activities can be accepted. A port, anchorage, or town where ocean-going vessels, shipping, or other maritime activities take place. hǎigǒu〖furseal;ursineseal〗A variety of eared seals with two layers of fur, the lower fur is soft and dense, and is a valuable material for fur and trimming; this animal is now close to extinction, except for a small number of protected breeding sites, and belongs to the South China Sea genus of sea dog (seal). "seal" customs hǎiguān〖customhouse;customs〗a place where customs duties are paid and goods are declared and cleared by ships sea turtle hǎiguī〖seaturtle〗any of a variety of large turtles with paddle-like limbs, including modern leatherback, hawksbill, and green turtles, as well as many extinct species, which are widely distributed, including the modern leatherback, hawksbill, and green turtles. The species are widely distributed in warm oceans and seas. hǎihán〖bemagnanimousenoughtoforgiveortolerate〗To be as tolerant as the sea. A term of respect, a metaphor for a person's magnanimity, the sky covers the group of life, and the sea covers the ten thousand races. --Su Shi, "Huzhou Xie Shang Table" HǎiHé〖HaiheRiver〗The largest water system in North China, injecting into the Bohai Sea in Tianjin. The main stream of the Haihe River is 73 kilometers long, which is the confluence of five major rivers. The total area of the river basin is 265,000 square kilometers hǎijiāng〖coastalareasandterritorialseas〗the border of the sea; the coastline and the territory of the collectively known as the 10,000-mile sea border Haijiao Tianya hǎijiǎo-tiānyá〖theremotestcornersoftheearth〗Tianyahaijiao. It describes a very remote and distant place where spring is born and where it is darkly traveled, and where the corners of the sea and the ends of the earth are all over. --Tang-Bai Juyi's "Three Songs of Xunyang Spring" Navy hǎijūn〖navy〗A whole military organization of a country's maritime operations, including shipyards, shiprepairing yards, bases, personnel, ships, offices, and military officers Hǎikè〖voyager〗: people who often go out to the sea Hǎikè talks about Yingzhou, and the smoke and waves are faint. The letter is hard to find. --Tang - Li Bai 《梦游天姥吟留别》(tramp〗: a person who lives in an unsettled place(seaport):海口hǎikǒu(seaport):海湾内的港口(boasting;talkbig):多用于 "夸海口", rambling on and on about the sea. ,漫边际地说大话〖Haikoucity〗:海南省省会海枯石烂hǎikū-shílàn〖theseasrundryandtherockscrumble〗theseasrundryandtherockscrumble〗sea dries up, the rocks become soil. Metaphorically refers to the experience of a very long time, also refers to permanent, more used as a pledge of the sea dry stone rotten two lovebirds, only to fly together will be double death. --Jin-Yuan Haowen's "West Tower Song" (西楼曲)海况hǎikuàng〖stateofthesea〗A description of the characteristics of wind and waves on the surface of the sea(海阔天空hǎikuò-tiānkōng) (asboundlessastheseaandsky;unrestrainedardfar-ky), a term used to describe a sea with a long period of time, but also refers to a permanent situation. unrestrainedardfar-ranging〗As vast as the sea, as empty as the blue sky. Describes the open, unrestrained world where there is but recognize the direction, regardless of near and far, to the sea and sky place, indiscriminate firing reason? --The Official Show and Tell is also used as a metaphor to describe the endlessness of speech, and to talk about the vastness of the sea and the sky. --A Little History of Civilization (《小史》)hǎilánsè(seablue〗:moderate blue-green, deeper than glazed green-blue, deeper than Bremen blue and double green-blue〗(marineblue〗:one kind of red-blue that is bluer and darker than general maize or gentian blue, bluer than the blue of the United States flag, and a little violet〖quamarine〗. aquamarine〗: light blue to light green blue nautical hǎilǐ〖nauticalmile〗 in the nautical application of a unit of distance, according to the earth's arc length of a minute of the great circle, the length of this length due to the earth is not a round body and there is a difference between the imperial unit is equal to 1853.2 meters, the international unit is equal to 1852 meters of the sea volume hǎiliàng〖magnanimity 〗:宽宏大量不敬之处,还望海量〖greatcapacityforliquor〗:形容酒量大你是海量,再来一杯海陵Hǎilíng〖TaiPrefectureinJiangsuProvince〗现在江苏省泰州市海流hǎiliú〖current〗Lake or sea water in the lake or the sea often occurs in the tides or non-tides. tidal or non-tidal horizontal movement of the Labrador Current in the Atlantic Oceanhǎiliútú〖currentchart〗using flow roses, flow vectors, or other methods to describe the speed and direction of water flow of the water area chartseagoingvessel〗(海轮hǎilún), a ship that can navigate the sea(海上的轮船). creeping marine gastropod mollusk〖conch〗: any of a variety of different large spiral-shelled marine gastropod mollusks; especially any member of the genus Conchus and Conchus coronatus from North America and West India along the South Atlantic Ocean heroin hǎiluòyīn〖heroin〗a bitter, toxic, white, crystalline organic compound, i.e., as a drug to be smoked. "White face", the main component is morphine. Medically used as anesthesia, sedative drugs, easy to become addicted to the sea rice hǎimǐ〖driedshrimps〗dried seafood shrimp, more for seasoning ingredients sponge hǎimián〖sponge〗: composed of sponges porous animal phylum of the lower organic sea animals〖foamrubberorplastic〗: a porous elastic material, mostly made of rubber or plastic Sponge good absorbent sea surface hǎimiàn〖seasurface〗the surface of the sea water sea dynamics of the sea to the south flow of the sea surface Hainan Hǎinán〖Hainan〗: China's southernmost province, by the island of Hainan and the nearby small islands and the vast sea composed of〖Kainan〗: Japan Honshu and Wakayama Prefecture of the city, bordering on the Gulf of Wakayama Hainan Island HǎinánDǎo〖Hainan Island〗. Hainan Island〗China's second largest island, the main body of China's southernmost province. It is separated from Leizhou Peninsula by the Qiongzhou Strait in the north. Area of nearly 34,000 square kilometers, east and around the plains, central, central and western Wuzhishan mountains, tropical climate. Hainan's economy is developing rapidly. Hainan iron ore is a famous high-quality iron ore. Coconut trees, rubber is the main economic forest sea disaster hǎinàn〖marineperils〗: all kinds of disasters that happen when sailing. Such as: ship stranding, collision, sinking and other accidents〖perilsofthesea〗: sea damage, the loss of goods in the sea transportation hǎinèi〖withinthefourseas;throughoutthecountry〗The ancients believed that our country's boundaries on all sides of the sea for the sea, and therefore said that within the national boundaries for the sea sea sea land. --Meng Zi Liang Hui Wang Shang 鈪鈪鈪鈪鈪鈪鈪鈪鈪鈪鈪 --Tang Wang Bo, "Du Shaofu's Assignment to Shuzhou" (杜少府之任蜀州), "The sea is in great turmoil". --Zizhi Tongjian (资治通鉴)Hǎiniè〖Heine,Heinrich〗Germany's outstanding poet and democracy aspirant. Composed a large number of revolutionary lyric poems and love poems, full of Romantic fervor, rich in inspiration seagull hǎi'ōu〖seagull〗a kind of seabird commonly found on the sea. Seagull hǎi'ōu〖seagull〗is a kind of common seabird at sea. It prefers to fly in groups, with black and white feathers, and feeds on fish, snails, insects, grains, young leaves of plants, etc. HaiRui〖HaiRui〗Ming Dynasty, Guangdong QiongShan people, Hui ethnicity, and small bureaucratic origins. In 1566, he was promoted to be the head of the Ministry of Revenue, but he was imprisoned because he wrote a letter criticizing Emperor Shizong for his superstitious belief in Taoism and his disregard for the government. He was released after the death of King Shizong and became governor of Yingtian in 1569, where he actively promoted the whip law. After Zhang Juzheng and others stepped down, he was dismissed from his post, and in 1585 he rose again, serving successively as the right sub-lang of the Nanjing Ministry of Appointments and the right commander of the Nanjing Imperial Command. He was a clean and honest official, punishing corruption and vindicating wrongful imprisonment, and won the hearts of the people. He is the author of "Memorandum Collection" and "Yuan_Partisan Monument Examination" (元_党人碑考)海参hǎishēn〖seacucumber;seaslug;trepang〗棘皮动物門海参纲无脊椎动物海参崴Hǎishēnwēi〖HaiSinwei〗位于suifenhe mouth of the eastern shore of the bay, the Bohai Sea rate of the Binfu land, the Yuan called the city of Yongming, and in Qing dynasty belonged to the jurisdiction of the Huichun Association of Jilin. In 1860, the Sino-Russian Treaty of Beijing, was ceded by Russia, in 1862 was changed to Vladivostok, meaning control of the Oriental sea lion hǎishī〖sealion〗several species of large sea animals with ear shells produced in the Pacific region, and the fur seals have relatives, the body of the yellowish-brown, the face is slightly like a lion, limbs are finned, the tail is as flat as a fish tail, produced in the offshore of North America, South America, and northern Japan. 海蚀hǎishí〖marineabrasion〗波浪使沉物移动,因而引起海底发生的侵蚀海誓山盟hǎishì-shānméng〖asolemnpledgeoflove〗婦人和男女之间发誓永远相爱的话别泪没些些些,海誓山盟always credit. --Song Xin Qiji "Jiaxuan words-gift to prostitutes" also said "mountain alliance and sea oath" Mirage hǎishì-shènlóu〖mirage〗Natural phenomenon due to the refraction of light in the atmosphere. Generally occurs in desert areas and seashore, the refracted light shows the distant scenery in the air or on the ground, forming a strange phantasmagoria. Ancient people mistakenly thought that it was a mirage that exhaled. Later used as a metaphor for unreal things this mirage than the ear, not for a long time? -- "Sui and Tang Remains" seawater hǎishuǐ〖seawater〗: seawater in the sea or water from the sea seawater bath〖brine〗: water in the ocean〖thesea〗: seawater in the sea can not be dipper amount of seawater talking about the god chat hǎishuō-shénliáo〖talkatrandom〗. Rambling nonsense talk about me, I have to ask for your forgiveness, from now on, quit smoking and drinking, quit playing cards and chess, sea talk and talk about God, I am sorry to accompany you again. --Wang Meng, "Friends and Smoke" Beach hǎitān〖beach;seabeach〗refers to the intertidal zone located between the mean high tide surface and the mean low tide surface Begonia hǎitáng〖Chinesefloweringcrabapple〗i.e., Begonia, deciduous tree, ovate leaves, light red or white flowers, light red or white flowers, ovate leaves, light red or white flowers, light red or white flowers, light red or white flowers, light red or white flowers, light red or white flowers. Reddish or white flowers, red or yellow spherical fruits, sweet and sour, edible fruits of the plant hǎitáng〖seawall;seaenbankment〗The tidal dyke built along the coast hǎitú〖nauticalchart〗: a flat map of a portion of the earth's sea surface, showing known hazards and navigational aids. marinechart〗: a map of a portion of water and adjoining land marked on it, designed for use by navigators as a chart room dolphin hǎitún〖dolphin〗Some small toothed whales of the family Delphinidae, whose snout is more or less extended to become rostrally shaped, with cervical vertebrae partially fused to the overseas hǎiwài〖abroad;overseas〗beyond the borders of the country, i.e., foreign overseas compatriots overseas relations hǎ iwàiguān西安〖overseasrelation〗指住在大陆的公民与大陆以外的人的亲戚、朋友关系海湾hǎiwān〖gulf;bay〗海岸线的凹进部分或海洋的突出部分海碗hǎiwǎn〖largebowl〗巨碗;大碗海王星Hǎiwángxīng〖Neptune〗Nine solar systems, the nine solar systems, are partially fused. Neptune〗the eighth of the nine planets in the solar system, found late, the rotation period of 1648 years, invisible to the naked eye, surface temperature of nearly -200 ° C, its atmosphere is mainly composed of hydrogen, methane, there are two satellites seafood hǎiwèi〖seafood〗: used as food or belonging to the kinds of food suitable for the sea fish and marine shellfish〖 choiceseafood〗: food produced in the ocean mountain treasures and seafood strait hǎi Xi'aná〖strait〗: a relatively narrow passage connecting two large pieces of water Taiwan Strait channel〗: a narrow channel connecting two pieces of land to two pieces of ocean English Channel seafood hǎi Xi'anān〖seafood〗fresh sea animals for consumption tsunami hǎi Xi'anào〖tsunami ào〖tsunami;seismicseawave〗a violent fluctuation of seawater, caused by undersea earthquakes or storms, often spilling over onto land(陆地)山呼海啸海蟹hǎi西安è〗seacrab〗seafood crab, compared with the river crab(河蟹) and the sea bear(大海熊) hǎi西安óng〖furseal〗see "fur seadogs". Sea salt hǎiyán〖seasalt〗Salt made from seawater by drying or boiling, the main edible salt hǎiyán〖driedyounganchovyasfood〗Dried fish made from young_petrels hǎiyàn〖petrel〗One of the many seabirds that make up the family of fulmars and petrels; especially one of the various species of small- to medium-sized long-winged birds, which fly far from land, foraging for food and food, and which are often found in the sea. It flies far from land, feeds on sea-swimming animals and ship-discarded garbage, breeds in caves or usually in rocks and cracks in cliffs on islands, and has mainly dark plumage, but sometimes with white near the waist. The Yellow River is clear. Describing the domestic stability, the world is at peace, and the sea and river are clear, and the people are comfortable and things are peaceful. --Five Dynasties-Ouyang Xi's "Inscription on the Tablet of Master Guanghua of Longshouyuan" is also called "River Clear and Sea Banquet"
Ocean hǎiyáng〖ocean〗: the entire body of salty water covering almost three-fourths of the earth's surface〖seasandoceans〗: the entire body of salty water covering almost three-fourths of the earth's surface. seasandoceans〗: the collective name for the sea and the ocean oceanic climate hǎiyángxìngqìhòu〖marineclimate〗the climate with smaller temperature changes throughout the year and within a day, humid air, and more and more uniform rainfall hǎiyú〖coastalareas〗a certain area near the sea sea area hǎiyù〖seaarea ;maritimespace〗including a certain marine area above and below the water;maritimespace〗海员hǎiyuán〖seaman;mariner〗: a person whose profession is related to the steering, management, or sailing of a seagoing vessel; a person who works as a sailor〖sailor〗:船船除高级船员以外的 船员海运hǎiyùn〖seatransportation; oceanshipping〗(ceanshipping) through the sea, or through the sea, or through the sea, or through the sea, or through the sea, or through the sea, or through the sea. oceanshipping〗通过海路运输海葬hǎizàng〖sea-burial〗将尸体抛入大海的或将骨灰撒入大海的丧葬法海藻hǎizǎo〖seaweed;marinealga〗海产藻类的总称海战hǎizhàn〖seawar;seawarfare〗:在海上 seafight〗: battle between ships at sea jellyfish hǎizhé〖jellyfish〗lives in the sea a kind of cavernous mollusc, body shape hemispherical, edible, above the umbrella-shaped, white, by stretching movement, called jellyfish skin, under the mouth of the eight wrists, under which there are filaments, grayish-red, called jellyfish head seaquake hǎizhèn〖seaquake The short-term sea water vibration caused by the earthquake in and around the sea area hǎizhōng-lāoyuè〖fishingforthemooninthesea--strivefortheimpossible〗is a metaphor for wasted effort, to do something that can not be done at all but yet I don't know the name and address, there is a shadow without a trace, fishing for the moon in the sea. -- "The First Quarterly Pat Case Surprise" is also known as "Fishing for the Moon at the Bottom of the Sea". sea pig hǎizhū〖dolphin〗dolphin's common name, sea hǎizi〖lake〗[Dialect]: lake
Metaphor for a very large number of things
Unrestrained, boundless
Referring to the sea from overseas
Slightly abbreviated from Shanghai
Slightly abbreviated from Bohai Sea
Harmonized with "good"
See also "Sea Monkey_". "
Auxiliary word
Family name
Hai Rui in Ming Dynasty
See Ming Shi (明史)本传
巳集上水字部海;康熙笔画:11;页码:页625第14唐_正_呼_切集____亥切,? Yinyin minced meat
_Wen Tianchi also
To _Hundred rivers of people
_Name sea, obscure also
Lord bearing ___ water, black as obscurity also
_-Yu_river _chaozong in the sea
And _Jiuzhou _Four Seas
_-Yu _Four Seas_ with the same
_Ya-_Land nine barbarians, eight Diedi, seven Rong, six _,_ of the Four Seas
Another thing __ rich __ sea
_Yu_Xu_zhou_of_the_domain_of_Suzhou_, 7___Chu_, _Xue_county_Qin_, and ____Hai_county
_-Xiaoya Shinpi flowing water, Chaozong in the sea
_Pe_falcon, ___ stop
Another leaf fire five cuts, sound tiger
_-_Chancellor of the _Jing * * * long time and night, bandit_ bandit_
_Beginning of the _, pouring the Huaihai
Set of the _ or as?
Volume 11 Water Part No.: 7094 Hai, [hu change cut], the pool of heaven is also
To _ hundred rivers of the person
From the water every _