Will be exposed to radiation, but the impact is not significant. The radiation dose of the optical baggage screening machine is far less than that of the medical diagnostic X-ray machine, and the radiation around the machine is very weak, even if the full-time operator can work safely without protection.
Baggage X-ray security checker and medical X-ray imager principle is the same, but because the baggage security check on the quality of imaging requirements are not as high as the medical, so the intensity of X-ray in the baggage security checker to be much smaller, the radiation dose of about 1% of the medical X-ray imager.
A hospital X-ray chest X-ray radiation dose of about 50μGy, according to this projection, to stay close to the baggage X-ray security checker 5 centimeters at 50 hours, only equivalent to a medical X-ray chest X-ray.
According to 365 days a year, every day through the subway security check 2 calculations, the subway passengers annually due to the subway security check to receive a radiation dose of not more than 0.01mSv (10μSv), the value is equivalent to only 1.5 days of the natural background radiation dose or take the plane to fly for 2 hours of the radiation dose, the hand will be reached into the shielding strips to get the bag will be increased to a certain extent by the amount of radiation received, it should be be avoided as much as possible.
Expanded Information
X-rays do not bend and scatter
Only used for baggage X-ray screening device, the safety of the more guaranteed.
First of all, the radioactivity of X-rays can be said to come and go. There is usually an "X-ray emission" indicator (usually red) next to the entrance and exit of the screening machine.
Based on the experience of riding the subway, there is no thing through the check, this light has been off; when there is an item completely drilled into the lead rubber curtain, the light will be on; when the front of the item from the exit of the "head", the light is off again, unless at this time behind the baggage into.
Secondly, the screening device does not require as fine an imaging quality as a medical exam, so it emits a much lower dose of X-rays than a medical device.
According to the national standard "micro-dose X-ray safety inspection equipment" (GB 15208-2005) requirements, the security checker single check the dose shall not exceed 5 microGray (1 Gray = 1,000 milligray = 1,000,000 microGray), while the dose of light a X-ray chest X-ray has 20 to 50 microGray. Moreover, the dose in actual use does not usually need to be close to the upper limit.
In 2010, the Shanghai Radiation Environment Supervision Station on the Shanghai Metro station two security equipment sampling test shows that the equipment outside the surface of the maximum radiation dose rate of 0.443 microGray / hour, the maximum radiation dose rate of the surface of the lead curtains for the maximum radiation dose rate of 1.35 microGray / hour. For X-rays, 1 Gray is 1 Sievert (or Sie for short).
Moreover, the direction of X-rays emitted by the security checker is fixed, and will not be scattered outward, and the X-rays themselves will not be bent, it is difficult to overflow from the inside, as long as you do not put your hand into the lead curtain when you pick up and put down the luggage will not be exposed to radiation.
Baidu Encyclopedia - X-ray security checker
People's Daily Online - X-ray security checker radiation safety?