First, what is a three-phase bomb? If the outer wrapping layer of the bomb is replaced with uranium 238, then when fusion occurs, the violent impulsive reflection will continue to generate new tritium, and the newly generated tritium will once again undergo a new round of giant changes and continue to release energy! Because in the process of the explosion, three consecutive releases of energy, so the bomb is called a three-phase bomb!
So, the power of atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and three-phase bombs is a gradually increasing trend, of course, their development technology is also gradually improved!
For example, on February 28, 1954, the United States conducted a test of a three-phase bomb with a power of about 15 million tons of TNT equivalent on the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands, and because it was a surface nuclear explosion, after the explosion, a deadly radioactive haze hung over a 7,000-square-mile area of the South Pacific Ocean, causing 236 residents of the Marshall Islands, 31 Americans, and 23 Japanese fishermen to suffer accidental radioactive injuries. Japanese fishermen to suffer accidental radioactive injuries, with one other Japanese fisherman dying in September of that year.
So if Iran had sent a triple-phase bomb to the stratosphere without incident, the energy released by the explosion would have flowed through the stratosphere and eventually covered the entire surface of the Earth, and everyone would have been GG.
Iran doesn't have a three-phase bomb, and it's unlikely to hit the stratosphere. Most of the world's current hydrogen bombs, especially the large-yield ones for strategic nuclear weapons, are likely to be three-phase bombs. Three-phase bombs are designed to increase the power, three-phase bombs released almost half of the power from the fission, so the radioactive contamination caused by the very serious, near-earth explosions to give full play to its power, high-altitude stratospheric explosions, on the contrary, to limit the scope of its radioactive contamination.
In a nuclear explosion, each unit of mass releases a huge amount of energy, so in the immediate area of the explosion will produce temperatures of tens of millions of degrees Celsius. This is in stark contrast to the few thousand degrees of a conventional explosion. At these very high temperatures, the unexploded portion of a nuclear weapon is vaporized. Instead of releasing kinetic energy, the atoms are released in the form of large amounts of electromagnetic radiation. In a high-altitude stratospheric atmospheric explosion, this electromagnetic radiation, consisting mainly of soft x-rays, is absorbed by the surrounding atmosphere within a few meters of the point of detonation, heating it to extremely high temperatures and forming an incandescent sphere of air and gaseous weapon residue, known as a fireball. Once formed, the fireball begins to grow rapidly and rises like a hot air balloon. Within a millisecond of detonation, the fireball produced by the explosion of 1 megaton of air had a diameter of 150 meters. This increases to a maximum of 2,200 meters in 10 seconds, at which point the fireball also rises at 100 meters per second. The initial rapid expansion of the fireball severely compressed the surrounding atmosphere, creating a powerful blast wave below.
The fireball itself emits a large amount of electromagnetic radiation with a spectrum similar to sunlight. This is often referred to as thermal radiation. The visible portion explains the blinding flash of light seen at the time of the explosion and the subsequent brightness of the fireball, while the infrared portion leads to extensive burns and combustion effects. EMP is a serious threat to our modern society as a major part of the infrastructure relies on electronic devices. There are many items that capture and conduct electromagnetic energy, such as antennas, telephone lines, and railroad tracks. This energy can flood into computers and other sensitive equipment, causing damage to vital systems, such as water, power or telecommunications systems. Without these systems, our society would cease to function.
The electromagnetic pulse of a hydrogen bomb detonated in the stratosphere at high altitude could destroy all electronic systems over a large area, such as the entire Middle East. As the fireball expands toward its maximum diameter, it cools, and after about a minute its temperature drops to the point where it no longer emits significant amounts of thermal radiation. The combination of the upward motion and the cooling of the fireball results in the formation of a typical mushroom-shaped cloud. As the fireball cools, the vaporized material in it condenses into a cloud of solid particles. After the air erupts, the condensed water droplets give it a typical white cloud-like appearance. In the case of a surface explosion, this cloud will also contain a large amount of dust and other debris, which evaporates when the fireball touches the surface of the earth, or is later sucked up by strong updrafts, giving the cloud a dirty brown appearance. The dust and debris are contaminated with radioactive isotopes from the explosion, or are activated by neutron radiation and fall to Earth as fallout.
The cloud rises for about 10 minutes, reaching a stabilized altitude, depending on the heat output of the nuclear weapon and atmospheric conditions. It will continue to grow horizontally, taking on the familiar mushroom shape, and remain visible for an hour or more under favorable conditions. For example, a nuclear cloud from a 1 megaton surface burst would stabilize at an altitude of 20 km or more with an average lateral diameter of 35 km. The layer from the top of the troposphere to an altitude of 50 55 kilometers is called the stratosphere, and a high-altitude stratospheric explosion is one in which a weapon explodes at such an altitude (30 kilometers or more) that the initial soft x-rays from the explosion dissipate the energy in the form of heat in a much larger volume of air molecules. The fireball there is much larger and expands faster.
Ionizing radiation from high-altitude explosions can travel thousands of kilometers before it is absorbed. Significant ionization occurs in the upper atmosphere (ionosphere). Communications could be severely disrupted after a high-altitude explosion. They would also result in the generation of intense electromagnetic pulses (EMP), which can significantly degrade the performance of sophisticated electronic equipment or destroy it. EMPs have no known biological effects; however, the failure of critical medical equipment could have indirect effects.
The Earth says: How many Hiroshima bombs are equivalent to the annual hurricanes and typhoons? How many nuclear power plants can generate enough electricity for one year? You put a three-phase bomb in the stratosphere?
In fact, a nuclear bomb detonated in the stratosphere can neither hurt the Earth nor even do much harm to humans. Generally speaking, the strategic weapons equipped by the nuclear powers are detonated a few hundred meters above the ground, so that the killing power can be released to maximize. As the shock wave attenuation and distance of the third power inversely proportional, if you detonate a nuclear bomb in the stratosphere more than 10 kilometers, then reach the ground, the power of the shock wave has been attenuated to at least 200 meters from the center of the explosion of the power of the shock wave at a distance of 1/125000. At this point, the shock wave on the building kill has been quite low. Light radiation kills are also not so deadly. The only thing is the radioactive dust, due to the high altitude detonation, so it will float a little farther. But do not be too nervous, because the main power of the three bombs secondary lithium deuteride thermonuclear reaction caused by this nuclear reaction will be in a flash of neutrons, X-rays, gamma rays, alpha rays, beta rays and so on a brain radiation out. Only the primary Uranium-235 in the reaction produced radioactive dust is more harmful, but the dose is not to the extent that can kill thousands of people. But the strong electromagnetic pulse at the moment of the nuclear explosion, will make hundreds of kilometers within the scope of the communication affected, and enough to cause a large number of electronic equipment overload burned out, power substation, power transmission facilities paralyzed.
China's first successful test explosion of hydrogen bombs, is detonated in the air
A 200,000 tons equivalent of nuclear bombs caused by the scope of the killing, 5.6km away are already mildly lethal.
Of course, do not talk about the dose are rogues, if Iran puts the big Ivan this level, then the radius of the light ball of fire can reach 4600 meters, the shockwave, not to mention, the nuclear bomb explosion is directly below if there is a city that is bound to be destroyed without a doubt. But at present, the only countries with this ability are the Soviet Union and the United States. To Iran's level to create a nuclear bomb, really want to detonate in the stratosphere, but also to put a fireworks to see.
When it comes to nuclear weapons, the most reliable answers can often be found on W's side.
Some questions, W will not directly say the answer, but will talk about the ins and outs, so that readers can judge for themselves. After all, you can analyze the results of a thing is also a kind of fun, W can not deprive you of the fun.
A triple-phase bomb is an atomic bomb that incorporates fusion material to fuel the explosion, and 95% of its explosive energy still comes from fissionable material.
The usual form is to wrap an atomic bomb in fusion material, and then use a layer of uranium-238 to encase the fusion material. That's the structure of a simple three-phase bomb.
A three-phase bomb is a theoretically very efficient atomic bomb, note that it is an atomic bomb. More than 95% of the energy released when it explodes still comes from nuclear fission reactions.
The fusion material wrapped around the outside of the bomb can undergo a certain degree of fusion reaction, but this reaction is not enough to be self-sustaining. The image is that the fusion material "flashes" at the moment of the nuclear explosion. This flash fire does not allow the fusion reaction to continue, but it still produces a large number of neutrons.
These neutrons are reflected back to the core of the bomb through the outside of the U-238, so that the bomb exploded more completely.
Usually the utilization rate of fissile material of the atomic bomb is less than 1%, and this detonation can make the utilization rate of fissile material of the atomic bomb increased to 3-5%. It can be said to be a qualitative improvement.
Many countries have long adopted this three-phase bomb structure for their operational bombs. For example, India in 1995 experiments of a nuclear bomb device, the yield reached 50,000 tons. But when the international community analyzed India's nuclear bomb materials, it calculated that India could at most produce a 14,000-ton yield bomb. Later, it was concluded that India had succeeded in acquiring the technology for a three-phase bomb.
This technology is not difficult to realize, the difficulty lies in how to maximize the utilization of fissile material, and these are related to the calculation. But even a less efficient three-phase bomb would be considered a "three-phase bomb".
But the idea that Iran would detonate a three-phase bomb in the stratosphere is itself nonsense.
The idea that Iran is a nuclear-armed country is now largely accepted. But why would Iran put a three-phase bomb into the stratosphere? Too much food and nothing to do?
The stratosphere, also called the stratosphere, is a layer of the atmosphere between 10 kilometers and 50 kilometers above ground level. Since air is not an ideal gas, the temperature drops to a certain point and then stays and does not continue to cool down but maintains a level of uniformity. So compared to the lower troposphere, the stratosphere has very little vertical motion, and more horizontal motion due to the Earth's rotational bias, which is where the name stratosphere comes from.
Iran has never detonated a nuclear weapon in the stratosphere, but the United States and the Soviet Union have. For example, the Yucca tests.
The United States released a nuclear device on an aircraft carrier with a yield of 1,700 tons of TNT. This bomb was carried by a balloon and detonated at an altitude of 26,200 meters above the ground.
In addition to the extremely strong electromagnetic waves, there was actually no harm to the ground.
After the launch of the first device, the United States did not die, and then released a large nuclear device of 3.8 million tons. This test device was launched on July 31, 1958 from Johnston Island, the explosion occurred 1,297 kilometers from Hawaii at an altitude of 76.8 kilometers (actually crossed the stratosphere). After the explosion, high-frequency long-distance communications were interrupted throughout the Pacific Ocean.
This is the only thing a high-altitude nuclear explosion can do - a powerful source of EMP emissions.
Why is it useless for Iran to do this? The EMP would indiscriminately interfere with radio communications, not just US radio equipment, but even Iranian radio communications would not be exempted. So it will cause a short period of communication and command disruption on both sides. But this kind of interference will only last for a period of ten minutes to half an hour, and will have little substantial impact on the battlefield. So ...... might as well go and directly bomb the city to have an effect!
Only when they hit out, in the absence of anti-missile destruction, wait until it blew up the sky, the results will naturally come out.
First of all, what is a three-phase bomb?
The three-phase bomb is also known as a "hydrogen-uranium bomb". It is a hydrogen bomb that uses natural uranium as the outer shell and has a three-phase fission-fusion-fission process. In the thermonuclear charge outsourced on a layer of uranium 238 shell, fusion reaction, the resulting high-energy neutrons make the shell of uranium 238 fission reaction, releasing more energy. The explosion is very powerful. The entry describes in detail the concept of three-phase bomb, advantages, power, theoretical research.
Early nuclear weapons means atomic bombs. It is the principle of nuclear fission chain reaction, that is, by neutrons bombardment of uranium-235 or plutonium-239, so that it splits into lighter nuclei and more neutrons, which in turn form a chain reaction and release huge energy. These energies cause massive damage to people, facilities, weapons and equipment through shock waves, optical radiation, instantaneous nuclear radiation, radioactive contamination and electromagnetic pulse.
The atomic bomb is limited by the critical charge, usually its power in the tens of thousands of tons of equivalent, and then larger theoretically, but the actual manufacturing, especially the use of the projection system will be limited, and the solution to this problem is the hydrogen bomb.
Hydrogen bomb can be regarded as the second generation of nuclear weapons, its explosion process is composed of nuclear fission plus nuclear fusion two nuclear reactions, it is for this reason, the hydrogen bomb is also known as a biphasic bomb, fusion bombs or thermonuclear bomb. This is equivalent to the atomic bomb as a fuse, the first detonation of the atomic bomb (heavy fission), it released high-energy neutrons and lithium deuteride reaction to generate tritium, tritium and deuterium fusion once again to generate energy (light fusion). So in terms of maximum power, the power of the hydrogen bomb is much greater than the atomic bomb, up to several tens of millions of tons of equivalent. Allegedly, mankind's current explosion of the largest yield of hydrogen bombs is the former Soviet Union in 1961 test, it initially set the equivalent of 100 million tons of equivalent, but taking into account the environmental damage is too serious, and there is no kind of aircraft can be put into the hydrogen bomb down in a limited period of time after the evacuation of the killing range, so the final determination of 50 million tons of equivalent.
Compared with the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb has the following advantages: first, it is less costly when causing a peer killing effect per unit area; second, because the reserves of hydrogen and lithium are more than those of uranium and plutonium, its raw materials are practically equivalent to no upper limit limit; and, third, it can create a much more powerful than the atomic bomb of the practical bomb. However, the hydrogen bomb also has its own shortcomings, mainly in the hydrogen bomb is not conducive to long-term storage.
Then there is no three-phase bomb? The answer is yes. The three-phase bomb is also known as the "hydrogen-uranium bomb", which can also be regarded as an enhanced hydrogen bomb. Its energy release process has gone through the process of fission, fusion and then fission. In layman's terms, it is another layer of fissile material wrapped around the exterior of the hydrogen bomb, and its principle is that the atomic bomb first detonates the hydrogen bomb, and then the hydrogen bomb creates the conditions for another fusion reaction for the outer layer, so it is more powerful. Of course, this power does not refer to its absolute number of equivalents, but rather its relative value. Although the relevant information on nuclear weapons of various countries is top secret, judging from the degree of difficulty in their development, we can reasonably assume that most of the current strategic nuclear weapons should fall into the category of three-phase bombs. Of course, since nearly half of the power of a three-phase bomb comes from the process of nuclear fission, which results in serious radioactive contamination of the environment after its explosion, and because of this, it is sometimes referred to as a "dirty bomb". However, it should be emphasized here that there is another interpretation of the concept of "dirty bomb", that is, a bomb that does not have a complete or even no nuclear explosion process, but will cause great damage to the environment. Such as the use of ordinary explosives to spread radioactive material to the area of the explosion.
Now that we know about two-phase bombs and three-phase bombs, is there a one (single) phase bomb? In fact there is very little or no such thing at the moment, but logically and factually we can consider an atomic bomb as a one-phase bomb (or a single-phase bomb). In this way, we can come to this conclusion: a one-phase bomb can be considered an atomic bomb, a two-phase bomb can be considered to be a hydrogen bomb, and a three-phase bomb is an enhanced hydrogen bomb.
The opposite of "dirty" is "clean", so is there a cleaner nuclear bomb? This is actually the neutron bomb. It actually belongs to a hydrogen bomb (two-phase bomb) of a variant, compared with the general sense of the hydrogen bomb, its characteristics on the one hand in the yield is smaller, usually a few kilotons, so mainly used for tactical strikes; on the other hand, also manifested in the neutron bomb mainly rely on high-energy neutron radiation to kill and injure the living target, which also means that its intention is to minimize the effectiveness of the shockwave, radioactive contamination, etc., so it only Therefore, it only kills and maims people, but causes little damage to buildings, facilities, weapons and equipment. This is why it is also known as a "clean nuke", but neutron bombs have never been used on the battlefield.
So, the power of atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and triple-phase bombs is an increasing trend, and of course, their development technology is also gradually improving!
As an example, on February 28, 1954, the United States in the Marshall Islands on the Bikini Atoll conducted a test of the power of about 15 million tons of TNT equivalent three-phase bomb, due to ground nuclear explosions, after the explosion of the South Pacific 7000 square nautical miles of the area over the sky covered with lethal radioactive smoke, making 236 residents of the Marshall Islands, 31 Americans, 23 Japanese fishermen suffered accidental radioactive injuries. Japanese fishermen to suffer accidental radioactive injuries, with one other Japanese fisherman dying in September of that year.
So if Iran sends a triple-phase bomb to the stratosphere without incident, the energy released by the explosion flows through the stratosphere and eventually covers the entire surface of the Earth, and everyone is GG.
Iran's leaders are secular, are believers in Allah but not terrorists, and have behaved relatively rationally this year, so what's the point of asking questions?
In addition, Iran is not yet technology to make a nuclear bomb, let alone a three-phase bomb, and now the UN Security Council sanctions on Iran have just expired, the next step what kind is not yet easy to say.
Well, assuming that Iran has a three-phase bomb, also put a three-phase bomb into the stratosphere of the Earth:
1, if the explosion in the stratosphere, will destroy satellites in space, nuclear radiation all over the world, China and Russia will be condemned, and asked for compensation, the United States is likely to agitate for the deployment of troops or nuclear weapons against the shooting.
2, if shot into the stratosphere, China, the United States and Russia have the technology to determine which country will be shot at, the country being shot at will be launched reciprocally, other countries will condemn and secretly happy; if the shooting is Israel, Israel will launch all his nuclear weapons at once, Israel will be a one-time death and destruction of the country.
Iran is now relatively weak, isolated, so the mouth cannon invincible, as the so-called quarrel did not lose, fighting did not win. But in fact, there is still rationality, say so many harsh words is also bold, really, but instead will not say will not do, after all, the greatest power of atomic weapons is not yet launched.
Article friends think it is which one? See you in the comments section
You think the Persians are Daemons and can do anything bad right?
Why else would you bring up Iran?
Do you even know what a triple-phase bomb is?
So a three-phase bomb is an improved hydrogen bomb! It's not a low-grade bomb!
The Iranians can't even enrich uranium, they can't even make the Hiroshima bomb, and if they want to go to a three-phase bomb, you and I will never see the day!
Even if Iran has this thing, he is also to carefully protect, scare people can have, really launch on the avoidance - waste can not afford ah! The greatest power of a nuclear warhead is in the launcher, not in the real thing!
If the Iranians are really mad, they will hit New York and Jerusalem, but what can they do in the stratosphere?
You're just thinking that the radioactive material from a nuclear bomb will be spread around by high altitude air currents and then settle down to form pollution.
Of course there is pollution, but it is not necessary to take it too seriously, the average three-phase warhead of a hundred kilograms, the real nuclear charge may not be ten kilograms, the explosion consumes most of it. The explosion consumed most of it. The rest of it was quickly diluted in the atmosphere, and there was not much of it distributed around the world.
There's no need to worry.They don't have such a bomb.
There is only one standard answer: the complete eradication of the American empire and the entire capitalist camp, and the presidency of a powerful leader of the planet **** homogeneous, assisted by Iran, North Korea and Russia.