A hospital's annual medical equipment equipment program has been demonstrated through the approval of the implementation of the program will be tasked to the equipment section of the equipment section

A hospital's annual medical equipment equipment program has been demonstrated through the approval of the implementation of the program will be tasked to the equipment section of the equipment section of the staff to discuss with you. Recommended choice to the local tertiary hospital for diagnosis and treatment. Because the three hospitals medical equipment advanced, generally have: oxygen device ventilator, electric suction automatic gastric lavage machine, electrocardiograph cardiac defibrillator, cardiac monitor multi-functional resuscitation beds, universal surgical beds shadowless lamps, anesthesia machine anesthesia monitor, high-frequency electrocautery mobile X-ray machine, X-ray machine ultrasound, Doppler imaging device dynamic electrocardiogram machine, electrocardiogram cerebral hemodynamics, hemodialysis machine lung function meter and so on.