The world's first An-225 Dreamliner was completed in 1988. The first An-225 Dreamliner was completed in 1988, and the second was only partially completed. The completed An-225 is in service with Antonov Airlines and is responsible for the transportation of very large cargoes. In commercial flights, the An-225 has transported cargo totaling more than 247,000 kilograms at a time.
The An-225 was designed to deliver the former Soviet space program? The An-225 was designed to carry the Soviet Union's space program. The An-225 was designed to deliver the Soviet Union's space program with rocket boosters and Storm? Space Shuttle, replacing the VM-T transports of the Myasishchev Design Bureau. on December 21, 1988, the An-225 took off from Kiev on its maiden voyage. The flight lasted 74 minutes.