An article on recognizing the aura (human energy field)

What is the aura?

Before explaining what aura is, try to answer a few questions.

Why is it that when we meet powerful people or high-level people in our life, we feel that the other person's aura is very strong?

Why are all Buddhas golden with a layer of light?

Why is it that even Dada said that we should promote positive energy, but there are both positive and negative energies?

Why is it that if we are tired and go deep into the nature, the forest and the flowers, we will feel better?

Is it a secret discovered by our ancestors or a fabricated image from imagination?

With the above questions, let's start a journey of curiosity about the aura.

Aura is the energy field

Aura is a subtle and mysterious field in parapsychology, spiritual thought, and the New Age movement. It is an aura of luminous and multi-colored properties that surrounds the individual human being, or any other living creature, and takes the form of a cocoon.

The aura can be depicted telepathically, is made up of chakras, and can be a reflection of an individual's current emotions or thoughts.

In Feng Shui, everything in the world has its own energy field, so there are overlaps and collisions.

For example, when you change the new accommodation, always feel uncomfortable, on the one hand, is the psychological effect, more is your own energy field (magnetic field) and the surrounding environment collision.

The main determinant of the strength of the human body's aura is whether or not its own energy field is in line with the energy field of the surrounding environment.

In this regard, it is rare for China and the West to reach a unity. Both the West and the East believe that the aura is real.

Two, is the aura real, what is the evidence?

What is certain is that the aura is real. Just because many people can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and it's safe to assume that some higher level people can actually see it. Ordinary people can't see it because we've lost that part of our ability.

What's the first thing you do when you get hurt?

You usually touch the injured area or even press on it in order to stop the pain. This body instinct sends healing energy to the injured area with your hands. If you relax your body enough and keep your hands on the wound for a longer period of time, deeper healing will occur.

These daily personal experiences, which have been occurring since caveman times, are the basis for hands-on energy healing. It has been around since the birth of humanity. Ancient man realized the healing power of the hands at an early age.

It is also evident in the ancient body of knowledge about the human body that has been passed down to us: almost every culture in the world has explored and utilized this power within the framework of its knowledge and traditions, either y or lightly.

In China, where ancient civilizations have been passed down, this force is called "Qi" and has been used for more than 5,000 years. Other more widely known names for it are Prana, Life Energy, Reiki, Aura, Glow, and so on.

Modern biophotonics research has shown that the human body is capable of spontaneously emitting electrons and photons, producing a glow that is invisible to the naked eye, and that scientists regard the electrons and photons emitted by the human body as a manifestation of human energy. Research on human consciousness and energy has been prevalent since the last century, and new discoveries continue to be made.

There is an energy field that surrounds the body and emits in all directions, centered on the human body. A person's state, health, mood, luck, and even character can be determined by the color strength of the human body's energy field.

Scientists have discovered that the mental and emotional state of a person can be affected by changes in the vibrational frequency of the particles in the body, which affects the human energy field.

The phenomenon of human glow , first discovered in 1911 by a doctor in London, England, called Kilner (Walter Kilner), who accidentally discovered a luminous rim around the human body about 15 millimeters wide. At the time, it was pitch black in the hospital's physiotherapy darkroom, and Kilner was observing his patient's treatment through a glass screen brushed with double anthocyanin dye.

Suddenly, a strange phenomenon arose - a 15-millimeter-thick halo of light appeared on the naked patient's body surface. It is a magnificent color, hidden and hidden, like misty clouds, and like a cohesive gas, making people feel mysterious and unpredictable. This is the human body glow.

In 1920, a revised version of his book was published, titled The Human Aura

Based on the Kilner filter, a type of eyeglasses was developed, called Aura Glasses. What it does is that the lenses block out all light except for the ultraviolet spectrum, thus allowing you to see light or vibrant bodies around people, animals, and even objects.

However, this may take a little more practice to get right.

In 1939, Semyon Kirlian, a former Soviet electrologist, mimicked the environment of the physical therapy room of his day and successfully photographed the human body glow in a high-frequency, high-voltage electric field, and the Kirlians first reported the results of their experiments in 1958.

Until 1970, two Americans, Schroeder (LynnSchroeder) and Ostrander (Sheila Ostrander), published a book, "Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain" (Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain), and their research is known. known.

This high-voltage photography soon became known to the general public as Kirlian Photography.

In the 1970s, a young man named Guy Coggins (aka Guy Coggins) was a photographer and a photographer who had been working in the field of high voltage photography. Guy Coggins, a Californian entrepreneur with a background in electrical engineering, combined his research on Kirlian photography with biofeedback to invent a bulky camera that could capture the "glow" of the entire human body.

To be precise, it's called an aura. The first Aura photograph was taken in 1891 by the brilliant scientist Nikola Tesla. Tesla in 1891.

An Aura is a visual display of the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds an organism. The colors and patterns of this energy field form a blueprint for identifying our emotions, thoughts, and physical conditions.

In 1995, the Russian quantum physicist Konstantin Korotkov (Konstantin Korotkov) developed the Aura. Konstantin Korotkov, a Russian quantum physicist, invented Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV), a stable, environmentally independent digital karyography.

The GDV technique and equipment were approved by the Russian medical authorities in 1999 for general clinical diagnostic use.

Several Interesting Phenomena Revealed by GDV

Korotkov discovered that people's spirits and emotions can have an effect on the body's energy field. When a person emits positive emotions, such as being happy and joking around, his energy field is enhanced.

And negative emotions like anger, jealousy, and hatred can cause the energy field to shrink, become deficient, or even disappear.

Negative people not only cut down their own energy field, they also affect other people's energy fields.

Love is the strongest human emotion. When a person expresses love to another person, a clear mass of energetic matter can be seen in the image, flying from the heart area of the person showing love, to the heart area of the person being shown love.

This is why when a person is ill, the illness heals faster if the lover is there to support and accompany them.

The effect of music on the human body is immense. When one listens to rock music, it raises one's energy field briefly to a peak, and then it begins a steady decline, dropping below the starting value.

In contrast, classical music has a positive effect on one's energy field and can enhance one's health.

Human glow through clairvoyance

The energy of human glow is so small that the ultra-weak cold light emitted by a person is equivalent to the light scattered around by a 1W light bulb 200 kilometers away.

This is invisible to the human eye, and can only be observed with special instruments, such as an aura recorder.

But there are many people who have the ability to see the glow of the human body with the naked eye, and they are generally called clairvoyants, or spiritists.

Tiers of Auras

Those with lower levels may only see the light around a person. Those with high levels can see that the light around the person is actually layered.

And how many layers is the aura divided into?

Famous clairvoyants like Rosalyn Bruyere, Jack Schwarz, and Barbara Brennan all use a seven-layer model.

This means that the aura (auric field), consists of seven layers. The layers of the aura, sometimes referred to as bodies, are interpenetrating and surround each other in sequence within the layers, as shown in the diagram below for each layer.

It is also not like an onion where each layer occupies a different space. We have seven energy bodies, all occupying the same space at the same time, each expanding outward beyond the previous one. The more outer layers of the energy body are made up of more subtle matter and higher frequency 'vibrations'.

Each layer of higher frequency extends a few more inches beyond the skin than the previous layer. Such layers are like the flame of a candle, for example, one layer of flame, then the light of the flame, then the light of the room. It's hard to clarify each line.

How to see the aura

Everyone can see the aura by practicing, and if you want to save yourself the trouble, buy glow glasses (Aura Glasses) and try them.

In Brannen's experience, initially you can only see a rough energy field around things: only about 2.5 centimeters to the outer edge of the skin. As one becomes more skillful, the energy field can be seen to extend more from the skin, but is noticeably finer or sparser light.

The Human Aura Exercise is seen in Hands of Light, so you can try it:

In a dimly lit room, have the fingertips of your hands face each other. Place your hands about 60 centimeters in front of you. Make sure you have a plain white wall as a backdrop. Relax your eyes and gently gaze into the space between your fingertips, which are about 4 centimeters apart. Don't look at the glitter, let your eyes relax.

What do you see? About ninety-five percent of people who perform this exercise are able to see something, and everyone can feel it.

Most people try to sense the aura when they see that mist around their fingers and hands. It looks a little bit like heat flow over a radiator. Sometimes it looks to be a different color, glazed tile like a blue tint. Usually most people initially see it as colorless.

When the mist of each fingertip is connected to the mist of the other opposing finger, the energy body between the fingertips pulls much like toffee. As you move your fingers so that different fingertips are opposite each other, the mist follows the previous finger before jumping to the closer fingertip.

Once you are comfortable with seeing the lower layers of the aura closer to the physical body, you are ready for the practice of Hyper-Sensing Power (HSP). As the third eye becomes more open (sixth chakra: brow chakra), you will be able to begin to see the higher levels of the aura.

Just as there are more than seven chakras, there are more than seven levels of aura. Barbara Brennan can see the eighth and ninth levels, and Cyndi? Cyndi Dale can see the tenth and even the eleventh and twelfth layers.

Activating and Utilizing Your Energy Field

Going back to ourselves, everyone actually has access to the energy of the energy field, which is what makes up part of our lives and surrounds your physical body at all times.

This energy field that we, many of us, can perceive. For example, you suddenly feel that someone is staring at you even though you don't see them; you meet certain strangers at first sight and you enjoy being around them (aura); or you have a vague feeling that something bad or good is going to happen and then it does happen.

These are the times when you are using your higher perception and sensing this energy field. Higher perception is beyond the normal range of sensory habits and is sometimes referred to as the sixth sense.

Now that you can sense the human energy field, you can learn to interact with it. Alter your body's energy flow as you wish to make it work for you.

For example, do this exercise when you feel tired or tense:

Sit (lie) quietly and relax your body.

Imagine that there is a beautiful little sun in the pit of your stomach, which continues to emit a soft glow and heat that spreads throughout your body.

Keep thinking about it and soon your stomach will feel warm.

As you continue to relax, your breathing gradually becomes slower and longer, and you are now more peaceful.

At this point, try to think of a time when you had a particularly good feeling, such as a wonderful dream, or a wonderful religious or spiritual experience, whatever made you feel particularly good, and remember that wonderful moment and let yourself be absorbed in it.

Slowly, you feel so joyful and happy. You stop thinking too much about it and continue to immerse yourself in that experience, in the silent embrace of life.

In this way, you change the flow of your energy. You place yourself in a powerful state of self-healing. There are also some people who are unable to perceive and activate their human energy field due to too much negative energy in their body, which requires special techniques of subliminal acupoints to open the positive energy switch of the human body and eliminate the negative energy. Then you can perceive the human body energy field.