Island C - "The Modern Island of Wellington" With modern buildings everywhere, this is a progressive, urban island with a well-developed household administration, land administration and financial management. The islanders are calm and reserved, methodical and well-organized.
Island E - "The Island of Prominence and Affluence" The island has a highly developed economy, with high-class hotels, clubs and golf courses everywhere. The people of the island are warm and generous personality, good at business and trade activities. Most of the islanders are entrepreneurs, managers, politicians, lawyers and so on. These businessmen and upper class people enjoy a high quality of life on the island.
Island I - "Island of Deep Thought and Meditation" This island is a flat, green and quiet island, suitable for stargazing at night. There are many planetariums, science and technology museums, and science libraries on the island. The islanders love to cat in their small houses, study every day, contemplation, meditation, search for true knowledge. Philosophers, scientists and psychologists meet here to discuss academics and exchange ideas.
R Island - "Natural Primitive Island" This is a green island with excellent natural ecology. The island not only preserves the original ecosystems such as tropical rainforests, but has also established a sizable botanical garden, zoo, and aquarium. The islanders are known for their handicrafts, planting their own flowers and fruits, cultivating vegetables, repairing their houses, building artifacts and making tools.
S Island - "Warm and Friendly Island" The islanders of this island are all gentle and helpful, and have very friendly interpersonal relationships. They cooperate with each other and emphasize the education of future generations. Each community has its own network of closely interacting services and is filled with a sense of humanity and caring.
You have a total of 15 seconds to answer the following questions:
1. If you had to live your whole life on one of the 6 islands and become a member of the islanders, which island would you choose first?
2. Which island would you choose second?
3. Which island would you choose third?
4. Which island would you beat to death?
After you have made your choice, write down the answers to each of the 4 questions in turn.
Test Analysis: The 6 islands of ACEIRS in fact represent 6 types of careers, and their descriptions and contradictory relationships are as follows:
Island A - Artistic vs Island C - Conventional
Island E Enterprise vs I-Investigative
R-Island-Realistic vs S-Island-Social
Question 1: What is the most important thing you can do to help your child? /p>
The answer to question 1 reflects your most significant occupational personality traits, your favorite types of activities, and the general range of occupations that you enjoy the most (and are likely best suited for).
In contrast, the answers to Question 4 are your least favorite activities and so on.
The details are as follows:
Island A - Artistic
Overall Characteristics: Idealistic, creative and imaginative, intuitive and emotional. Favorite Activities: Enjoy creative and self-expressive activities such as music, art, writing, and theater. Preferred Occupation: Generally speaking, I like "non-managerial creative" and creative jobs. Examples: Musicians, composers, band directors, artists, cartoonists, writers, poets, dancers, actors, theater directors, advertising designers, interior designers.
Island C--Conventional
Overall Characteristics:Pursue a sense of order, self-inhibited, submissive, defensive, practical, avoid creative activities. Preferred Activities:Prefers fixed, orderly activities such as organizing and processing data. Prefers a subordinate position in a large organization and wants to know exactly what the job requires and what the standards are. Preferred Occupation:In general, prefers routine, calculating, and efficient work with clearly defined norms and requirements. Examples: tax specialist, accountant, bank teller, bookkeeper, administrative assistant, secretary, file clerk, computer operator.
E Island--Enterprising
Overall Characteristics:Optimistic, adventurous, impulsive, self-confident, energetic, likes to express opinions and insights. Liked Activities:I like to lead and influence people, or to persuade others to achieve personal or organizational goals and accomplish things. Preferred Occupation: Generally speaking, I prefer occupations that require the use of leadership, interpersonal, and persuasive skills to achieve organizational goals. Examples include: business executive, marketing or sales manager, marketer, buyer, investor, television producer, insurance agent, political campaign leader, publicist, lawyer.
Island I--Investigative
Overall Characteristics:Independent, curious, sensitive, and cautious, with an emphasis on analysis and introspection, and a penchant for abstract reasoning and other intellectual activities. Preferred Activities:I enjoy independent activities, such as exploring, researching, understanding, and thinking about abstract problems that require rigorous analysis, and processing information, ideas, and theories on my own. Preferred Occupations:In general, prefer jobs that involve observing, learning, exploring, analyzing, evaluating, or problem solving. Examples:Laboratory workers, physicists, chemists, biologists, engineers, programmers, sociologists.
Island R--Realistic
Overall Characteristics:Peaceful and stable personality, materialistic, pursuing practical results, and enjoys hands-on practical work. Preferred Activity: Willing to engage in transactional activities, such as outdoor labor or operating machinery, rather than staying in the office. Preferred Occupation:Generally speaking, they like to work with outdoor, plants and animals, objects, tools and machines. Examples include: agriculture, forestry, fishing, field life management, manufacturing, mechanics, technical trades, special engineers, and military work.
S Island--Social
Overall Characteristics:Strong insight, helpful, cooperative, value friendship, passionate concern for the well-being of others, a strong sense of social responsibility, always concerned about how much their work can contribute to others and society. Favorite Activities:I like to cooperate with others and help them solve problems. Preferred Occupation: Generally speaking, I like to help, support and teach. Examples: Pastors, counselors, social workers, teachers, guidance counselors, medical professionals, and various other service workers.
In order to further analyze, the answers to question 1/2/3 can be arranged in order to form a combination of letter codes for different islands (e.g., the answers to question 1/2/3 are island A, island C, island I, which is ACI), and the "combination of interests" in the table below can be compared to find the closest combination to your own answer. The answer to question 4 will be used to exclude certain occupations from the list. The answers to Question 4 will be used as a reference for eliminating certain combinations.
Mix of Interests Occupation Name Occupational Group Field Job Level
ACI Librarian Administrator Education Technical Staff
AER Art Director Art Director Theatre Performance Art Director
Designer (Apparel/Graphic/Interior) Designer Art Designer Designer
Graphic Designer Designer Art Designer
Interior Designer Designer
Graphic Designer Designer
Interior Designer p>
Interior Designer Designer Art Design Designer
AES Advertising Manager Manager Manager Marketing Administrator
Performing Singer Singer Dramatic Acting Singer Singer
Composer Artist Dramatic Acting Artist
Actor Actor Dramatic Acting Actor
Producer Producer Dramatic Acting Producer
Director Director Manufacturing Processing Senior Technical Staff
Advertising Copywriter Advertising Staff Marketing Advertising Staff
Cartoonist Artist Artist Design Artist
AIE Journalist Journalist Media Journalist
AIS Technical Writer Writer Media Writer
ARE Presentation Designer Designer Art Design Designer Designer
Professional Photographers Photographers Photographers Theatrical Performance Photographers
Photographers Photographers Photographers Media Photographers
ARI Painters Artists Artists Design Artists
Scenic Designers Designers Theatrical Performance Designers
Scientific Photographers Photographers Media Photographers
ARS Product Designers Designers Artistic Designers Designers
Sketches Painter Artist Artistic Design Artist
ASE Radio and Television Announcer Announcer Media Announcer
Music Conductor Artist Theatre Performer Artist
Editors Editors Media Editors
ASI Art Teacher University Teacher Educational Teacher
Language Teacher University Teacher Educational Teacher
Translator Translator Media Translator <
ASR Dancers Actors Theatrical Acting Actors
CEI Budget Analysts Consultants Financial Consultants
Auditors Consultants Consultants Consultants
Actuaries Actuaries Insurance Consultants
Accountants Accountants Finance Employees
CRE Warehouse Managers Administrators Logistics Employees
Airport Control Center Supervisors Supervisors Transportation Administrator
CRI Engineering Surveyor Surveyor Architectural Engineering Technician
Architectural Supervisor Superintendent Architectural Engineering Administrator
CRS Postman Mail Clerk Postal Service Employee
Switchboard Operator Operator Administrative Logistic Employee
CSR Facilities Engineer Engineer Manufacturing Processing Technician
EAS Public Relations Consultant Consultant Consultant Consultant
ECR Manager (Logistics/Warehousing) Manager Logistics Administrator
Production Manager Manager Manufacturing Processing Administrator
HR Supervisor (Benefits/Training/Recruitment) Manager Human Resources Administrator
Travel Agent Agent Travel & Leisure Agent
Insurance Salesperson Salesperson Insurance Salesperson
EIC Industrial Engineer Engineer Manufacturing Processing Skilled Employee
EIS Insurance Claims Adjuster Insurance Personnel Insurance General Employee
ERC Line Leader Supervisor Manufacturing Processing Grassroots Administrator
Construction Project Manager Manager Architectural Engineering Administrator
Driver Administrator Supervisor Transportation Grassroots Managers
Maintenance Supervisors Supervisors Customer Service Managers
ERI Sales Engineers Engineers Engineers Marketing Technical Employees
ERS Coaches Coaches Coaches Sports Coaches Coaches
Product Demonstrators Salespersons Salespersons Marketing Salespersons
Precision Equipment Salespersons Salespersons Marketing Salespersons
p>ESA Broker Broker Broker Personal Services Broker
ESC HR Manager Manager Manager Human Resources Administrator
ESI Judge Judge Law Judge
ESR Police Police Social Security Police
Medical Equipment Salesperson Salesperson Marketing Salesperson
Retail Salesperson Salesperson Marketing Salesperson
Officers Officers X Managers
Chief Executive Officers Executive Officers Managing Operations Top Executives
Managers (Sales/Marketing/Customer Service) Managers Marketing Managers
Managers (Administration) Managers Administrative Logistics Managers
Managers (Finance) Managers Finance Salespeople
Conference Staff Conference Staff Administrative Logistics Employee
Telemarketer Salesperson Salesperson Marketing Salesperson
ICA Mathematician Scientist Scientific Research Scientist
ICE HR Consultant Consultant Management Consultant
Financial Analyst Consultant Finance
ICR Technical Support Engineer Engineer IT Technology/Design Technical Employee
Statistician Scientist Scientific Research Scientist
Systems Analyst Consultant IT Technology/Design Consultant
Industrial Engineer Technician Manufacturing Processing Technical Employee
Pharmacist Paramedic Medical Paramedic
IEC Management Consultant Advisor Consultant Consultant Consultant
Computer Security Engineer Engineer IT Technology/Design Technical Employee
IES Nutrition Specialist Consultant Service Advisor Consultant
IRA Materials Engineer Engineer Materials Science Senior Technical Employee
Biological Engineer Engineer Life Science Senior Technical Employee
IRC Computer Programmer Engineer IT Technology/Design Technical Employee
IT Implementation Engineer Engineer IT Technology/Design Technical Employee< /p>
It is the first time that a computer security engineer has been involved in a computer security project.
Computer Security Specialist Consultant IT Technology/Design Consultant
Chemical Engineer Engineer Energy/Chemicals Technical Employee
Electronic Engineer Engineer Electrical & Electronics Technical Employee
IRE Network Engineer Engineer IT Technology/Design Technical Employee
IRS Surgeon Physician Medical Senior Medical Staff
Dentist Physician Medical Senior Medical Staff
ISA Clinical Assistant Physician Assistant Medical Technical Employee
Life Science Teacher University Teacher Education Teacher
Health Care Teacher Teacher Education Teacher
RAC Architectural Drafter Technician Architectural Engineering Grassroots Employee
Glass Engraver Craft Employee Artistic Design Technical Employee
Bindery Clerk Operator Printing/Packaging Grassroots Employee
RAI Architect Engineer Architectural Engineering Advanced Technical Employee
Sound Engineer Operator Media/Entertainment Advanced Technical Employee
RCE Copywriter Operator Printing/Packaging Grassroots Employee
Food Processing Worker Operator Food Grassroots Employee
Communications Equipment Installer Technician Information Communications Technical Employee
Commercial Equipment Installer Technician IT Technology/Technical Technical Employee
Referee Referee Sport Sports Personnel
RCI Graphic Arts Engineer (Electronics) Engineer Electrical & Electronics Technical Employee
Graphic Arts Engineer (Mechanical) Engineer Mechanical Automation Technical Employee
Mechanical Measurement Technician Mechanical Automation Technical Employee
Precision Manufacturing (Processing) Operator Operator Manufacturing Processing Technical Employee
Manufacturing System Maintainer Operator Manufacturing Processing Technical Employee
CNC Equipment Programmer Engineer Manufacturing Processing Senior Technical Employee
Mechanical Equipment (Including Automotive) Maintenance Technician Technician Mechanical Automation Technical Employee
Electronic and Electrical Appliances Technical Employee
Electronic and Electrical Appliances Technical Employee
Electronic and Electrical Appliances Technical Employee < /p>
Electrical and Electronic (including Computer) Repairer Technician Electrical and Electronic Technical Employee
REC Ship Engineer Engineer Transportation Technical Employee
Captain Captain Transportation Management
Trainmaster Trainmaster Transportation Management
REI Airliner Pilot Technician Transportation Technical Employee
RIC Computer Hardware Engineer Engineer IT Technology/Design Technical Staff
Electrical Engineer Engineer Engineering Technical Staff
Marine Engineer Engineer Engineering Technical Staff
Mechanical Engineer Engineer Engineering Technical Staff
Electrical & Electronic Mechanic Skilled Worker Technical Worker Engineering/Production Technical Staff
Mechanical Assembly Staff Production Staff Manufacturing Grassroots Technical Staff
Mechanical Mechanic Technician Technician Manufacturing Technical Staff
Aircraft Maintenance Technician Transportation Technical Staff
Systems Software Engineer Engineer IT Technology/Design Senior Technical Staff
Civil Engineer Engineer Architecture Technical Staff
RSE Firefighters Public **** Security Staff Public **** Services Grassroots Employee
SAE Career Counselor Counselor Personal Services Counselor
Business Teachers College Teachers Educational Teachers
Announcers Announcers Media Announcers
SAI Early Childhood Teachers Early Childhood Teachers Educational Teachers
SE School Counselors Counselor Personal Services Counselor
SEC Personal Financial Advisor Counselor Personal Services Advisor
Training Development Consultant Advisor Corporate Services Advisor
SEI Primary and Secondary School Principal Principal Education Principal
Occupational Health Specialist Advisor Corporate Services Advisor
SIA Counselor Advisor Personal Services Advisor
Primary School Teachers Primary School Teachers Education Teachers
Economic Teachers University Teachers Education Teachers
SIC Teaching Assistants University Teachers Education Teachers
SIR Nurses Nurses Medical Medical Staff
SRI Physical Trainers Coaches Sports Coaches
Physical Therapists Doctors Medical Senior Medical Staff
Dietary Therapists Counselors Personal Services Counselors