2, in terms of color design. Try to use warm colors, do not simply use a pure white, pure white gives a very cold feeling, adjust the appropriate color matching, can make the hospital more warm, comfortable. Avoid the use of medical colors of taboo colors, through the color, tone and signage system echo, so that it can reflect and distinguish the function of the medical area.
3, in the choice of light source. The use of soft reflected light and diffuse light to create a unique hospital environment. Reasonable matching of warm and cold light sources, multi-channel control.
4, hospital sound insulation. Hospitals are a pursuit of quiet place, there are some hospitals sound insulation is very poor, next door to the sound of the ward is clear, there are hospitals in the lobby of the crowd, the sound of people, disturbing the many wards in the patient can not rest properly. Therefore, the sound insulation effect of the hospital is also very important, this point should be noted.