Semiconductor laser therapy instrument useful

Semiconductor laser therapy instrument has the advantages of small size, low cost, long service life, and significant therapeutic effect. So the treatment effect is really good to be recognized. For the following effects are significant:

1, anti-inflammatory effect:

SUNDOM-300IB type semiconductor laser therapy instrument can activate or induce T, B lymphocytes or macrophages to produce cytokines, through the lymphocyte recirculation and the activation of the systemic immune system, enhance phagocytosis of macrophages to improve non-specific immunity or specific immune effect, semiconductor laser Semiconductor laser irradiation can inhibit or reduce the role of inflammation and pain relief.

2, improve local blood circulation:

SUNDOM-300IB type semiconductor laser therapy instrument laser direct irradiation of blood flow reduction in the painful parts or indirect irradiation of the sympathetic ganglia innervating this range can cause an increase in blood flow, promote the metabolism of pain-causing substances, relieve pain.

3, activate the brain endorphin system:

The body can increase the brain peptide metabolism after receiving the semiconductor laser irradiation, so that the release of morphine-like substances in the brain to speed up, and ease the angle of pain.

4, inhibit the nervous system conduction:

Semiconductor laser not only inhibit the conduction speed of the stimulus, but also inhibit the intensity of the stimulus and impulse frequency. The laser has an inhibitory effect on the peripheral nerve impulses, conduction speed, intensity and frequency of impulses caused by painful stimuli.

5, activation of the downward inhibitory system:

Laser irradiation stimulation can be upward conduction to the posterior horn of the spinal cord, and at the same time activate the downward inhibitory system.

6, tissue repair:

Laser irradiation can promote the growth of new blood vessels and granulation tissue proliferation, stimulate protein synthesis. Capillaries are one of the basic components of the granulation tissue, is a prerequisite for the completion of wound healing, the richer the granulation tissue capillaries, the more adequate oxygen supply to the tissues, which contributes to the metabolism and maturation of a variety of tissue repair cells, and promotes the production, deposition and cross-linking of collagen fibers.

7, biological regulation:

Laser irradiation, can enhance the body's immune function, regulate the endocrine, the blood cells can also achieve two-way regulation.

1, semiconductor laser therapy instrument, semiconductor laser therapy instrument, also known as photonic laser therapy instrument, because the laser is visible light and with a certain amount of energy, which produces a stream of particles called photonic laser.

2, semiconductor laser therapy instrument and the traditional treatment instrument structure is different, due to the semiconductor laser therapy instrument electro-optical conversion rate is much higher than the traditional laser therapy instrument, the light rate is high, does not produce excess heat; with low voltage work, do not need a high power supply; do not need to be cooled, out of the water cycle cooling device, but also to avoid the traditional laser is often due to the high heat so that the flashlight, the laser rod is damaged, the water cycle Failure or high voltage problems caused by the shutdown; semiconductor laser therapy device has a small size, low cost, long service life, efficacy and other advantages.