Processing socks can not earn any money, this industry is labor-intensive, a sock a few cents profit all depends on the volume, after deducting the cost of transportation, then not much profit.
Now a lot of textile factories provide processing business, such as in the eastern provinces of the market sales of low-end socks most of the production from Liaoyuan, Jilin, want to invest in processing enterprises is best to look for professional market research and planning team, do a good job of pre-market positioning, to do their own brand or to do the OEM, and sales channels, the investment needs to be careful.
Expanded reading:
Processing socks belong to the labor-intensive industries, industrial production of a certain amount of output must be invested in the factors of production, the proportion of labor input is higher than the proportion of other factors of production industries such as textile industry, handicrafts and services and other industries.
These industries occupy less capital, equipment, low degree of technology, accommodating more labor. With the development of social productive forces and the wide application of science and technology in production, labor-intensive industries will gradually be transformed into capital-intensive industries or knowledge-intensive industries, or the formation of new labor-intensive industries on new material technology.
China's textiles seven categories of labor-intensive commodities analysis: According to the General Administration of Customs spokesman Zheng Yuesheng, January-June this year, China's exports of electromechanical products, 3.67 trillion yuan, a decline of 3.6%, accounting for 56.4% of the total value of my foreign trade exports. During the same period, clothing, textiles, footwear, furniture, plastic products, bags and toys and other seven categories of labor-intensive products exported a total of 1.33 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.3%, accounting for 20.4%.
The massive closure of enterprises is different from the normal renewal of enterprises. From the Dongguan Shenzhen Foshan side of the situation, there is no massive closure of enterprises, the phenomenon of the transfer of enterprises to the northeast and northwest Guangdong Province and the mainland development situation is very common. Enterprises with low value-added and poor innovation ability are finding it increasingly difficult to survive in the PRD. However, it is also important to note that the number of high-tech and innovative enterprises in the PRD is steadily increasing.
Labor issues. Now the Guangdong region is facing not a surplus of labor, but a shortage of labor, enterprises are difficult to recruit, the lack of skilled workers is the headache of every enterprise. Unemployment is now more structural and frictional unemployment.