Military equipment

Military equipment generally refers to those used directly in combat, that is, weapons, and is generally categorized as:

General-purpose firearms, handguns, rifles, machine guns

Army equipment, tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, rockets, tactical missiles

Naval equipment, ships, submarines, mines, antiship missiles, shore-based missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, anti-submarine bombs, shipboard aircraft

Air Force equipment, fighters, bombers, AWACS, air-to-air missiles, air-to-ground missiles, anti-aircraft missiles

Electronic and communications equipment, cryptographic machines, wired and wireless communications equipment, radar, computers

Aerospace equipment, satellites, rockets, strategic missiles

Strategic weapons, nuclear bombs, biological and chemical weapons

And the ammunition, fuel, and oil that feeds the above equipment, feeds the combatants. ammunition, oil, clothing, food, medicines, etc. for combatants are logistical materials, and the vehicles and ships that provide transportation, food, and medical support for these services are called logistical vehicles or logistical equipment.

The two have a huge difference in the division of labor, so the PLA has the General Armament Department and the General Logistics Department respectively.