Portable nuclear radiation detector measurement exceeds how many alarms

In radiological practice, does not produce excessive individual exposure, to ensure that no one's risk does not exceed a certain value, that is, it must be ensured that the radiation dose received by the individual does not exceed the corresponding limit values specified.ICRP provides that the staff whole body uniform irradiation of the annual dose equivalent limit of 50 millisieverts * (mSv), the majority of the population of the annual dose equivalent limit value of 1mSv (0.1rem). In China's basic standards for radiation health protection, the annual dose equivalent limit for working people in the general population is adopted as the limit recommended by ICRP, and in order to prevent stochastic effects, it is stipulated that the annual dose equivalent when radioactive workers are exposed to whole-body homogeneous irradiation should not exceed 50 mSv (5 rem), and that the annual dose equivalent of irradiation for individuals in the general public should be less than 5 mSv (0.5 rem). When radioactivity exposure is sustained over a long period of time, the annual dose equivalent limit for whole-body exposure of individuals in the public should not be higher than 1 mSv (0.1 rem) per year during their lifetime, and these limits do not include natural background exposure and medical exposure.

So based on these data, the instrument itself will have set alarm values.