Medium:2.Child,2 years old. Fever . Cough for 1 week, shortness of breath for 4 hours, chest X-ray confirmed bronchopneumonia, today was admitted to the hospital, at this time with the care of the child is not consistent with the measures?
A. Provide appropriate environmental temperature and humidity;
B. Active care for the child and his family;
C. To do a good job of explaining the nursing operation;
D. Restraint of the child to ensure that the child is quiet and rest;
E. The layout of the room should be suitable for the development of the child's psychology. Answer: D
Medium: 3. The age period of fastest growth and development in the pediatric population is?
A. Fetal period;
B. Neonatal period;
C. Infancy;
D. Early childhood;
E. School age. Answer: c
Moderate: 4. The age period in which acute nephritis is most likely to occur in the pediatric population is?
A. Neonatal period;
B. Infancy;
C. Toddlerhood;
D. Preschool period;
E. School age. Answer: d
Medium: 5. Pediatrics: the center of care is?
A. Child health;
B. The child;
C. The disease;
D. The child's family;
E. The child and his or her family. Answer: E
Medium: 6. Accidents account for what cause of death in children aged 1 to 5 years?
A. one or two;
B. three or four;
C. four or five;
D. six or seven;
E. eight or nine. Answer: a
Medium: 7. What is incorrect when administering rewarming measures to a child with cold injury syndrome?
A. Rewarming measures are key to caring for neonatal scleroderma;
B. Warm baths can be used in the home depending on the location;
C. Severe children can be placed in a warmer that is 1 to 2 degrees Celsius above the anogenital temperature;
D. Mildly ill infants can be placed in a warmer that has been prewarmed to moderate temperatures;
E. Temperature should be monitored once every 4 hours, and a normal body temperature After 6 hours, it should be changed to every 6 hours. Answer: E
Moderate: 8. The primary care measure for neonatal asphyxia?
A. rewarming;
B. observing skin color;
C. establishing respiration;
D. maintaining a constant body temperature;
E. treating foci of infection. Answer: c
Moderate: 9. The most common sequela of severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in newborns is?
A. brain abscess;
B. cerebral palsy;
C. hydrocephalus;
D. deafness;
E. blindness. Answer:B
Moderate:10.The common diseases that cause pathologic jaundice should be excluded?
A. Neonatal hepatitis;
B. Neonatal aspiration pneumonia;
C. Congenital biliary atresia;
D. Neonatal hemolysis;
E. Neonatal sepsis. Answer: B
Medium: 11. Neonatal sepsis is the most common pathogen in our country?
A. Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
B. Escherichia coli;
C. Streptococcus;
D. Staphylococcus aureus;
E. Klebsiella. Answer: d
Moderate: 12. Criteria for discharge of a preterm infant should be excepted?
A. Weight increase to 2000 g or more;
B. Absence of apnea without oxygen;
C. Ability to maintain a constant body temperature in a 20°C environment;
D. Breastfeeding up to 60 ml per day;
E. Ability to suckle on their own. Answer: D
Moderate: 13. neonatal sepsis is most diagnostic?
A. high fever;
B. skin infection lesions;
C. positive blood cultures for bacteria;
D. increased serum bilirubin;
E. increased total blood leukocyte count. Answer: c
Moderate: 14. Nursing measures for blue light therapy should be excepted?
A. Cleaning before phototherapy. Sterilize the phototherapy box;
B. Adjust the box temperature to 30~32℃, humidity 45~55%;
C. The distance between the lamp and the child is 35~50
D. Wear a black eyepatch on the child to protect the retina;
E. When one-sided phototherapy is used, the patient needs to change the body position once every 2 hours. Answer: B
Medium: 15. In an asphyxiated neonate, oxygen is administered by mask pressure at a ventilation rate of ?
A. 10 to 20 breaths/min;
B. 30 to 40 breaths/min;
C. 50 to 60 breaths/min;
D. 70 to 80 breaths/min;
E. 90 to 100 breaths/min. Answer: B
Medium: 16. When caring for a child with respiratory distress syndrome, maintaining the infant's body temperature between 36 and 37 degrees Celsius may?
A. reduce acidosis;
B. reduce alkalosis;
C. induce the production of alveolar surface-active substances;
D. reduce oxygen consumption;
E. slow respiration. Answer: d
Moderate: 17. Measures to prevent complications of septic meningitis in a child with neonatal sepsis should be excepted?
A. actively control the infection;
B. completely remove the infected lesions;
C. timely cooperation with the doctor to carry out diagnostic lumbar puncture, to determine the infection of the cerebrospinal fluid;
D. close observation of the child's fontanel fullness, the eyes stare and other symptoms;
E. according to the doctor's orders of intravenous antibiotics. Answer: C
Moderate: 18. Preterm infant with progressive dyspnea 5 hours after birth. Cyanosis. Triple concave signs, and blood gas analysis shows a decreased P
A0? What is the preferred nursing diagnosis?
A. Nutritional disorder;
B. Ineffective airway clearance;
C. Risk of infection;
D. Impaired gas exchange;
E. Potential complications. ANSWER: D
MEDIUM: 19. A neonate with a birth weight of 1400 g at 35 weeks gestational age and 2 days of age is below the 10th percentile of the average weight for the same gestational age. One of the following is not true?
A. less than gestational age;
B. appropriate for gestational age;
C. preterm;
D. very-low-birth-weight;
E. high-risk. Answer: B
Moderate: 20. The clinical features of intracranial hemorrhage in the newborn do not include?
A. Cerebral screaming;
B. Loss of the embrace reflex;
C. Irregular respiration;
D. Recurrent convulsions;
E. Abdominal wall reflexes not elicited. Answer: e
Moderate: 21. Common 'nursing problems of neonatal pneumonia do not include?
A. Impaired gas exchange: related to lung inflammation;
B. Ineffective airway clearance: related to increased respiratory secretions;
C. Risk of asphyxiation: related to choking, aspiration of floating juices;
D. Potential complication, cardiac failure: related to severe oxygen deprivation;
E. Risk of kernicterus. Answer:E
Medium: 22. The bilirubin concentration at which phototherapy can be discontinued is?
E.85?mol/L. Answer:D
Moderate: 23. The indication for phototherapy of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is?
A. Total bilirubin greater than 340?mol/L;
B. Total bilirubin greater than 255 to 306?mol/L;
C. Total bilirubin greater than 204 to 255?mol/L;
D. Total bilirubin greater than 136 to 170?mol/L;
E. Total bilirubin greater than 170 ?mol/L.Answer:C
Moderate:24. What is wrong about how a newborn is fed?
A. Breastmilk is preferred;
B. Feeding should be done only 6 hours after birth;
C. Feeding on demand;
D. When feeding artificially, the flow rate of milk in the bottle should be such that the milk can be dripped out in a continuous stream;
E. The child should be held vertically and patted on the back after feeding. Answer: B
Medium: 25. The most important nursing measure to prevent infection in preterm infants is?
A. Strengthen the awareness of hand washing;
B. Staff dress clean;
C. Diagnostic and treatment instruments strictly disinfected staff dress clean;
D. Preterm room air purification;
E. Reduce the number of people coming in and out of the ward. Answer: A
Medium: 26. What is the wrong nursing measure to prevent neonatal infections?
A. Before the umbilical cord is removed, the gauze at the umbilicus should never be opened;
B. The room should be wet-cleaned and the air purified at regular intervals;
C. Caregivers should wash their hands or apply disinfectant before and after contact with newborn babies;
D. After the umbilical cord has been removed, the umbilicus should be coated with 75% ethanol every day to keep it dry;
E. After each bowel movement Wash the buttocks with warm water to prevent red buttocks. Answer: A
Medium: 27. The daily requirement of sodium in a newborn after 10 days of life is?
Medium:28. is?
A. epithelial beads;
B. enlarged mammary glands;
C. pseudo-menstruation;
D. slate teeth;
E. dehydration fever. Answer: e
Medium: 29. The main route of infection in neonatal sepsis is?
A. Intrauterine infection;
B. Birth canal infection;
C. Urinary tract infection;
D. Intestinal infection;
E. Umbilical wound infection. Answer: e
Moderate: 30. What is the wrong treatment for intracranial hemorrhage in a newborn?
A. Early use of hemostatic agents;
B. Transfusion of small amounts of plasma or fresh blood in anemic children;
C. Sedation in case of convulsions and restlessness;
D. Central stimulants in case of respiratory failure;
E. Early use of dehydrating agents to avoid exacerbation of bleeding. Answer: E