Detection range: the main description of the ICT detection object. Such as the maximum thickness of transmissive steel, detection of the maximum rotary diameter of the workpiece, detection of the maximum height or length of the workpiece, detection of the maximum weight of the workpiece, etc. 2. 2.2.
The use of the ray source: the size of the X-ray energy, the operating voltage, operating current and focus size. 3.3.
The scanning mode of ICT: with which scanning modes, with or without digital ray detection or real-time imaging capabilities, etc. 4.
Scanning Detection time: refers to the acquisition time of sweeping a tomographic data.5.
Image reconstruction time: refers to the time required to reconstruct the image.6.
Resolution capability: is the key performance indicator, including:
Spatial resolution: refers to the ability to recognize the smallest object from the CT image.
Density resolution: it is the basic method of using the gray scale of the image to distinguish the material of the examined object (because the gray scale is a direct reflection of the density).
The relationship between spatial resolution and density resolution. In the case of a certain radiation dose, spatial resolution and density resolution are two contradictory indicators.