Can you buy insurance for excimer laser surgery

Experts at the Eye Center of Nanning Qingxiu District Eye Clinic say that excimer laser surgery is a very safe procedure and there is no need to buy insurance. Years ago, people did not know much about excimer laser surgery, in addition to the fact that many hospitals were carrying out this program at that time, which may also include some not very standardized institutions. All these deepened patients' doubts about the safety of excimer laser surgery. So in the face of this situation, the insurance of excimer laser came into being. At that time, this insurance did also dispel the concerns of many patients, so that they can rest assured that they will undergo the surgery. However, with the excimer laser myopia surgery is more and more mature, hospitals are more and more standardized, this insurance can provide protection can now guarantee, and ultimately this insurance is less and less people, myopia surgery insurance out of the market. At present, Nanning Qingxiu District Eye Treatment Center Eye Eye Center to carry out a variety of myopia surgery surgery, physicians can be based on the patient's specific situation to develop the best surgical program. And by the domestic first-line authoritative experts personally sitting ICL surgery can help those cornea is too thin, high, as well as ultra-high myopia patients corrected. The eye center carries out personalized excimer laser surgery, the surgery is the world's largest U.S. medical laser company purchased on behalf of the refractive correction technology development direction of the eagle vision bluetone cool eye eighth-generation, but also the only region in Guangxi has this equipment. It also possesses nine leading technologies such as infrared guided high-speed eye tracking, high-speed small-beam flying point scanning, Gaussian beam and pure light path, all-solid-state laser emission, intelligent multifunctional detection system, intelligent operating system, patented pure white light shadowless illumination, fully automated surgical bed, and pure corneal debris system, which makes the performance more stable, the surgery safer, and the cutting more accurate, and the eyesight recovered faster. Warm tips from experts: After people enter old age, all body functions will gradually degenerate, which will easily induce various diseases, especially eye diseases. Please pay attention to your own health at the same time, but also pay attention to the health of parents old people.