Seek translation of business English terminology abbreviations

(I) EXW This term is "EX Works (... named place)", i.e. "Ex Works (...... named place)". This term is "EX Works (... named place)" in English. It means that the seller has the responsibility to deliver the ready goods to the buyer at its place, i.e. workshop, factory, warehouse, etc., but usually not responsible for loading the goods onto the vehicle prepared by the buyer or for customs clearance of the goods. The buyer bears the entire cost and risk of transporting the goods from the seller's premises to the intended destination.

(ii) Freight Carrier (FCA)

This term is "Free Carrier (... named place)", i.e. "Goods to the carrier (... ...named place)". It means that the seller shall be responsible for handing over the goods to the buyer's designated carrier for care at the designated place after customs clearance. According to commercial practice, when the seller is required to collaborate with the carrier through the conclusion of a contract, the seller may do so at the buyer's risk and expense. The term applies to any mode of transportation.

(C) ship-side delivery (FAS)

This term is "Free Alongside ship (... named port of shipment)" that is, "ship-side delivery (... named port of shipment). ...... named port of shipment)". It refers to the seller in the designated port of shipment dock or barge to the goods to the side of the ship, from this time onwards the buyer shall bear all the costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods, in addition to the buyer shall handle the export customs clearance procedures. This term is applicable to sea or inland waterway transportation.

(4) Free on Board (FOB)

This term is known as "Free on Boaro(... named port of shipment)", i.e., "Free on Board (FOB)", i.e., "Free on Board ( named port of shipment)". ...... named port of shipment)". It refers to the seller in the designated port of shipment to send the goods over the side of the ship after delivery, goods over the side of the ship after the buyer shall bear all the costs, risks, loss or damage to the goods, in addition to requiring the seller to handle the goods for export customs clearance. This term applies to sea or river transportation.

(E) cost and freight (CFR or c & F) This term is "Cost and Freight (named port of shipment)", that is, "cost and freight (...). ...named port of shipment)". It refers to the seller must pay the goods to the designated port of destination required expenses and freight, but from the goods to the ship's deck, the risk of the goods, loss or damage, as well as the occurrence of accidents caused by the additional expenses, in the goods over the designated port of the ship, the seller turned to the buyer to bear the burden of the ship's side. The seller is also required to clear the goods for export. This term applies to sea or river transportation.

(F) cost, insurance and freight (CIF)

This term in English as "Cost, Insurance and Freight (...named port of shipment)", that is, "cost, insurance and freight (CIF). Cost, Insurance and Freight (...named port of shipment)", i.e. "Cost, Insurance and Freight (...... named port of shipment)". It means that in addition to the seller having the same obligations as in the term "cost and freight", the seller is also required to take out and pay for marine insurance against loss of or damage to the goods in transit, which is to be borne by the buyer. The term applies to sea or inland waterway transportation.

(VII) Carriage Paid to (CPT)

This term is "Carriage Paid to): tid to (... named place of destination)", that is, "Carriage Paid to (CPT): tid to (... named place of destination)", that is, "Carriage Paid to (CPT): tid to (named place of destination)", that is, "Carriage Paid to (CPT)". "Freight Paid to (...... named place of destination)". The term means that the seller pays the freight for the carriage of the goods to the named place of destination. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs arising from events occurring after the goods have been handed over to the carrier, passes from the seller to the buyer as from the time the goods have been delivered into the care of the carrier. In addition, the seller is required to clear the goods for export. The term applies to all modes of transportation, including multimodal transportation.

(VIII) Carriage and Insurance Paid to (CIP)

This term is "Carriage and Insurance Paid to (... named place of destination)", that is, "Carriage and Insurance Paid to (... named place of destination)". "Carriage and Insurance Paid to (... named place of destination)." It means that the seller, in addition to the same obligations as in the term "Freight Paid to (... named place of destination)", is required to take out and pay for marine insurance against the risk of loss of, or damage to, the goods while in transit, which is to be borne by the buyer. This term applies to any mode of transportation.

(IX) Delivered at Frontier (DAF)

This term is "Delivered at Frontier (...named place)", i.e. "Delivered at Frontier (...named place)". ...... named place)". It means that the seller undertakes the following obligations, the goods will be ready to transport to the designated place on the border, the goods export clearance procedures, in the adjoining countries before the customs border delivery, the term mainly applies to the goods transported by rail or road, can also be used for other modes of transport.

(10) Delivered Ex Ship (DES)

This term in English is "Delivered Ex Ship (... named port of destination)", i.e., "Delivered Ex Ship (... named port of destination)", i.e., "Delivered Ex Ship (... named port of destination)". Delivered Ex Ship (... named port of destination)", i.e. " Delivered Ex Ship (... named port of destination)". It means that the seller fulfills the obligation to deliver the goods to the buyer on the deck of the ship at the named port of destination without going through the customs clearance procedures for the import of the goods, so that the seller has to bear all the costs and risks including the transportation of the goods to the named port of destination. This term is only applicable to sea or river transportation.

(XI) Delivered Ex Quay (DEQ)

This term in English: "Delivered Ex Quay (Duty Paid) (...named port of destination)", that is, "Delivered Ex Quay (Duty Paid) (...named port of destination)". "Delivered Ex Quay (Duty Paid) (...named port of destination)". The term means that the seller fulfills the obligation to deliver the goods prepared by him to the buyer at the wharf of the named port of destination, after the import clearance, and the seller bears all the risks and costs, including customs sharp, donations of taxes and other costs arising from the delivery. The term applies to sea or river transportation.

(XII) Duty Duty Unpaid (DDU)

This term is "Delivered Duty Unpaid (... named place of destination)", that is, "Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU)". Delivered Duty Unpaid (... named place of destination)", i.e. "Delivered Duty Unpaid (...... named place of destination)". It means that the seller delivers the prepared goods at the named place of destination in the importing country and has to bear all the costs and risks of transporting the goods to the named place (excluding customs duties, taxes and other official charges payable at the time of importation), and in addition has to bear the costs and risks of handling customs formalities. The buyer shall bear the additional costs and risks arising from failure to clear the goods for import in time. This term applies to all modes of transportation.

(XIII) Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)

This term in English is "Delivered Duty Paid (... named place ofdestination)", that is, "Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)". "Delivered Duty Paid (... named place ofdestination)". It means that the seller delivers the prepared goods at the named place of destination in the importing country, and also bears all the costs and risks of transporting the goods to the named place of destination, and handles the import customs clearance. This term can be applied to all modes of transportation.