Participation in politics involves all aspects of economic, social and comprehensive human development, and everyone's knowledge is limited, to solve this problem, we must strengthen learning. Study Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "Three Represents" important thought, improve the ideological and political quality; study the party's line and policy, improve the level of policy and theory; study of social knowledge and professional knowledge, improve business capacity. Through learning, we can further deepen our understanding of the situation, master national laws and regulations, guidelines and policies, expand our knowledge of various aspects and disciplines related to political participation and deliberation, and continuously improve our ability to focus on the center and serve the overall situation. The forms of learning can be varied, and multi-form learning activities should be carried out as much as possible according to the characteristics of different personnel, such as reports, theoretical seminars, symposiums, study classes, training courses and so on. Through learning, to improve the democratic party members of the policy and theory level and the ability to participate in politics and political deliberation.
In terms of ideological awareness, some comrades of the democratic parties and the Federation of Industry and Commerce do have some different understandings. It is believed that under China's current political system, it is difficult for the democratic parties and the Federation of Industry and Commerce to do anything. Some comrades believe that the democratic parties are political vase, political participation is "not to speak for nothing, speak for nothing, speak for nothing who do not speak." Some comrades say: the political participation "does not speak no meaning, speak more is what opinion?" Some say: CPPCC members is "raise your hand, clap your hands", everything is fine. This is a misunderstanding of multi-party cooperation and political consultation. Therefore, the awareness-raising focuses on two aspects:
One is to improve the understanding of the multi-party cooperation system
Entering the new period, the CPC put forward the guideline of "long-term ****existence, mutual supervision, mutual respect, honor and disgrace, and ****", and the multi-party cooperation system was further improved and developed. The CPC has practiced extensive political cooperation with the democratic parties, taking care of the political and material interests of its allies and uniting them to advance together. While consciously accepting the leadership of the CPC, the democratic parties maintain their independent and equal political status, and have broad space to freely express their different political views through legal procedures.
It can be said that the older generation of democratic party leaders, because of their experience of solidarity and cooperation with the C***, have a deep affection for the Party's leadership and the multi-party cooperation system. Some young comrades, because of their lack of experience, are more or less resistant to the multi-party cooperation system, believing it to be a one-party dictatorship, while they have a half-understanding of the Western multi-party system, but hold it in high esteem.
On March 18, Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao (聯合早报) website reprinted Song Lu Zheng's article: Comparative Politics: What Makes China's One-Party System Better Than the West's Multi-Party System? Some of the ideas are relatively new, and some are debatable.
The article argues that while the excellence of the Chinese model has inevitably triggered global research into the reasons for its success, these studies all share one ****ing flaw: they have avoided the important role of political system factors. What really distinguishes China is its effective political system, which is the real reason for its economic success and the creation of a new path of modernization called the "China model". China's political system has six major advantages over Western multi-party systems.
One of the advantages lies in the continuity of policies
In Europe, when leftist and rightist parties came to power in Britain and France, the national development policies changed immediately, either through large-scale nationalization or large-scale privatization. In the United States, the left-leaning Democratic Party in power, generally adopted the policy of tax increases on the rich, the consortiums, subsidies to the poor, such as the Clinton era and the Obama administration pushed the "health insurance reform" is a typical example. The right-leaning **** and the party in power have taken the position of cutting taxes on the rich and supporting the consortia, with each swing causing different damages to the national economy. In Taiwan, during the era of Chiang Kai-shek, Taiwan also formulated "six-year development plans" similar to those on the mainland, but after democratization, they have all disappeared. After all, political parties are in power for only four or eight years, and they are all speculating on the short term, so who cares about what will happen four or eight years later. Then there is India. Over the past few decades, subsidies to farmers have gone up, but investment in agriculture has gone down. Farmers may benefit in the short term, but in the long term, they have lost their production capacity and their living standard has not improved. However, since short-term distribution nevertheless pleases the people, it benefits political parties in terms of votes. This is why, despite the fact that India's land is privately owned, can be the world's largest arable land area, and the per capita land area is also twice as large as China, but can not solve the problem of national food, while China's food is twice as large as that of India.
Advantage No. 2: lies in the administrative execution
China for the Olympic Games to meet the construction of Terminal 3, three years to complete, which in the West, even the approval process takes time is not enough. 2008 once-in-a-century Wenchuan earthquake, China's high-speed and effective mobilization capacity, shocked the world. This time the earthquake in Haiti, the first to arrive in the disaster area is 10,000 miles away from China, two hours ahead of Haiti's neighbor, the United States! France, the United States and other countries is to cope with their own emergencies, are quite chaotic and ineffective. 2003 France in the heat of the summer, the United States encountered in 2005, Hurricane Katrina attack, is so. At a time when the disasters were extremely severe, French President Jacques Chirac continued his vacation until it was over. And the heat caused tens of thousands of deaths in France. President George W. Bush, on the other hand, terminated his vacation only after three days and went to direct the disaster relief. And the disaster area had already become hell on earth, so much so that the first thing the soldiers who went to the relief effort did was to calm the storms rather than provide relief. So much so that they sighed and preferred to go to Iraq! Last year, a typhoon hit both sides of the Taiwan Strait at the same time, the mainland can quickly evacuate a million people, but in Taiwan is unable to cope with the tragedy, resulting in more than six hundred people dead and missing.
Advantage No. 3: In curbing corruption
The public is most unhappy with the corruption that exists in China, so why can we still conclude that a one-party system is effective in curbing it?
First, China is in a period of economic takeoff and social transition, and throughout human history, this stage is a general high incidence of corruption. Developed countries such as the United States, Britain, France and Japan have all traveled the same road.
Secondly, compared with India and Russia, which are also in the same period of economic takeoff, China's corruption level is far inferior to those countries in the same process. Especially in the 1990s, Russia's corruption once reached a level of extreme madness and completely out of control. And it is Russia's experience and lessons that have made the world look squarely at China's experience in fighting corruption.
Thirdly, any form of power and money trading is illegal in China, but legal in the West under certain conditions. Despite being legal, it does not change the nature of their power-money transactions. Just as pornography is mostly legal in the West, it still can't change the nature of money trading. But the result of legalization is that there is less corruption because these acts are no longer corruption. It's as if, as pornography and gambling are illegal in China, China naturally counts them in the crime rate, which is naturally higher than in countries where pornography and gambling are legal.
Fourth, Western corruption is rigid corruption, Chinese corruption is human corruption. For democracy in the West, there must be elections, and for elections there must be money. Politicians receive support from consortia, and when they win, they are bound to give back. This is the rigid principle of corruption in a democracy. In China, on the other hand, the appointment of officials is influenced by a number of factors, work ability, public assessment, human relations and bribery, etc. But such expenses are totally disproportionate compared to the costs required for large-scale elections, and therefore have no direct relationship with the consortia. After they took office and the corruption is mainly related to human greed, the income is not high and imperfect supervision of regulations are external causes. But objectively there is no rigid principle that must be corrupt for power and money transactions.
China has the ability to fight corruption under a one-party system. China's "double regulation" system, real-name reporting system, official publicity system, is not found in other countries. Although the constraints of the stage of economic development can not reach the level of the developed countries in the West, but in the social transition period of this particular time and space, can be considered the most acceptable effect.
Advantage No. 5: lies in the selection of talent training
The cultivation of political talent in China is a long process, especially high-end political elites, who must have enough grassroots experience, and it can be said that the ability to do so is the main criterion. But while numerous factors influence elections in a democratic society, such as religious beliefs, gender, race, image, whether one can put on a show and have speaking talent, whether one has enough monetary backing, and political cronyism, the most important ability is marginalized. Like Obama, who has only been a senator, not even a one-day mayor, and arguably without the slightest administrative experience, and as a result was elected to run the entire country, is this possible in China?
In addition, due to the existence of different political parties, the political talent of the whole country is cut into several parts, and advances and retreats with the parties ****. When one party wins, even if the original politicians are competent, they are all replaced. This creates a shortage of talent on the one hand and a waste of talent on the other. After all, the political elite is also a scarce resource, and the creation of an outstanding political talent is also a synthesis of a number of factors, and the political elite also has its natural life expectancy. A political party that is re-elected for eight years also means that the political elites of another party are idle for eight years.
Leaders elected this way either fail to elect the best talent or have no one to elect. This is why democracies often fail to elect outstanding talent. At least from the point of view of real political practice, China's tiered selection system and conscious talent cultivation system is better than the Western model of producing leaders through elections. The contrast is even starker when looking across the Taiwan Strait.
Advantage No. 4: Responsibility
When it comes to China, the West tends to use the phrase "absolute power, absolute corruption". This is an ideological assumption that does not correspond to today's political practice (as evidenced by the high levels of corruption in many democracies). More importantly, the West fails to recognize that "absolute power often means absolute responsibility". In democracies, when things go wrong, they can be blamed. The ruling party says it is because the opposition party did not cooperate, and when the opposition party becomes the ruling party, it shifts the blame to its predecessor. Not only that, but for programs that span party terms, they are often the first to be sacrificed. Recently, President Obama submitted his 2011 budget to Congress, and one of the items was to cut the Bush-era moon landing program. And that moon landing program has already cost $9.1 billion, or more than $60 billion, making the project a half-assed one. Yet, strangely enough, no one has been held accountable for such a large loss. If a Chinese program decision caused such a big loss, how could those responsible be spared?
That said, there's still no escaping the democratic system. In a democratic society, many officials are elected and thus have security of tenure. As long as you don't break the law, make a mistake in decision-making, or don't take action, it doesn't affect your term of office. And once the term of office is up and they step down, they will not be held accountable for any problems. Is anyone going to be held accountable for the war in Iraq waged by George W. BUSH? Was any politician held accountable for creating the economic crisis that swept the world? In China, on the other hand, the accountability system for senior officials is getting better and better. Officials who are incompetent or in dereliction of duty and make mistakes will be held accountable at any time. That is why when a typhoon strikes the night before, mainland officials stand by in a tight formation for a reason: to avoid a disaster. This is because when a disaster occurs, the local officials are held accountable. Taiwan officials, on the other hand, went on vacation to a banquet on the grounds that: the disaster had not yet occurred.
Advantage No. 6: It lies in representing all people
Under the multi-party system in the West, each political party represents a different interest group. Either they represent the masses or the consortia. This is the case in Britain, France and the United States. But no matter who they represent, no political party is a universal party. When they come to power, they can only govern in favor of the groups that support them.
Another reason why a multi-party system cannot represent the whole population is elections. For the interests of a group to be protected and valued, there must be two conditions: first, it must have the right to vote; second, it must have a significant number. If this condition is not met, it cannot be effectively protected.
Of course elections also create the other extreme. Take India, for example. India's illiteracy rate has remained high, and the government's literacy programs have had little effect. One of the reasons for this is that literacy is undertaken by local governments, which are not enthusiastic about it, and one of the reasons for this is that the more illiterate people there are, the easier it is for voters to control and influence them, and the easier it is for local politicians to get votes.
China's economic policies over the past thirty years have not, on the whole, favored any one interest group in particular. Reform and opening up began in the countryside, where farmers were the first to benefit. With the deepening of the reform, layoff groups appeared in the city, and the state began to establish a security system, and later even more with the growth of economic strength, the abolition of agricultural tax, the establishment of rural medical new rural cooperative, pilot rural retirement protection. On the whole, China*** has maintained a neutral role and an objective role. This is also recognized by researchers at home and abroad. This feature of China is even more obvious if compared with other developing countries practicing the Western multi-party system.
Politics in many developing countries are either held hostage by populism, which tends to result in over-distribution to the point of undermining the government's ability to distribute in the long term, or by social elites, which further increases social inequality. The existence of social inequality, in turn, stimulates the prevalence of populism. In an unequal society, it is easier to manipulate votes and mislead the population. This has been verified by the experiences and lessons of countless countries.
These points mentioned just now should be of great help to us in better understanding the superiority of the multi-party cooperation system.
The second is to strengthen the understanding of the importance of good political participation and deliberation
From the perspective of political science, general public *** policy research includes two major systems: one is the administrative policy research system; the other is the academic policy research system. Both systems have their own strengths and weaknesses, and need to complement each other.
Party and government agencies themselves have the advantage of administrative policy research system is: close to the party and the government's top decision-making bodies and personnel, grasp a large number of internal situation and information, research with authority. However, administrative policy research is sometimes dominated by a certain mindset, with strong inertia, and some of the results simply and mechanically provide commentary and support for existing policies. Influenced by the change of leaders, some research focuses on short-term effects and ignores long-term considerations.
Academic policy research, despite its shortcomings, is characterized by a wide range of research disciplines, systematic basic information, free choice of research topics, independence, objectivity and flexibility, and a broad research horizon and long-term vision. As a political party, the Democratic Party is able to partially participate in administrative policy research as well as play a unique advantage in academic policy research.
Democratic parties, as political parties, are different from the ruling party and government agencies in terms of the scope and extent of their knowledge. Party committees and governments at all levels should further implement the Party's guidelines and policies for democratic parties, strive to expand the scope of information and participation of democratic parties, support democratic parties to give full play to their role of participating in politics and discussing politics, and give full play to their advantages creatively to do a good job of participating in politics and discussing politics.
And as long as the democratic parties give full play to their own advantages, handle the relationship between participation in politics and deliberation, and accurately grasp the complete content of the democratic parties' participation in politics and deliberation, the democratic parties' participation in politics and deliberation is promising.
(2) Establishment of a team
As the old saying goes, "If you want to do a good job, you have to make good use of your tools first". Without a group of high political quality, experts and scholars from all walks of life as the backbone of the party members, without a concern for current affairs, people's livelihood of the party team with a strong sense of participation in politics, any organization of the democratic parties to perform their functions and play a good role in politics will only be a castle in the air. Therefore, it is very important to establish a team of political participation and deliberation.
To build a good team, we should start from the following aspects:
One is to strictly control the entrance gate
Strictly in accordance with the three "minutes" of the democratic parties' organizational development and the spirit of the Central Committee's Document No. 5 [2005], we should adhere to the principles of "three main points", focusing on the quality, keeping the characteristics, organizational development and reserve cadres, and the principle of "three main points", focusing on the quality, keeping the characteristics, organizational development and reserve cadres. Characteristics, organizational development and reserve cadres team building combination of principles, the development of the same spirit with the Chinese **** production party, the level of high, representative, young comrades with development potential, comrades with the potential to participate in politics become members of the democratic parties.
To reform the recommendation system for deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at all levels, and to change the leadership's say-so, say-so, and take the practice of using social instruments as favors. Trial campaign mechanism, publicity system, enhance transparency, to put an end to dumb members, the emergence of the representative of the do-nothing. When recommending candidates for representatives and members of the list, we should fully listen to the head of the branch and the head of each party, allowing speech competition, select those who are really educated, level, public-spirited, have the time, enthusiasm, understanding of politics, and dare to do practical work for the people, willing to dedication to the first line of participation in politics and political discussion members. Let everyone convinced, political participation in the good, everyone has the will, are motivated.
The second is to strengthen the training
Training, both on the awareness of the participating parties training, fundamentally recognize the participation in politics is the function of our democratic parties, is one of our important work, rather than dispensable, can be a big or small thing, but also highlight the improvement of the level of policy, to cultivate the ability to participate in politics, and strive to improve the level of participation in politics.
To have a level of policy, or else you'll speak crookedly.
In 2005, the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), a fairly representative comrade proposed that the CPPCC members should be produced by the CPPCC, both to lead and to recruit, in order to grasp the quality of the CPPCC members. There are two misconceptions here: first, the CPPCC is a party-led united front organization, the C*** and the democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, as well as other sectors in the CPPCC is equal. The party group of the CPPCC is entrusted by the C*** with the day-to-day running of the organization. Secondly, the Party's leadership is reflected in the fact that CPPCC members are recommended by the Party Committee and their specific work is the responsibility of the Party Committee's United Front Work Department. Just as the election of deputies to the National People's Congress is organized by the Organization Department. There are also two lines between recruiting and leading the troops. This matter made a great deal of noise, and some of the comrades of the CPPCC were conducting research and pushing the envelope. In the end it was not settled.
Another point to clarify is the question of handling the relationship with the CPPCC and the United Front Work Department. Democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce in the CPPCC are only a sector, and the United Front Work Department is the main body on behalf of the party leadership, coordination of the work of the democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce. In other words, the United Front Work Department is the mother house of the democratic parties.
The stone of other mountains can attack jade. In fact, in the participation in politics, many comrades of the democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, including some comrades here, very level, very experienced, there are some districts and counties, other brother democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce organizations to participate in politics also do a very good job. What to do, we have to invite them over for talks and exchanges, to teach them experience and to help them. The Democratic League of Chongqing Municipal Committee even suggested that some district and county alliance organizations put forward good proposals and motions with ****, because they can solve practical problems and can be copied over, not to mention the experience of participating in politics and deliberating on politics.
Third, the integration of forces
especially the enthusiasm of deputies to the National People's Congress at all levels, CPPCC members, all levels and types of special members, to give play to the advantages of the group and the advantages of the organization, to do a good job of participating in politics and deliberation.
To mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, but also to establish a sense of excellence. Currently there is a very bad phenomenon, greedy for more and more. In the CPPCC, than the number of proposals, than the leadership approval. Waste of democratic parties, the CPPCC, government departments a lot of human and material resources, the real role of the proposal is not much.
In Beijing, Jiangxi and other places, the CPPCC is held every year, the requirements of each party, the Federation of Industry and Commerce can only have a proposal for the General Assembly speech. Others, the first communication, as public opinion processing, or directly by the government departments to make explanations, explanations. This requires a sense of excellence.
To be close to the lives of the people. Involving the interests of a few people, the reform is very difficult, while involving the interests of the majority of people, a change in place. Such as car reform, housing reform, education reform, medical reform.
Today's society, the credit system, stock market, housing market.
(C) in-depth research
Democratic party comrades to keep pace with the times, not only to be good at learning, but also in-depth research, to adapt to changes in social conditions. Entering the new century and new stage, with the establishment of a series of major guidelines and policies of the ruling party, the democratic parties' participation in politics has changed dramatically from the content to the form, and the ruling party has also put forward higher requirements for participation in politics.
Only by continuously enriching the content of research, innovating the research mechanism, broadening the research path, and enhancing the effectiveness of the research, can we observe the society, discover and study the new problems, and put forward our opinions and suggestions, so that we can provide a reliable basis for the scientific decision-making of the party committee and the government in China*** and inject a strong impetus into the economic development and the overall progress of the society. To change the concept, enhance the sense of innovation, we must start from the actual situation, take the initiative to contact the government departments, to carry out various forms of research, inspections, to grasp first-hand information, put forward scientific, predictive, global and effective opinions and recommendations, to achieve new breakthroughs in the work of participating in the work of the new breakthroughs and new progress.
The five main phenomena of the current unfair distribution:
One is that the proportion of residents' income in the distribution of national income is on the low side, showing a year-on-year downward trend, while the government's income and enterprises' income is showing a rapid upward trend;
The second is that the income of ordinary laborers is on the low side, and the trend of "strong capital, weak labor" is
Thirdly, the income of monopolized industries is abnormally high;
fourthly, unreasonable income such as "small treasuries" and arbitrary fees and fines have not been effectively regulated;
fifthly, there are a large number of violations of the distribution policy such as lowering, withholding, and defaulting on wages.
Inequitable distribution inhibits the impetus for social development and progress, affecting social harmony and stability.
(4) Innovative mechanism
Systems are the rules of procedure or code of conduct that require everyone to **** the same compliance, through scientific and strict procedures to ensure that people's behavior norms, improve the construction of the system is to improve the capacity of the democratic parties to participate in the construction of the important content of the political participation, without the norms and constraints of the system, the participation in the work of the political participation is difficult to carry out normally.
First, an effective working mechanism should be formed. We should learn from other regions, other democratic parties and federations of industry and commerce, and widely solicit opinions and suggestions from members of organizations at this level to form an effective mechanism for conceiving, researching, writing and submitting topics that everyone can **** with and abide by.
For a long time, to participate in the municipal party committee bimonthly symposium, small talk, the Jiusan Society Chongqing Municipal Committee has been suffering from the lack of good, after in-depth research to produce the material, often playing a rush to catch, a few chiefs of the brain. The level of the director and the level of the mayor, because the way of thinking, mastering the information is not at a level, of course, is not the same. To solve this problem, this year, the Jiusan Society Chongqing Municipal Committee trial key topics standing committee responsible system. Each member of the Standing Committee on their own familiar with the field, declared a topic, so that all aspects of the material are there, when it comes out can be used. Can not be used to become a proposal motion of public opinion.
Making plans. Do anything can not blindly think of where to do, there must be a certain plan. At the beginning of each year, each branch should be reported to the current year's political plan, held a special meeting to study the research tasks to be accomplished in a year, to determine the time, the theme, the contributors and so on. At the same time, the development of plans to focus on scientific, to carefully study the country, city, district, the introduction of a variety of new policies, laws and regulations, focusing on the study of the region's annual priorities, central work, major projects, civil rights, people's livelihood, and so on, and pay attention to a variety of information related to these tasks. Program development should also pay attention to the relationship between quantity and quality, both to have a certain amount, and more importantly, there should be high-quality results of political participation, and strive to produce fine products.
This year is the city's comprehensive realization of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" planning goals and the development of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" is an important year. China **** Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, the spirit of the third session of the seventh meeting and the meeting established by the city's current and future period, to protect and improve people's livelihoods of the overall thinking, goals and tasks and policies and measures, from assisting the party and the government to solve the "ten people's livelihoods", the construction of the two rivers new area, the in-depth implementation of the strategy of western development, accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development, Reform of the income distribution system, accelerate the promotion of independent innovation and the development of strategic emerging industries and other issues to start research and planning.
Second, a competitive incentive mechanism should be formed. We need to formulate specific rewards and punishments suitable for our party to reward the advanced and motivate the laggards, to form a strong atmosphere of participation in politics within the party, and to make every member feel pressured and have a sense of mission.
On democratic supervision
The democratic supervision role of the political parties is an important part of the social supervision system, and is an important supplement to the legal supervision of the National People's Congress (NPC), the administrative supervision of the procuratorial organs, and the public opinion supervision of the news media. On the democratic supervision ability, I have already said, at present more mainly in the form of political participation and deliberation to realize. Here to talk about the constraints affecting the role of democratic supervision to play:
One is the importance of democratic supervision is not in place, some leading cadres of the democratic parties in the process of democratic supervision of the criticisms of the proposal lack of sufficient understanding, only in the words, did not implement the action, resulting in the democratic supervision of the effectiveness of the little;
Two is the democratic supervision of the lack of rules to follow, the lack of certain Binding mechanism, democratic supervision is arbitrary;
Third, democratic supervision is to say more, do less, supervision of the field needs to be further broadened.
To solve this problem, it is necessary for China*** and the democratic parties*** to work together.
On the part of the C***,
one is to further increase the public opinion propaganda of the democratic parties' supervision, and widely create a social atmosphere of democratic supervision;
two is to establish and improve the content forms and relevant systems of democratic supervision of the senatorial parties, so that the role of democratic supervision of the senatorial parties can be carried out in an orderly and sustainable manner;
three is to further expand the field of democratic supervision, and standardize the examination and evaluation of the democratic supervision.
Thirdly, we should further broaden the field of democratic supervision and standardize the evaluation mechanism of democratic supervision.
On the democratic party side,
one is to have a spirit of reform. To the spirit of reform, innovative thinking, emancipation of the mind, advancing with the times, from the process of promoting the construction of socialist democratic politics, the courage to supervise the combination of good supervision, in the form of proposals to continue to explore the effective form of democratic supervision, to further improve the mechanism of democratic supervision, to increase the intensity of democratic supervision, and constantly enhance the effectiveness of democratic supervision.
The second is to correct position. CPPCC democratic supervision must do their duty without overstepping their position, in place without overstepping their authority. The concept of "supervision is support", supervision in the support services, the work of the supervised units do not blame, pointing fingers, but actively advise, use the CPPCC to reach the central government, horizontal articulation of the party and government, the political advantages of the lower pass through all walks of life, for the work of the department to create an environment that enhances the popularity of the department to promote the department to better perform their duties for the people, to promote the work of the CPPCC and the people's political advantages. Promote two-way communication and exchange between the CPPCC and the supervised units.
Third, we must do three combinations:
One is to adhere to the CPPCC democratic supervision and legal supervision, administrative supervision organically combined. Strengthen the contact with the National People's Congress, the Discipline Inspection Commission, the supervision department, the judicial department, and actively cooperate with them to carry out a solid review of the work, deepen the effect of democratic supervision.
The second is to adhere to the organic combination of democratic supervision and public opinion supervision, so that the public know more about the work of democratic supervision, understanding of the work of democratic supervision, so that the supervised units to adopt the implementation of the party's views and recommendations, under public supervision, to promote the implementation of the views and recommendations.
Thirdly, it combines improving the effectiveness of democratic supervision with the fulfillment of its functions. Through democratic supervision, the collection and reflection of public opinion work combined to promote the solution of the problem.