Usually we can use the seven-color plate to demonstrate the synthesis of color light. The steps are as follows: ① Make a circular plate with a diameter of about 30cm out of plywood or cardboard. The c

Usually we can use the seven-color plate to demonstrate the synthesis of color light. The steps are as follows: ① Make a circular plate with a diameter of about 30cm out of plywood or cardboard. The center of the plate has
(1) the original seven-color cardboard, rotated to see the white, indicating that the white light is a mixture of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet seven monochromatic light from the complex color light.

(2) From the figure, we can see that the seven colors on the seven-color plate have different proportions, which is its characteristic.

(3) seven colors of light can be mixed into white light, two colors of waxed paper turned up at high speed, you will get a different color with the two colors of another color, so to get a different color, you can use a different combination of colors, or color combinations remain unchanged, but change the proportion of colors.

The answer is: white light is a mixture of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet seven monochromatic light compound color light; the proportion of each color light is different; with different color combinations, or color combinations remain unchanged, but change the proportion of colors.