Is a water-cooled radiator a good idea? I've heard that water cooling is noisy and leaks, and it's a pain in the ass to refill.

Water-cooled 10,000 good, first of all, the liquid room temperature is much lower than the room temperature, the formation of a very good cooling effect, in the temperature of the circulation of the thermal conductivity than the air-cooled too much, the liquid will bring the temperature to the edge of the chassis, by the fan discharged out of the chassis, will not cause any temperature impact on the chassis, and how you air-cooled, but also just a circulation within the chassis, the temperature emanating from the CPU, discharged, and the graphics card interact with each other, it will be higher than the chassis. The temperature of the graphics card is affected by the CPU, and the temperature of the graphics card will rise. Who told you that water cooling is noisy? You call him out I don't beat the shit out of him, the process is completely silent, the sound is also cold on the fan, choose a good fan on the line

Now on the market water-cooled two kinds of water-cooled, one is a one-piece water-cooled, that is, they have been packaged by the manufacturer of water-cooled designed a set of water-cooled program, do not design the water circuit, completely sealed without leakage, you get home directly like installing a fan mounted on the line, easy to affordable

The other is a split water-cooling, involving many parts, hard pipe hoses, tanks, pumps, cold rows, adapters, to design their own water, hand installation, test leakage, very troublesome, but very very beautiful, can be called a work of art, is a technical job

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