1 Each production unit should have refrigeration equipment for the storage of semi-finished and finished products.2 The following semi-finished and finished products should be stored separately. If possible, there should be a separate storage, otherwise they should be separated to avoid confusion. 2.1 Semi-finished products that have not yet been or are being sterilized, inactivated, detoxified, must be isolated and stored by the product department. 2.2 Semi-finished products that have been sterilized, inactivated or detoxified, are still stored separately in the manufacturing department before the results of the test have been obtained. 2.3 Products that are to be divided into parts and products that are in the process of being tested after dividing into parts or that have not been packaged yet, are stored separately in the division and packing room. 2.4 Semi-finished products that are to be packed, are stored separately in the packaging room, are stored separately in the packaging room. The products are stored separately by the division and packaging room.
2.4 has been tested and qualified packaging products, should be handed over to the finished product library.3 storage of semi-finished products, finished products, containers should be clearly marked, registered varieties, specifications, quantities, and the date of storage.4 stored semi-finished products, finished products should be filled in the inventory position card and ledger, by the person responsible for the custody of the organization, in and out of the need to be filled out in a timely manner and signed.5 all kinds of semi-finished products bottles should be tightly bandaged or sealed. 6 All kinds of semi-finished and finished products shall be stored according to the temperature, humidity and light protection requirements stipulated in the manufacturing and testing regulations of the products, and the temperature of the storage shall be checked and recorded regularly.7 Semi-finished and finished products storage shall be managed by designated personnel.
8 The semi-finished products or finished products in doubt shall be marked with the word "reserved", and then processed after the decision.9 The semi-finished products or finished products that should be discarded due to unqualified testing shall be processed in time.10 Semi-finished products that have exceeded the specified storage time (e.g., bacterial seedling stock solution, etc.) or the finished products that have exceeded the expiration date shall be discarded in time.
11 Biological products during transportation should comply with the following principles:
11.1 Try to use the fastest transportation method to shorten the transportation time.11.2 Try to use the refrigerated method of transportation, and try to avoid transporting the products in the summer.11.3 Attention should be paid to preventing the products from freezing during winter transportation.