Commonly Used Spanish Phrases

Commonly Used Phrases in Spanish Vocabulary and phrases are the basis for learning Spanish, here is my compilation of commonly used phrases in Spanish, I hope it can help you! seguro social social security sobre seguro with certainty, tenfold tan.... .como... Like this? as? tan... .que... To the extent that? to the extent that prestar atenci?n a focus on something de ning?n modo no matter what, no matter how de niguna manera no matter what, no matter how dejar algo en manos de uno to let someone deal with de frente face-to-face, front-to-face frente a on the opposite side, face-to-face, opposite to? Opposite frente a frente face to face metido en concentrate on, be busy with, be absorbed in a todo meter fully, desperately, quickly dar un abrazo embrace como siempre as usual, routinely de siempre always, traditionally, usually para siempre forever, permanently siempre que as long as a lo mejor perhaps, I'm afraid, maybe a manera de like, as, as de esa manera according to this, if so de ninguna manera absolutely not, not at all de todas maneras in any case, no matter how por fin finally, finally a fines de at the end of ? of the end al fin y al cabo to the end pasar un examen to carry out an examination hacer examen de conciencia to reflect, introspect a medias unfinished, halfly, incompletely medio ambiente ambiente por medio de to pass through, with the help of en medio(de) in? in the middle, in the middle of? en p?blico openly a las ordenes de carry out someone's orders en orden in order, organized, neat Cruz Roja Red Cross aun cuando even though, even though de cuando en cuando from time to time, from time to time cuando menos at least, at least cuando m?s at most, at most , at best ser un cualqiuera insignificant person, little person en se?al de expressed risa sard?nica sneer, bitter smile guarda cama bed rest guarder?a infantil kindergarten carta de presentaci?n letter of introduction si mal no recuerdo If I remember correctly de un salto a jump, a leap salto de altura high jump salto de longitud long jump a base de to? as a base, in terms of ? based on por separado separately, individually al igual with ? identical de igual a igual equally a cada instante every moment al instante immediately, at once al principio to begin, at first, at first a principios de at first, at first en principio in principle de acuerdo agree de acuerdo con according to, in accordance with a falta de (if) no sin falta definitely tener la amabilidad de +inf. please? do (honorific) tomar asiento sit trabajo por horas timed work dar de comer a uno feed como mucho at most, at most ni mucho menos far from, by no means por mucho que despite, in spite of, in any case dar de beber a uno give? drink water de buenas a primeras suddenly, all at once estar de being (to do something) estar por pending (to do something) corrida de toros bullfighting a todo correr as quickly as possible, at full speed ahora bien but, however ahora mismo immediately por ahora presently, in front of you m?s bien more precisely ser de denotes: affiliation, provenance, material, color ser para denotes: purpose, use como sea anyway, in any case es que that's because andar tras to track down, pursue, try to get andarse por las ramas to turn the corner hacer la compra to shop, to buy something algo as?como approximately, as if algo de some algo es algo a little is better than nothing baile de disfraces make-up dance comienza y no acaba (referring to someone who talks) endlessly tomar la cena to have dinner a lo m?s most right, at most, at best de m?s much, superfluous ni m?s ni menos no more, no less, exactly, just right no m?s only, only por lo bajo whisper, secretly, secretly entre s? to each other, in the mind para s? to oneself, in the mind porque s? because willingly, indeed en busca de seek, seek ir a la busca scavenging, picking up rags ante todo first del todo completely, wholly sobre todo especially a m?s no poder maximally no poder con can't cope with, can't stand quiere decir implies, that is, de menos short, poorly, lacking menos mal fortunately por lo menos at least, at least a la escucha listen, listen attentively a cambio de exchanged for, in place of en cambio on the contrary, as a replacement algo que otro some caer enfermo fall ill deber de+inf. presumably debido a due to, because poner la mesa open a meal (meaning to set out utensils, a meal) ponerse a+inf. begin to do something en espera de wait hoy d?a now, presently hoy por hoy immediate, presently de hoy en adelante henceforth por hoy today, presently de mal en peor every situation is getting worse and worse a saber i.e., that is to say, a la salida exit, doorway un poco de little? poco a poco little by little, gradually, slowly por poco almost, nearly, narrowly libro de concina cookbook, recipe ? Ya lo creo! al encuentro de out to meet, greet, face, confront junto a close, near de(en)todas formas anyway, no matter how a tiempo timely, punctual al mismo tiempo simultaneously, at the same time al contado cash padre de familia parent padre de patria father of the nation hacer preguntas to ask questions aprender de memoria to memorize, recite a mano handmade, by hand bajo mano covertly de primera mano firsthand`, directly de segunda mano used by someone else, secondhand de parte de on behalf of, in the name of? in the name of en parte partially en(por)todas partes everywhere, from all sides parte por parte part by part, very carefully por mi(tu,su...) parte as far as I (you, he?) am concerned As far as I (you, he?) am concerned como si as if dar a conocer publish, publicize, state dar a entender make clear, imply dar a luz delivery, publish pago a plazos installment en pago de as a recompense a cuenta de in ? in exchange for? , in exchange for en resumidas cuentas In a word, in a sentence sin darse cuenta(de) unconsciously fuerzas armadas armed forces, troops a fuerza de by virtue of, on the basis of por fuerza forced, compelled, obliged to ganarse la vida(el pan) to earn a living al lado de in? next to, with? adjacent to de lado sideways, flanking, crooked por otro lado on the other hand, then again por todos lados on all sides, everywhere, comprehensively en compa?a de by? accompanied con permiso obliged to permit, labor sin permiso unauthorized, unauthorized sin parar ceaselessly, uninterruptedly en contra against, on the contrary en contra de with? Contrary to al parecer seem a mi(tu,su...) parecer according to me (you, him?) Look se parece(n)a with ? resembles de delante front, front por delante front, in front papeles en regla legal papers papel higi?nico toilet paper con claridad clearly, plainly de claro en claro all night long, all night long poner al descubierto reveal a primeros early in the month de primera first-class, first-rate detr?s de in? s behind por detr?s behind, from behind sacar adelante maintain, make ? There is progress sacar en limpio figuring out en(entre)tanto along with while mientras tanto along with por lo tanto therefore dentro de in? inside, in? during, in? within por dentro in, within a ver that well (to express a desire to know something) ?Hasta la vista! goodbye acostarse vestido and lie down with your clothes on leer acostado lie down and read a book entre la vida y la muerte life and death situation llamar la atenci?n a cause ? attention poner(prestar)atenci?n a care? a favor de favor? echar abajo to push down, destroy, make fail echar de menos to miss, reminisce a veces sometimes de una vez all at once en vez de instead of tal vez perhaps, possibly a diferencia de with? different sociedad limitada ltd a toda marcha hastily, hastily, quickly en presencia de when? s face por cumplir out of politeness a la invitaci?n de in response to? invitation servicio a domicilio home delivery de servicio on duty, office de nacimiento congenital reci?nacido freshly born al o?do biting the ear, whispering duro de o?do back of the ear, poor hearing llover a c?ntaros pouring rain ;