Why is my computer's icon turning blue? It also flashes blue when I refresh! I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this.

There are three ways to solve the problem of blue desktop icons, and you can solve it by trying the following three ways

1. My computer - right-click Properties - Advanced - Performance - Settings - Visual Effects - check "Adjust to Best Appearance" or "Let windows choose the best settings (L) for the computer". I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do this, but I'm sure you're going to be able to do it!

2. The second reason, because the document editor inside the picture directly copied and pasted to the desktop and lead to the opening of the active desktop and caused, as long as the closure of the active desktop can be

dissatisfaction method: right-click on the desktop ?ú Properties ?ú Desktop ?ú Customize the desktop ?ú web ?ú Remove (or remove the front of the hook) bound to the desktop to display the web page or picture address ?ú OK.

3. The third solution, right-click on the desktop → Arrange Icons → lock the web project on the desktop (I), remove the front of the hook can be.

Note: In fact, the second and third two cases can be summarized as follows: right-click on the desktop - Properties - Desktop - Customize Desktop - WEB - all the hooks can be removed.

The above methods depend on the actual situation, depending on what problem is caused by your machine, try them all on the right.

Attached other methods:

Computer|Properties|Advanced|Performance Settings|Customize|Use shadows for icon labels on the desktop|Put a checkmark on it|

If that doesn't work, right-click on a blank part of the desktop again|Arrange Icons|Lock Web Items on the Desktop|Take the checkmark off it

You can try the following 4 methods:

1. Right-click "My Computer", click "Properties/Advanced/Performance Settings" in the "Visual Effects" page will be "on the desktop for the icon labeling Use shadows for icon labels on the desktop" on the "Visual Effects" page, check the box and click OK.

2. Right-click on the desktop blank space right-click, in the "Arrange Icons" to remove the "lock the desktop web project"

3. Sometimes it will appear that the above settings can not solve the problem, we can be created by a new user's The solution is to create a new user, but the desktop icons, quick start bar, and environment variables will be restored to their default state and need to be reset. (generally do not use this)

4. Another way to easily solve the problem: right-click on the desktop, click "Properties/Desktop/Customize Desktop/Web" option, the "Web" column in the "current home page", "Web page", "Web page", "Web page", "Web page", "Web page", "Web page", "Web page", "Web page", "Web page", "Web page", "Web page". "current home page" and "add a web page or picture of the address, generally do not need, you can delete them all), and will be the following "lock the desktop project" in front of the check mark is also removed, click OK to complete the setup, you can see again!

These are the first time I've seen a desktop icon on a computer.

Another situation is that after installing a program (such as the system prompt: whether to add the Active Desktop item to your desktop), the desktop text becomes opaque. In the "Run" enter "gpedit.msc", open the Group Policy; in the "User Configuration ?ú Administrative Templates ?ú Desktop ?ú Active Desktop" in the. Click Enable Active Desktop and then click "Properties" to select "Disabled", click Disable Active Desktop "Properties" to select "Disabled", and then click "Properties" to select "Disabled". "Select "Enabled"; after that, open the Control Panel, open the system in the classic view, and then click "Performance→Advanced Options→Performance→Visual Effects→Make Desktop Text Transparent" (which is equivalent to performing the first method afterward).

Two, registry modification method:

In the "Start" ----> Run ----> type "regedit" Enter HKEY_USERS ----> S-1-5-21 -1121289129-3884528725-3932546534-1006>Software--->Microsoft--->Windows--->CurrentVersion--->Explorer--->. Advanced

Find "ShowCompColor"="dword:00000001" and change it to "dword:00000000 "

Find "ListviewShadow"="dword:00000000" and change it to "dword: 00000001"

Find "ShowCompColor"="dword:00000001" and change it to "dword:00000000"

Find "ShowCompColor"="dword:00000001" and change it to "dword:00000000". 00000001"

(change by double click)