Specialized stomatology technology employment prospects

Specialized Stomatology Technology employment prospects, employment field is wider, both in the large hospitals engaged in stomatology, but also private clinics, and can be engaged in beauty salons related to facial plastic surgery, beauty.

Recruitment requirements: for the stomatology profession, recruiting companies to give the most negotiable salary, accounting for 89%; unlimited work experience requirements of the most, accounting for 35%; bachelor's degree requirements of the most, accounting for 50%.

Employment direction: stomatology students after graduation can stomatologist employment field is wider, both in large hospitals engaged in stomatology work, but also private clinics, and can be engaged in beauty salons related to facial plastic surgery, beauty. After graduation, engaged in work related to medical education, research, clinical practice.

Doctors in medical institutions or individual clinics to help patients solve oral suffering teachers in medical schools engaged in dentistry teaching work; researchers in the study of oral disease occurrence, development, prevention and treatment; salespersons to dental medical equipment companies, toothpaste companies, dental materials companies to engage in marketing work.

Employment: dentist, oral surgeon, sales representative, oral surgeon, market specialist, oral product sales representative, oral surgeon, dentist, cosmetic dentist, sales manager, regional manager, customer service specialist.