Interference chant, may cause the computer some SATA or USB devices instantly be hot swapping, appeared that sound, the AC plug away from the point of separation to see, if there is no more socket, then you are afraid to upgrade your power supply, estimated that your power supply EMI filtering that part of the poor, good power supply are 2 and a half or even 3 levels of 4 levels of filtering, the poor province, and the fan is very capable of generating interference. The equipment. Change a good power supply can be solved, or to deal with it, if you want a simple solution, you can add a few more power lines in the computer and the fan ring shielding interference to see, and sometimes can start point role! It is best to use TDK and other imports of magnetic rings, TB or electronic market to buy the old can be, this thing is quite expensive new is not necessary. . Or, if you know the circuit, you can add an EMI rectifier part of the power supply. TB on the Delta closed EMI filter, you buy a 10A enough, only 7.5 yuan, the big city of the electronic market also sells, add in the power supply AC AC interface into the power supply circuit in front of the OK!
EMI power supply filters, also known as electromagnetic interference power supply! EMI power filters, also known as electromagnetic interference power filters, are passive bi-directional multi-port network filtering devices composed of inductors and capacitors. See Baidu Encyclopedia:/view/2514455.htm