serial number code company name
1 A Agilent
3 AAPL Apple
4 ABC Meiyuan Bergen
5 ABT Abbott Laboratories
6 ACE ACE Insurance
7 ACN Accenture
8 ADBE Adobe System
9 ADI Analog Devices
. P automatic data processing
12 ADSK Autodesk
13 AEE Amorim
14 AEP American electric power
15 AES AISI electric power
16 AET Aetna insurance
17 AFL family life insurance
18 AGN Aigen
19 AIG American International Group
2 AIV apartment investment and management. Ssurant
22 akam akamai
23 aksak steel
24 ALL Quanzhou insurance
25 p>25 ALTR altera
26 AMAT application materials
27 AMD advanced micro devices
28 AMGN Amgen
29 amp Ameriprise
3 AMT America. Tower
31 AMZN Amazon
32 an auto nation
33 an abercrombie &; Fitch
34 ANR alpha natural resources
35 AON aon
36 APA Apache petroleum
37 APC Anadarko petroleum
38 APD air chemical industry
39 APH amphenol electronics
4 Apollo
41 ARG airgas
42 ATI metallurgical technology < Alonbay
44 AVP Avon
45 AVY Avery Denison
46 AXP American Express
47 AZO autozone
48 BA Boeing
49 BAC Bank of America
5 BAX Baxter International
51 BBby Bedbath &; beyond
52 BBT BB& T
53 BBY Best Buy
55bdx Biddy
56 BEN Franklin Resources
57 BF_B Brown Furman
58 BHI Baker Hughes
59big lots retail
6 BIIB biological genes
61 BK Bank of New York Mellon < Ryder
63 BLL Bohr
64 BMC BMC software
65 BMS bimesi
66 BMY Bristol-Myers Squibb
67 BRCM broadcom
68 BRK_B Berkshire Hathaway -B
69 BSX Boston Science
7 BTU Boddy Energy
. Qi Group
73 CA Guanqun International
74 CAG ConAgra Food
75 CAH Cardinal Health
76 CAM Cameron International
77 Cat Caterpillar
78 CB Chubo Group
79 CBG CB Richard Johnson
8 CBS CBS Broadcasting
81. CCE Coca-Cola Company
82 CCL Carnival Cruise -co
83 CEP Joint Energy
84 Celg Celgene
85 CEPH CEP Halon (suspended)
86 CERN cerner Company
87 CF CF Industrial Holdings
88 CFN carefusion
89 CHK Chesapeake. Gram Energy
9 CHRW Robinson Global Logistics
92 CINFCincinnati Finance
93 CL Colgate-Palmolive
94 CLF cliffs Natural Resources
95 CLX Clorox
96 CMA Comerica
97 CMC SA Comcast
98 CME Chicago Stock Exchange.
99cmg chipotle Mexican grill
1cmi Cummins
11 CMS CMS energy
12 CNP midpoint energy
13 CNX consol energy
14cov First Capital Finance
15cog Cabot Oil&; Gas
16 COH coach
17 COL Rockwell Collins
18 COP ConocoPhillips
19 COST Costco
11 COV covidien plc
111 CPB Jinbaotang
112 CPWR Compaq Software
113 CRM Salesforce
113. C computer system consulting
115 CSCO Cisco
116 CSX CSX transportation
117 CTAS cintas
118 CTL Century Telecom
119 CTSH Kochi Technology
12 CTXS Citrix system
121 CVC cable TV system
122 CVH coventry health car. E
123 CVS CVS caremark Drug Retail
124 CVX Chevron
125 D Dominic Resources
126 DD DuPont
127 DeDeere
128 DELL Dell
129 DF Dean Foods
13 DFS Discovery Financial Services
131 DGX Quest. D.R.horton
133 DHR Danaher
134 DIS Walt Disney
135 DISCA Exploratory Communication -A
136 DNB Dunbury Company
137 DNR Denbury Resources
138 Do Diamond Offshore Drilling
139 DOV D. Over
14 DOW Chemical
141 DPS DR Pepper Snapple Group
142 DRI Darden Hotel
143 DTE DTE Energy
p>144 DTV directv
145 DUK Duke Energy
146 DV devry
147 DVA davita
. > 148 DVN Dai Wen Energy
15 ECL Yikang Chemical
151 ED and Edison
152 EFX equifax
153 EIX Edison International
154 EL Estee Lauder
155 EMC EMC Company
156 EMN Eastman Chemical
. Emerson electric
158 EOG EOG resources
159 EP El paso energy (suspension)
16 EQR apartment property equity trust
161 EQT EQT corp
162 EA electronic arts
163 ESRX quick prescription
164 ETFC E trade finance
165 ETN Eaton company. ETR Antje Company
167 EW Edward Life Sciences
168 EXC Axlon Electric Power
169EXPD Expeditors International of WAS
171f Ford Motor Company
172fast fast
173fcx Freedom. Hong Kong McMullen Copper and Gold Mine
174 FDO Family Dollar Store
175 FDX FedEx
176 FE First Energy
177 FFIF F5 Network
178 FHN First Horizon Bank
179 FII Joint Investment
18 FIS Fidelity National Information Service
181 FISV fiserv Company. TB Wusan Bank
183 FLIR FLIR systems
184 FLR Fulu
185 FLS FOSS Company
186 FMC FMC Company
187 FO Fujun brand (suspended)
188 FRX Forest Laboratory
189 FSLR First Solar Energy
19 FTI FMC Technology. Es
191 FTR Frontline Media
192 GAS nicor
193 GCI gannett
194 GD General Dynamics
195 GE General Electric
196 GILD Gilead Science
197 GIS General Mill
198 GLW Corning
199 GME GameStop
. Enworth finance
21 GOOG Google
22 GPC genuine brand parts
23 GPS gap
24 GDP goodrich
25 GS Goldman Sachs
26 GT Goodyear tire
27 gww.w.granger
28 HAL halliburton company
28. HasHasbro
211 HBAN Huntington Financial Report
212 HCBK Hudson City Bank
213 HCN Healthcare Real Estate Trust
214 HCCP Real Estate Trust
215 HD The Home Depot
216 Hess Hess Petroleum
217 HIG Hartford Financial Services
218 HNZ Heinz
. G Harley-Davidson
22 HON Honeywell international
221 HOT starwood hotel
222 HP helmer Ritchie &; Payne
223 HPQ HP company
224 HRB h&; R Brock
225 HRL Hormel
226 HRS Harris
227 HSP hospira
228 HST host Hotel and Fake Village
229 HSY Hershey Company
23 HUM Harmona
231 IBM IBM Company
232 ICE Intercontinental Exchange
233. 234 IGT International Game Technology
235 INTC Intel
236 Intuitive Software
237 IP International Paper
238 IPG Ai Peizhi
239 IR Ingersoll Rand
24 IRM Iron Mountain
241 ISRG Intuitive Surgical
242 ITTITT Technology < 3 ITW Illinois Tools
244 IVZ Jing Shun
245 JBL Jabil Electronics
246 JCI johnson controls
247 JCP J.C. Penney
248 JDSU Jiedixun Optoelectronics
249 JEC Jacobs Project
25 JNJ Johnson
251 JNPR Zhanbo. Li
253 JOY Jiuyi Global
254 JPM JPMorgan Chase
255 JWN Nord stron
256 K Kellogg's
257 KEY keycorp
258 KFT Kraft Food
259 KIM kimco Real Estate Trust
26 KLAC Ketian Semiconductor
261 KMB. MX carmax inc
263 KO Coca-Cola
264 KR krogh
265 KSS Cole Department Store
266 L Luosi Insurance
267 LEG Li 'enpai Group
268 LEN Lena Real Estate
269 LH American Laboratory
27 LIFE Life Technology
271LLLL. 272 LLTC Lillett
273 Lilly Lilly
274 LM Meisheng Group
275 LMT Lockheed Martin
276 LNC Lincoln National
277 LO Lorillard Tobacco
278 LOW Lloyd's
279 LSI LSI Electronics
28 Ltd. Limited brand clothing
278. > 282 LUV southwest airlines
283 LXK Lexmark international
284 M Macy's
285 MA MasterCard
286 MAR Marriott International
287 MAS masco
288 MAT Mattel
289 MCD McDonald's
29mcp microchip technology
291. Moody's
293 MDT Medtronic
294 MET Metropolitan Insurance
295 MHP McGraw Hill
296 MHS Meike Health Care (suspension)
297 MJN Mead Johnson
298 MKC is delicious
299 MMC Marsh &; Mclennan
3 MMI Motorola Mobile
31 MMM.