Wu Jitang: AIDS is not far away from us, these AIDS knowledge you should know early!
Wu Jitang health, a good day starts from reading a warm article, Xiao Sheng will share some practical medical content every day, I hope it will help you! Xiao Sheng focus on gastrointestinal health and traditional Chinese medicine for many years, there are any health problems can give me a message oh. I look forward to your attention!
When it comes to AIDS, many people's first reaction is, wow, so afraid of fear ~ ~ will be infected ~ ~ promiscuity ~ ~ drug use ~ ~ nothing to do with me ~ ~ automatically open the chain of discrimination. In fact, AIDS is not far away from us, and it is not so terrible. The only thing more frightening than AIDS is "discrimination".
Everyone can get AIDS under the same sky, so it's best to know about it.
What is AIDS?
AIDS, or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is a malignant infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
After entering the human body, HIV mainly kills CD4+ T lymphocytes in the body, and gradually reduces people's resistance, leading to a variety of incurable complications, and ultimately leading to death.
What are the symptoms of HIV?
There are no specific symptoms in the early stages of HIV infection. When the resistance of HIV-infected patients is severely damaged by the HIV virus and the disease resistance is not kept at a minimum level, a variety of incurable diseases appear. At this point, they are called AIDS patients.
The average incubation period for HIV-infected patients to develop AIDS is eight to ten years, ranging from as short as a few months to as long as ten years.
How is AIDS transmitted?
Sexual transmission: AIDS can be spread between men and women through sexual intercourse. The more sexual partners you have, the higher your risk of infection.
Blood Transfusions: Public **** syringes for the introduction of contaminated blood or blood products and the use of invasive equipment that has not been strictly sterilized, such as surgery, acupuncture, tooth extraction, ear piercing and eyebrow tattoos.
Mother-to-child transmission: Women with HIV can transmit the virus to their babies during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.
Can everyday contact spread HIV?
Handshakes, hugs, courtesy kisses, commonly used utensils,*** office equipment, tools, telephones, coins,*** public **** facilities (such as restrooms, swimming pools, or bathrooms), as well as coughs, sneezes, and mosquito bites do not spread AIDS.
Who is at high risk for HIV infection?
Men who have sex with men; people who use drugs intravenously; people who have sex with people living with HIV/AIDS; multiple sex partners; and sexually transmitted infections.
How to accurately rule out HIV infection
Suspected HIV infection is not ruled out by screening for HIV antibodies 3 months after suspected exposure.
The window period is usually several weeks to 3 months. At 3 months, a negative HIV antibody screen makes HIV infection extremely unlikely. However, sometimes testing can be extended, if necessary, more than 3 months after HIV antibodies are reported.
What to do after HIV infection
Prophylactic medication should be used for as short a time as possible (within 2 hours if possible) after exposure to HIV, preferably no longer than 24 hours, but even if it is more than 24 hours, the use of prophylactic medication is recommended. The course of medication is 28 consecutive days.
Once HIV infection is diagnosed, antiretroviral therapy is recommended regardless of the level of CD4 + T lymphocytes. Treatment must be initiated in individuals with: pregnancy, diagnosis of AIDS, acute opportunistic infections, 200 CD4+ T lymphocytes/ul, HIV-associated kidney disease, acute infections, and co-infection with active hepatitis B virus (HBV), or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.
Many people believe that AIDS is not far from death. In fact, AIDS is not as scary as high blood pressure or diabetes; it is a chronic and controllable disease. As long as medication is strictly adhered to, AIDS patients have a long life expectancy and they can live and work as normal people.
Well, the above is today's share, if you think it is useful, you are welcome to forward to more friends know, if there is any health problems can ask me, I hope that a little of my advice can help you health confusion and worry, so that we can all have a healthy body