US Senate
US Senate
1) Defies Bush on Health Care Bill
1) Opposes Bush's health care bill
The bill is a complicated
The bill is difficult to understand
2) Mixture of medicine, law, and politics. but for now, the political
. Mixture of medicine, law, and politics. But for now, the political
3) Equation favors the Democrats, who took advantage of their new majority status to push through a top priority, as President Bush pressed his tax cut a few months ago.
The measure is designed to address what its
Equation favors the Democrats, who took advantage of their new majority status to push through a top priority, as President Bush pressed his tax cut a few months ago. Bush released his tax cuts months ago.
4) Backers call horror stories, where people are denied crucial or even life-saving treatment by cost-conscious health care companies. The bill of rights would allow millions of Americans to take such
Backers call horror stories, where people are denied crucial or even life-saving treatment by cost-conscious health care companies. Bill of Rights would allow millions to take 。。。。
5) Disputes to court. Democratic Senator Richard Durbin explained, saying "we are this close, my friends, to passing a patients' bill of rights with two
disputes litigated. State Democratic Senator Richard explained, saying "we are this close, my friends, to passing a patients' bill of rights with two
disputed lawsuits. Passing a Patients' Bill of Rights
6) Fundamental principles, principles that say first, doctors make medical decisions, not health insurance companies in America, and second, when the health insurance companies do something wrong they'll be held
Fundamental principles, principles that say first, doctors make medical decisions, not health insurance companies in America, and second, when the health insurance companies do something wrong they'll be held
Basic principles, principles that say first, doctors make medical decisions, not health insurance companies in America, and second, when the health insurance companies do something wrong they'll be held
7) Accountable like every other business in America." The Democrats closed ranks and turned back a
and every other business in America. " The Democrats' secret ranks and ....
8) Barrage of Republican attempts to amend the bill. President Bush has threatened to veto the current version, on the grounds it would make health care more expensive and
*** and party after party attempts to amend the bill. Bush threatened to veto the current version, on the grounds it would make health care more expensive and ....
9) Ultimately cost some Americans their benefits. His health and human services secretary, Tommy Thompson says the Senate bill could have been improved. "Why pass something that we all want to do on a
Ultimately cost some Americans their benefits. Bush's health services secretary, Tommy Thompson says the Senate bill could have been improved. "Why pass something that we all want to do on a ......
10) Bipartisan basis just so the president is going to end up vetoing it? It doesn't make any sense to It doesn't make any sense to me," he said. "Who are we helping?"
The bill moves to the House of
President Clinton will veto the vote? That doesn't make any sense to me," he said. "Who are we helping? ... "
The bill will go to 。。。。。 (House or Senate)
11) Representatives next month. meanwhile, Democrats hope its Senate passage will give them
...... next month ..... Meanwhile, Democrats hope its Senate passage will give them ......
12) Momentum for the rest of this year's session of Congress.
Momentum for the rest of this year's session of Congress ....