In order to participate in the old classmates reunion, Xiaoliu deliberately purchased a pair of colored contact lenses on the Internet, wanting to look good at the reunion, I did not expect to wear just less than a day, Xiaoliu's eyes began to dry, red, and non-stop tears, to the ophthalmology department to check to know that the cornea has been abraded, and even has affected the eyesight.
For Xiao Liu such a situation, experts said that a short period of time correctly wear a large brand qualified color contact lenses on the eyes is not a big problem, but the color contact lenses more than contain pigment components, many small brands, poor quality counterfeit products are easy to pigmentation after prolonged use, resulting in keratitis and other eye diseases. The colors added in such lenses are mostly heavy metal ions with poor permeability, which will affect the breathing of the cornea. If the cornea is in a state of oxygen deficiency for a long time, the eyes will be congested, swollen and painful, tearing, causing bacterial infections, ulcers, erosion and other symptoms; wear "pupils" as a foreign body will be friction with the conjunctiva, cornea, long-term stimulation is also prone to lead to chronic congestion of the conjunctiva, resulting in conjunctivitis. In addition, the sterilization of unclean "contacts" may also lead to the spread of trachoma, hepatitis B and other diseases.
Additionally, because the pupil seeks to give the user the effect of exaggerated pupil color, most of the optical area in the center of the lens is small, people wear these lenses will have the feeling of narrowing the field of vision, long time use of the 'pupil' on the pseudomyopia patients is particularly harmful, it is recommended that each time you use the time of no more than six hours, the next time to wear before making sure that there is no eye contact, the next time to make sure that there is no eye contact, and the next time to wear the eye. The next time before wearing to ensure that there is no abnormalities in the eye can be used.
Experts remind that not everyone is suitable for wearing colored contact lenses, primary and secondary school students should not wear such glasses, because primary and secondary school students are in the developmental period, the visual axis of the eye has not yet been shaped, premature wear contact lenses are prone to physiological metabolism disorders and other side effects; secondly, pregnant women, glaucoma, chronic dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, hyperthyroidism, and other diseases and allergies, do not wear; In addition, the eyes of long-term exposure to the polluted environment of the crowd should not wear "pupils", such as traffic police, drivers; to participate in indoor and outdoor sports is also best not to wear. Once due to bad wearing habits, poor eyeglasses care, eye sensitivity and weather reasons, causing eye congestion, inflammation, severe corneal hypoxia will lead to corneal deformation and eye infections resulting in corneal perforation and other serious eye diseases, and even lead to permanent eye blindness. In the "Medical Device Classification Catalog", contact lenses are "implanted in the body or long-term contact with the body of the ophthalmic optical apparatus", is classified as a Class III medical device, and blood transfusion, transfusion equipment belongs to the same level of strict control, need to be subjected to strict control.
Color contact lenses, be sure to go to a regular optical store, under the guidance of a professional optometrist after the standard fitting and purchase of large brands of color contact lenses, be sure not to buy the street cheap inferior products. All pupils are harmful to the eyes, the quality of contact lenses are good risk, pupils so that the cornea can not contact the air, the eyes will not be able to normal metabolism due to lack of oxygen, resistance to decline, even if it is a high oxygen permeability, high water content of contact lenses can not meet the physiological requirements of the eye, so usually try to do less to wear, do not wear more than 6 hours a day, do not wear all day continuously wear pupils, otherwise the eyes of the Otherwise, the damage to the eyes is great. Experts also emphasized that in taking and wearing contact lenses to pay special attention to health, first of all, the first pupil disinfection and washing, wear to carefully wash your hands, hands should be in the flow of water, wash with soap more than two times, in the process of taking and wearing lenses should be careful and gentle, so as not to injure the eyeball and cornea.