Laptop computer install system

1, memory gold finger oxidation leads to poor contact, with alcohol sassafras can be.

2, according to the violent error of the specific information on the Internet search

3, the hard disk power supply is not added or link is not good, or the hard disk cable is not connected, please check the above wires are connected to the IDE socket can also be exchanged to try 1dPK5;D

4, the hard disk interface circuit has a problem, the hard disk is installed in the other machine to try! ~:k Y} ,)

If you can see the hard disk in the BIOS, but can not boot the system successfully, it may be due to the following reasons: X^N=gf/

5, the hard disk in a "white disk" that is, not partitioned and formatted, the system does not recognize (of course, your hard disk will not be this situation) wAgjEN

6, the system is corrupted, can not boot the system (floppy disk boot should see the hard disk, so it should not belong to this case) y3`B^TrH

7, the hard disk drive or other missing, etc. is damaged wni,rO~m

In short. Only after you find the hard disk can you do further operations such as FDISL. Please check as above ]?AR$f!