How is the medical level of Daqing Oilfield General Hospital?

Daqing Oilfield General Hospital real state is: first-class equipment (the patient's hard-earned money to buy), five-stream medical level (almost 99.9 percent of doctors will only laboratory tests to see the map to speak, the paper to see the disease), superb income (how to come we all understand).

I real case a

body long a pimples did not show head hold, inflammation grew into soybean size cysts, begging for oil field general hospital cut.

Reply: cut can not, must be hospitalized for seven days, the first inflammation eliminated and then operated, did not gas fainted. The first thing you need to do is to get the best out of your car and get it back on the road.

I real case two

A colleague leg fracture, digging a hole in the door to find a director, the results of an ordinary bone treatment into a coma for three days, the results of the whole hospital dazed, turn to the second hospital of the University of Medical Sciences. Doctors a roll of the eyelids calmly said, all right can not die, the results of the next day people woke up, more thunderous things are still behind it! X-ray a film ...... outline plate deformation bones connected to the wrong stubble, and then forced to break the bones have grown on the reattachment of the patient as if from hell to go back to it. The first time I saw the car, I was in the middle of the car, I was in the middle of the car, I was in the middle of the car.

I really hope that the doctor can improve the medical ethics to improve the level of medical skills, the main focus on the people's lives and health rather than digging for profit, I believe you can do! The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty!

Let's put it this way: the oilfield general hospital is large, advanced medical facilities, before 2020 under the management of the oilfield, the oilfield in the hardware and facilities not less investment, after 2020 returned to the management of Daqing City. It is said to come to the oilfield general hospital to see a lot of people, hospitalization beds are also relatively tense, the doctor's level of medical care should continue to improve is, however, the actual level of the first two hospitals of Harbin Medical University than, the gap is very large. There are several reasons for this: firstly, it is poor to attract high-level doctors to work in the hospital, and the main reasons are low income, few cases, and poor scientific research ability. Currently working in the hospital backbone of the vast majority of doctors are Jiamusi Medical College, Mudanjiang Medical College, Qiqihar Medical College and other local medical school clinical graduates, the level of you know, the Harvard Medical University graduates are not much and a lot of them have retired. In addition, over the years, there are also some level of doctors who left the General Hospital to fly to a higher place. Secondly, the competitiveness of doctors and the sense of competition is not strong, in Daqing in the oil fields, the General Hospital doctors drought and flood insurance income, than outside the insufficient, than inside the surplus, but also where the motivation? Medical level will not improve naturally. Third, the difficult cases are few, inexperienced, not allowed to see the disease, cure the disease occurs from time to time. Fourth, the level of the hospital is now basically a university hospital, scientific research capabilities with the help of the university, whether from the project, funding, research team has formed a system and scale, while the oilfield general hospital this is a more obvious defects. Fifth, oilfield exploration and development can be world-class, because there are world-class talent, national attention, while the oilfield management hospital is pediatric level, management is not professional, attention and exploration than a lot worse than the poor, not poor child light investment in hardware, talent and skills investment is small, to form the current situation. Even if the transfer to the municipal management, many problems still exist, the medical level will not be significantly improved.

In name only, if you look at the door of the wall, are experts, however, the real treatment of the time, the name does not match the reality, compared with hospitals such as Harvard Medical University, the gap is not small.

The real level is super first-class instruments, doctors income super first-class, poor technology first-class. Taking all kinds of subsidies, sucking the blood of patients, and doing things that are not doctors.

Daqing radiated in the region including Qiqihar part of the county, the best hospitals, of course, not as good as some of the specialized hospitals in Harbin, that Harbin is not as good as Beijing! How to see? The oilfield general hospital is really good!

The good doctors are gone, small disease to you as a big disease treatment, big disease directly say transfer it.

Daqing Oilfield General Hospital is not very good

Equipment is good, the level is too wow! The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem! The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem, and then you have to go back to the hospital!

Branch sub-specialty, or quite good overall at the municipal level Hospital

Daqing Oilfield General Hospital's level of medical care, in Heilongjiang Province, in addition to Harbin, should be better!