Not the same thing, LVD certification is one of the self-declarations in CE marking.
The CE marking is a self-declaration that a manufacturer's product complies with the requirements of the appropriate European Union directives, including the Low Voltage Directive (LVD), the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC), and so on. In order to visibly indicate that a product complies with its LVD, the CE marking must be placed on the product.
If the CE marking cannot be placed on the product, it can also be placed on the product packaging, user manuals, or guarantees (warranties).
The way a manufacturer identifies a product with the CE marking is to inform the governments of the European ****bodies that his product is legal to sell and that the product meets the official requirements contained in the CE marking. However, the CE marking is not a mark of consumer approval, but merely a mark of approval by the governments of the European *** body to authorize imports.
Expanded Information:
CE-LVD Test Items are as follows/Test Items
Input test, Heating test, Humidity test, Glow-wire test, Over Load test, Leakage current measurements, Electric Strength test voltage resistance test, Earth continuity test grounding resistance test;
Cord anchorage test power cord tension test, Stability test stability test, Plug torque test plug torque test, Impact Stability test,Plug torque test,Impact test,Capacitor discharge test at plug,Fault conditions test,Working voltage measurement,Working voltage measurement;
Motor lock-rotor test Motor lock-rotor test, Low and high temperature testHigh and low temperature testTumbling, roller drop test, Insulation resistance testInsulation resistance testBall pressure testBall pressure testScrew, Torque testScrew torque test, Needle flame test.
Shenzhen Baozhengda Technology Co.