China, India as the representative of the developing countries as the economic take-off led the development of the world economy, energy, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and minerals demand has increased greatly, multinational mining companies on energy and mineral raw materials prices have also played a role in pushing the role of the substantial increase in the price of mineral raw materials represented by petroleum, copper, iron ore on the national security and the country's economic security pose a serious threat.
In 2003, the world's mining economy began to recover, and since then for 2 consecutive years of substantial growth in the mineral market has seen an unprecedented boom, the world's import and export trade of mineral products was a substantial upward trend, the trade increase is greater than the increase in production. Such as in 2001, the world iron ore production of 935 million tons in 2005 for 1.274 billion tons, an increase of 36.3% in 2006 to 1.690 billion tons; iron ore world trade in 2000 for 485 million tons in 2005 rose to 640 million tons, an increase of 32.0% in 2006 to reach 722 million tons; in 2001, the world production of coal 5.117 billion tons in 2001, reached 5.853 billion tons in 2005, although 1.1% lower than the previous year, but still 14.4% higher than in 2001, and rose to 6.195 billion tons in 2006; the volume of coal trade in 2000 was 490 million tons, and rose to more than 700 million tons in 2005, an increase of 42.9%; oil production in 2001 was 3.500 billion tons, and 2005 3.897 billion tons in 2001, an increase of 11.3% also reached 3.914 billion tons in 2006; world oil trade reached 1.885 billion tons in 2005, an increase of 6.5% over 2003, and reached 2.590 billion tons in 2006.
Transnational corporations, which monopolize the possession of most of the world's high-quality resources, have pushed up the prices of mineral products on the world market with great enthusiasm in the face of supply imbalance for many years in a row. Under the control of OPEC and the promotion of big oil companies in Europe and the United States, the average package price of the world's six kinds of crude oil in 2005 reached 54.01 U.S. dollars per barrel, 122% higher than that of 2001. 2006, the international oil prices were even higher in waves, with the highest average price of up to 78.00 U.S. dollars per barrel per month, and an average price of 66.50 U.S. dollars per barrel for the whole year, which was 174% higher than that of 2001.
Resource monopoly multinational corporations, with the help of the hands of the master of the quality of resources wantonly price increases an extreme example is CVRD, Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton 3 major iron ore production company. International iron ore prices in the 3 major iron ore production giants under the coercion of the price increases in successive years without negotiation: in 2003 compared with 2002 rose 8.9%, in 2004 and then raised 18.7%, in 2005, a further surge of 71.5%, in 2006, the price rose by 19.0%, and in 2007 rose by 9.5%. Through five consecutive years of rise, the international market in 2007, iron ore prices have been 189% higher than in 2002, in just five years, only the price of powder ore has nearly quadrupled. As the world's largest importer of iron ore, the price increase makes the Chinese steel industry for large-scale imports to pay a heavy price.