"Water is the source of life, we have to protect every drop." This sentence is right, if there is no water, the earth will be dry and cracked; if there is no water, we human beings may die of thirst; if there is no water, there is no more our beautiful world. We must cherish every drop of water and every tear of Mother Earth.
If there is no water, we can't wash our faces, brush our teeth, can't quench our thirst, there is no fish and shrimp on the table, can't see the flowers, plants and trees, don't know what it means to swim, ships and boats are all scrapped, the concrete block can't be, tall buildings can't be built, and even the little dolls cry without tears ...... In short, water is very valuable. But often there are many people do not know how to cherish it. Faucet rattling water, people do not know where to go; bath pour on a large tank of water, soak for ten minutes and then let it rattling away ......
So, our science and technology group decided to launch a survey, analyze, write a paper, and at the same time, call on people to conserve water, protect water resources.
I. Investigation and Analysis of the Overall Water Use of Guangdong People
The water use habits of most of us in Guangdong can be summarized in two words - wastefulness. It is reported that Guangdong's per capita comprehensive water consumption in the province in 2007 was 493 cubic meters, while the national per capita comprehensive water consumption in 2007 was only 438 cubic meters. In the general public's mind, Guangdong is at the southernmost tip of mainland China, with abundant rainfall and water resources. Therefore, Guangdong people have long formed the habit of using water as they wish without worrying about it. Whether in agriculture, industry, or urban life, there is a serious waste of water. Water quotas for all industries are generally higher than those of other provinces. However, the actual water resources possession is not high. According to reports, the current per capita possession of water resources in Guangdong is 2118 cubic meters, which is less than the national per capita level of 2200 cubic meters, and is only equivalent to a quarter of the world's per capita possession of water resources. In recent years, the frequency of droughts and water shortages than in the past significantly higher, especially in coastal areas suffering from drought at the same time often due to the decline in water levels of rivers, making the salty tide disaster to take advantage of the situation. Therefore, the problem of water shortage has become the next 20 years in Guangdong to achieve the goal of a moderately prosperous society in all aspects, the economy continues to develop at a high rate of sustainable development of the important constraints.
Likewise, there is a waste of water action is often done by all of us. Nowadays, we see many stores using sterilized and plastic-wrapped cutlery for their customers, but there are still diners who habitually swish it with hot tea before using it. This is a waste of water. If we look at this habit from the perspective of water conservation, it is a very big waste. If a cup of water is calculated at 1/8 liter, 8 customers will use up 1 liter, 8,000 customers is 1 ton of water, that is, 1 cubic meter of water, and 80,000 customers is 10 cubic meters of water. According to the beginning of last year, Guangzhou city resident plus mobile population statistics, has reached 12 million people. Rough calculations, if each person once a day to eat in the restaurant, just shabu shabu tableware water will be wasted 1,500 cubic meters, a year down, is 547,500 cubic meters of water.
Of course, Guangdong people are gradually learning to economize. Experts including He Guoqing, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Hydrological Bureau, who talked about building a water-saving society at a water event on the 11th of this month, believe that Guangdong has a great potential for water conservation and a bright future. First of all, the potential for industrial water conservation, Guangdong industrial water quota is high, low reuse rate, leakage is serious, the national industrial water reuse rate of about 55%, while the developed countries are 75% to 85%. The reuse rate across Guangdong is generally only 20% to 40%. Therefore, experts believe that industrial water conservation channels are mainly to strengthen water conservation in key industries such as thermal power generation, chemical industry, papermaking, metallurgy, textile, building materials, food and so on. Secondly, the potential for agricultural water conservation, the province's agricultural irrigation water utilization rate of only about 40%, while the advanced countries to reach 70% ~ 80%; Guangdong water-saving irrigation projects accounted for less than 1 / 3 of the effective area of irrigation, channel impermeability rate is low, the use of sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, and other advanced water-saving measures of the irrigated area is very little. Experts believe that this area is also promising.
So what about our home water use? We decided to tally it by means of tidal water meters.
My family's water use statistics over a month
One week 742 618 713 887 876 780 411 5027 718.14
Two weeks 783 820 796 731 649 748 829 5356 765.14
Three weeks 695 742 685 832 849 624 824 5251 750.14
Four weeks 446 707 659 703 779 306 632 4232 604.57
Total 2666 2887 2853 3153 3153 2458 2696 19866 2838
Average 666.5 721.75 713.25 788.25 788.25 614.5 674 709.5 709.5
Unit: kg Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total Average
All in all, in order to protect our home, we must save water and make our life better!
Two, the investigation and analysis of the current situation of water use
We, Guangdong people, most of us waste water, so what about outsiders? So we made a table by investigating and organizing information.
(I) Domestic
Region Total water supply (billion cubic meters) Total water use (billion cubic meters) Per capita water use (cubic meters/person)
I*** Surface water Groundwater Other I*** Agriculture Production Life Ecology
Beijing 35.0 8.3 25.4 1.3 35.0 12.9 7.6 13.5 1.0 243.1
Tianjin 20.5 13.4 7.1 0.0 20.5 11.2 4.9 4.2 0.3 203.5
Hebei 199.8 33.7 165.5 0.6 199.8 149.6 26.2 23.7 0.3 295.9
Shanxi 56.2 19.9 35.8 0.5 56.2 33.3 14.1 8.5 0.3 170.2
Neimenggu 166.9 85.9 80.7 0.3 166.9 146.1 10.1 10.0 0.7 701.4
Liaoning 128.3 60.3 67.9 0.1 128.3 83.5 21.9 22.9 None 305.1
Jilin 104.0 63.1 40.9 None 104.0 67.5 22.2 14.3 None 385.0
Heilongjiang 245.8 149.9 95.9 None 245.8 171.4 52.5 18.9 3.0 644.5
Shanghai 109.0 108.0 1.0 None 109.0 16.3 72.2 18.3 2.1 653.4
Jiangsu 433.5 422.5 11.0 None 433.5 223.1 155.8 39.9 14.6 586.3
Zhejiang 206.0 197.1 8.5 0.4 206.0 110.2 55.3 29.1 11.5 441.7
Anhui 178.6 161.5 16.5 0.6 178.6 93.8 63.1 21.3 0.4 280.1
Fujian 182.8 177.4 4.2 1.1 182.8 101.0 60.1 20.6 1.1 525.7
Jiangxi 172.5 163.3 9.2 None 172.5 104.1 46.7 20.6 1.1 407.0
Shandong 219.4 104.1 114.0 1.3 219.4 157.0 31.6 29.3 1.4 241.0
Henan 187.6 73.9 113.7 0.1 187.6 113.3 39.9 32.0 2.4 194.6
Hubei 245.1 236.6 6.9 1.6 245.1 136.2 80.7 28.0 0.1 408.8
Hunan 318.8 295.3 22.1 1.5 318.8 209.4 68.4 39.4 1.6 479.8
Guangdong 457.5 436.5 20.6 0.4 457.5 242.6 130.4 79.5 5.0 578.7
Guangxi 278.4 265.5 11.5 1.4 278.4 205.4 37.0 32.7 3.2 575.2
Hainan 46.3 42.4 3.9 None 46.3 35.7 4.1 5.9 0.6 573.9
Chongqing 63.2 60.9 1.9 0.3 63.2 20.7 26.9 15.3 0.3 202.6
Sichuan 209.9 195.7 12.8 1.4 209.9 121.7 56.1 30.4 1.7 241.6
Guizhou 93.7 85.5 8.0 0.2 93.7 52.2 26.4 14.8 0.4 243.2
Yunnan 146.1 139.3 6.2 0.6 146.1 109.6 17.4 18.3 0.8 335.5
Tibet 25.3 23.9 1.4 None 25.3 22.6 0.3 1.9 0.4 940.6
Shaanxi 75.1 40.6 32.9 1.6 75.1 50.7 13.0 11.3 0.1 203.9
Gansu 121.6 93.1 28.1 0.4 121.6 96.4 16.3 8.6 0.2 467.9
Qinghai 29.0 23.9 5.1 None 29.0 21.7 4.2 3.0 0.2 545.8
Ningxia 64.0 57.6 6.5 None 64.0 58.4 3.5 1.7 0.4 1111.5
Xinjiang 500.7 447.0 53.1 0.6 500.7 454.9 8.3 13.1 24.4 2608.3
From the table, we can see that the water supply of Beijing and Tianjin is very little, and their citizens use water more sparingly; the people of Xinjiang and Ningxia use more water, and it is recommended that they conserve it. Hebei has the most groundwater, which is very pure water, and local citizens do not use much water. Guangdong and Xinjiang regions have the most surface water and they are expected to utilize water practically. From the table as a whole, it seems that Guangdong people are in the upper middle of water consumption. We need to promote water conservation and strive to maximize environmental protection.
(2) Water Use in Foreign Countries
We have a preliminary understanding of the water use of Chinese people, but what about foreigners? Let's find out. There are reports that: "Foreign water use is in a slow release phase, but China is in a 'running water' state, people feel that China's water resources are very rich, in fact, China's water resources are very little. China's fresh water is very little, the fresh water can be used are almost squandered by the Chinese people, and foreigners to save water to the use of water to turn to the toilet water saving, ecological water saving, the Chinese people which know how to consider these?"
Then foreigners in the end what good ideas for water conservation? Let's take another look.
The United States: cheap water prices are still saving water (people pay attention to)
The United States is rich in water resources, water costs are very cheap, but in terms of water conservation, the Americans even to the point of meticulous. Walking into a bath, you will see this warning: "If it is not particularly dirty, can you use a towel to wipe your body instead of unscrewing the faucet?" In terms of water conservation, the Americans are particularly fond of "gossip", if there is a leaky pipe, someone will immediately call the relevant departments to reflect.
Britain: the government teaches people to calculate the water account (government attention)
British Environment Agency for each housewife to calculate a few accounts, washing machine water consumption is about 14% of the total water consumption; kitchen dishwasher and sink water consumption is about 7.7% of the total water consumption and so on. At the same time, the UK Environment Agency points out that significant water savings can be made by changing habits. For example, if adults in England and Wales tightened the taps when brushing their teeth, they could save 180,000 tons of water a day, enough to supply water to 500,000 homes. The UK Environment Agency's website offers a wide range of ways to save water in the home, from the tap to the urinal, from the bathroom to the plumbing. In order to call on the public to save water, the British government also with the people a sum of money to calculate the "water account". In addition, the British government has also begun to promote environmentally friendly residential neighborhoods that help save water, a unique approach to water conservation.
Japan: water-saving initiatives multi-headed
In order to solve the serious problem of water scarcity, the Japanese government has taken a number of effective measures. The first is to prevent loopholes and conserve water.
From the 1980s, Japan vigorously advocate the use of "miscellaneous water" (refers to the sewer recycled water and rainwater), for flushing toilets, cooling, car washing, street sprinkler, watering trees and other uses. Many households in Japan's major cities have wastewater treatment johkasou. These household wastewater treatment johkasou can treat and purify toilet wastewater together with other domestic wastewater, and their purification capacity is almost the same as that of a sewer terminal treatment facility. In addition, storing and utilizing rainwater is another effective conservation policy that has been actively pursued by Japanese governments at all levels in recent years.
Israel: Water Conservation Miracle
Israel is a country with a severe water shortage. Israel's water-saving technology is a masterpiece, its water-saving equipment has been exported to many countries. Israel's flush toilet has a small large two buttons, respectively, for urine and feces after flushing, flushing water difference of half. Israel from north to south comprehensive popularization and promotion of micro-irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation technology. Water-saving irrigation technology is also known as the world's leading.
Taking advantage of the shortcomings is a good way to learn, let's learn from these good examples of water conservation!
Three, the common waste of water situation investigation and analysis
1, due to backward management level, low economic strength, can use advanced water technology, equipment, technology and management methods but did not use. For example, farmers in many parts of China are still clinging to the old concepts, the use of large water irrigation, watering the entire field is full of water, some places to produce a kilogram of rice to use up 1 ton of water. In addition, China's production process is backward, industrial production requires huge amounts of water, water reuse rate is low, water consumption.
2, water conservation equipment and facilities for the maintenance and replacement of untimely, resulting in waste of water. For example, due to the age of repair caused by urban water supply pipelines in the process of water leakage; managers forget to close the faucet due to carelessness; family faucets are not tightly closed resulting in water leakage, and so on.
3, did not use water-saving facilities or water-saving devices resulting in waste. Some people do not want to replace the water-saving appliances, but in fact, more than enough to pay the water bill to buy water-saving appliances. Nowadays, more and more types of water-saving appliances, take the toilet, the old toilet than water-saving toilet each time to waste 4-5 kilograms of water, a month flow off 3 tons to 25 tons of water, if there are 200,000 toilet, a year to lose 0.5 billion tons of water.
4, water conservation system is not sound, low management level, poor implementation, some water units to drill the system's loopholes, resulting in waste of water.
5, people's low awareness of water conservation is the most fundamental cause of waste of water. If we pay attention to each person, each person can save at least 1 kilogram of water per day.
6, in the family, the phenomenon of wasting water is not surprising. Some people use water, like to open the faucet is very big, long time rinse, waste a lot of water for nothing. Some people in the storage of water, there is a "new and old" waste phenomenon, which is also commonplace. But human beings are not yet able to realize how many precious lives on earth will be lost because of their so-called "old and new".
7, in the school, the phenomenon of wasting water is more common. Usually, some students always forget to turn off the faucet after using water; in the bath, and for their own momentary pleasure and crazy rinse. Their negligence not only brings inconvenience to others, but also eat their own fruit. Once to the peak of the shower, there are often water outages. But early only so, why bother in the beginning? After investigation of our school's water consumption is very large, serious waste, boys dormitory water shortage from time to time, if it continues there may be serious consequences.
8, in agriculture, water is also a serious waste. According to information, 2004 is 26 years of drought is the most violent one, want to have a rain is very difficult, to early February this year, the province's crop drought area as high as 2,710,870,000 acres, accounting for 43.34% of the arable land area. 291,600 people, 112,800 head of livestock have drinking water difficulties. But most of the area is still randomly open water conservancy, unreasonable irrigation.
In the face of this situation, human beings tolerate this treatment of the liquid of life? Tolerant to let this beautiful water balloon dry up? Willing to turn a blind eye to this? Therefore, let us work together to **** to find a water-saving policy.
Four, measures and recommendations
(1) on the methods and measures to save water
①, bathroom water
1. Bathroom shower than the basin bath can save at least 50% of the water consumption, about 50 liters.
2. Using a low-flow shower head, such as installing a "water saver" on the shower head, can save up to 50% of the water consumption and also save the energy consumption of the water heater.
3. Don't pour out the water after taking a bath, but keep it for flushing the toilet, washing clothes, watering flowers, etc.
4. Prevent the water from overfilling or overflowing.
5. Faucet water saver can be installed.
6. Make it a habit to turn off the faucet whenever you don't use water, and check whether the faucet is completely closed before going to bed or when you leave home.
②, sanitary water
1. Toilet box can be placed in the appropriate size of the bottle to reduce water consumption.
2. Adjust the float height to control the amount of water.
3. Use other stored water to flush the toilet.
4. Install a water-saving toilet, or add a two-stage flush fitting to an existing general-purpose flush toilet.
5. Toilet and water tank should be repaired as soon as possible if there is any leakage.
6. Do not throw items such as Kleenex into the toilet to increase water consumption.
3. Laundry water
1. Control the amount of clothing to avoid too much or too little amount of washing machine.
2. When the first wash, only take off water once before cleaning, which can save water and cleaning time.
3. Choose the appropriate washing time to match the type of clothes.
4, water reuse
1. Dishwashing, washing dishes, laundry, do not directly to the faucet rinse, instead of putting the right amount of water in the basin sink, to reduce water.
2. The water used for washing rice and boiling noodles can be used to wash dishes.
3. Washing water, laundry water, dishwashing water and bath water can be used to water flowers, wash the car, wipe the floor.
4. Water collected by dehumidifiers, and wastewater from water purification equipment such as water purifiers and distillers can be recycled.
5. Others
1. Hold rainwater in containers for flushing toilets or watering flowers.
2. Watering flowers in the morning reduces evaporation and thus saves water.
3. Choose the right plants to plant to minimize the amount of water used for irrigation and still grow properly.
4. Plant drought-tolerant plants that do not require frequent watering.
5. Remove food from the refrigerator or microwave it as soon as possible to minimize water usage.
(2) Comparison of water-saving and water-wasting actions
Brushing teeth
Wasteful: uninterrupted water draining for 30 seconds, using about 6 liters of water.
Water conservation: mouth cup to catch water, 3 mouth cups, water 0.6 liters. Family of three twice a day, monthly water savings of 486 liters.
Waste: washing machine uninterruptedly while filling the water rinse, drainage of laundry, each time the water required about 165 liters.
Water saving: washing machine washing by washing-dewatering-filling-watering-dewatering-filling-dewatering, 110 liters of water each time, each time can save 55 liters of water, 4 times a month, can save 220 liters of water. In addition, the clothing centralized washing, can reduce the number of laundry; small pieces, a small amount of clothing advocate hand washing, can save a lot of water; detergent overdose will waste a lot of water.
Waste: too long uninterrupted release of water shower, will waste a lot of water. If you put too much water in the bath and it overflows, or if you open the water plug while filling the bath, you will waste a lot of water.
Water conservation: intermittent discharge shower (such as foot pedal, sensor type, etc.). Turn off the water when scrubbing. Avoid prolonged showers. The water from the tub can be used for laundry, car washing, toilet flushing, mopping, etc.
Waste: Taps are left wide open for long rinses. Boiling water for too long, water vapor evaporates in large quantities. Use tap water to rinse vegetables and fruits.
Water conservation: cookware eating utensils on the grease, first wipe off with paper, and then wash, can save water. Control the flow of faucet, change uninterrupted rinsing to intermittent rinsing.
Car wash
Waste: rinse with a hose, 20 minutes, using about 240 liters of water.
Water saving: washing the car with a bucket of water, need 3 buckets of water, using about 30 liters of water. Use washing water and laundry water to wash the car. Use water-saving spray water gun to rinse. Utilize mechanical automatic car wash, car wash water treatment recycling.
(3) Suggestions for water conservation
In order to promote water conservation, we have summarized 36 water-saving suggestions -
Suggestion 1: Older houses flush toilet into a water-saving toilet, will be on the guide-type direct-fall generally changed to a flap type, the amount of water to control the amount of water in the 9 liters or less;
Suggestion two: greening, car washing, flushing water using water-saving spray gun rinse;
Suggestion three: the urinal automatic flusher flushing time is shortened;
Suggestion four: the installation of low-flow rosette head, faucet aerator, or the addition of slow-flow faucet aerator;
Suggestion five: full-turn faucets into a 1/4-turn faucet to shorten the time of the opening and closing of the faucet can reduce the amount of water loss;
Suggestion five: full-turn faucets into 1/4-turn faucets to shorten the time of opening and closing of the faucet. Can reduce the amount of water loss;
Suggestion 6: Turn off the faucet, do not let the water run off without use, the faucet with a spring stop valve or can automatically turn off the faucet automatic sensor;
Suggestion 7: Regularly check the toilet, water tower, pool, faucet or other plumbing fittings, as well as the walls or underground piping for leaks;
Suggestion 8: The bath to a basin for the shower, and the shower to a tub, and then the shower to a tub, and then the shower to a tub, and then the shower to a tub, and then the shower to a tub, and then the shower to a tub, and then the shower to a tub, and then the shower to a tub: Change the bath into a shower, and use a low-flow shower head to avoid prolonged showering;
Suggestion 9: Do not wash dishes, vegetables, laundry directly into the faucet, and put the right amount of water in the basin sink to reduce the amount of water loss;
Suggestion 10: Use rice-washing water, cooking water to wash dishes and chopsticks, which can save water and reduce the pollution of detergents;
Suggestion 11: Use vegetable water, laundry water, dishwashing water, and other water to wash dishes and chopsticks.
Suggestion XI: Use dishwashing water, laundry water, dishwashing water and bath water to water flowers and wash the car;
Suggestion XII: Recycle and reuse the water collected by dehumidifiers and wastewater from water purifiers such as water purifiers and water distillers;
Suggestion XIII: Watering time for plants should be chosen in the morning and evening when the sunlight is weak with little evaporation;
Suggestion XIV: Choose drought-resistant plants for garden greening, and plant them in different areas according to the water demand of the plants.
Suggestion 15: Sprinkler system spraying range should not go beyond the courtyard, the edge of the courtyard using a "part of the round sprinkler" to spray inward;
Suggestion 16: Watering with the weather, turn off the automatic sprinkler in rainy days, do not water when strong winds;
Suggestion 17: Watering with the weather, turn off the automatic sprinkler, do not water when strong winds;
Suggested watering time should choose the morning and evening sunlight weak evaporation less;
Recommendation 17: Apply the right amount of water to flowers and plants to ensure that they can survive, and micro-irrigation is the most effective way of watering flower gardens, either by applying water to individual plants with a drip nozzle drip can, or by applying water to the whole garden with a low-flow sprinkler;
Recommendation 18: Mow the turf and leave the grass plants at a height of 10 to 15 millimetres in order to minimize the evaporation of water from the ground and the use of water;
Recommendation 19: Improve soil conditioning of gardens, by turning off automatic sprinklers on rainy days, and not spraying in strong winds.
Suggestion 21: Water only in winter when there is continuous high temperature and drought (in spring and fall, most plants only need half the amount of water they need in summer);
Suggestion 22: Control the right amount of laundry to avoid too much or too little laundry in the washing machine and dishwasher;
Suggestion 23: Hand-washing of small pieces and quantities of clothing can save a lot of water;
Suggestion 24: Choose a washing machine with automatic water adjustment, spinning once before washing, and washing the laundry in the washing machine.
Suggestion twenty-five: When taking a bath, connect one after another without interruption to save the amount of cold water loss before waiting for hot water to flow out;
Suggestion twenty-six: Use the roof of the installation of rainwater storage equipment to collect rainwater as a general watering of flowers, washing cars and flushing toilets and other alternative sources of water;
Suggestions 27: Institutions, schools, factories, etc. can plan for a central waterway system that treats domestic sewage to meet certain water quality standards as a water reuse system for watering flower gardens, sprinkling playgrounds, flushing toilets, flushing cars, and firefighting;
Suggestion 28: Throw Kleenex into the garbage can instead of throwing it into the toilet bowl;
Suggestion 29: Add a few drops of food coloring into the tank and wait for 20 minutes (to be sure it's not too late).
Suggestion 30: Leaking water pipes are a serious waste of water. If you find a leak in a buried water pipe on a road, call the water company to repair it;
Suggestion 31: Recycle and filter the overflow water from swimming pools for reuse or use it as sprinkler water for sports grounds;
Suggestion 32: Wash your car by using a hose with a spigot nozzle or use a bucket and sponge to scrub the car. placed in the freezer to return to the ice;
Suggestion 35: clean up the carpet method by wet or steam type to dry powder type;
Suggestion 36: hand washing the correct steps: open small water wet hands → close the tap → apply soap → hands rubbing → open small water rinse → close the tap
Only by conserving water, our lives will be better. And water conservation is not just talk, there must be practical action. We must learn from cities and people who save water and protect water resources.
Attached: (I) Water Conservation Awareness Questionnaire
Do you know that only one percent of the world's water is fresh water, and the rest is inedible? _________
A. Know B. Don't know C. Heard
Did you know that March 22 is World Water Conservation Day? _________
A. Know B. Don't know C. Heard of
Did you know that there are water conservation regulations? _________
A. Know very well B. Know a little C. Vague D. Haven't heard of it
What do you think of the publicity efforts of the relevant departments in water conservation? _________
A. sufficient B. average C. insufficient D. don't feel
Have you ever experienced water shortage where you live? _________
A、Yes B、No C、No clear
Do you think there is any close relationship between water conservation and individuals? _________
A、Yes B、Never thought about it C、No
When the tap water has a bad smell, turbidity, etc., will you _________
A、Keep it for watering flowers or flushing toilets, etc. B、Pour the water out directly C、Panic
Whether you pay attention to the secondary or more than secondary use of water in daily life _________
A. Pay attention B. Don't pay much attention C. No need
What kind of behavior do you take when you see a faucet left open in a public *** place? _________
A. Turn off the tap tightly B. Feel bad C. Not take it seriously
If there is a water conservation organization near you, would you consider joining it? _________
A, Actively corresponding B, Do not join C, Does not matter
(3 points for choosing A above, 2 points for B2, 0 points for C and D)
If you score 25 to 30, it proves that you have a strong awareness of water conservation; 15 to 24 proves that you also know the importance of water conservation but need to take action before you can do so; 15 points or less, then you have a little knowledge of water conservation and You need to improve.
(II) Small Survey on Living Habits
What are the main measures you know to save water in the city? (Multiple choice)_________
A、Improve industrial water efficiency B、Use of water-saving appliances C、Strictly control the drilling of wells D、Promote the creation of "water-saving city" E、Improve the awareness of the whole population of water conservation F、Reduce the leakage of the pipeline network G、Implementation of the progressive price of water, punishing the waste of H、Wastewater resources
What kinds of water saving are installed in your home? Which of the following water-saving devices have been installed in your home? (Multiple choice available)_________
A, water-saving faucet B, water-saving toilet C, IC card water meter D, none of the above F, other factors you think are the most critical in choosing water-saving products? (Multiple choice)_________
A, environmental awareness B, price C, quality D, brand E, after-sales service F, other
What do you think are the effective ways to improve social awareness of water conservation? (Multiple choices allowed)_________
A, Strengthening public education on water conservation B, Rule of law and establishment of national or regional water management institutions C, Restriction of water consumption D, Penalties for wasting water resources of individuals and units E, Economic incentives F, Integrated water resources planning G, Legislation H, Others
Do people around you conserve water? _________
A、Yes B、No C、Don't know
Are you in favor of water price increase to save water? _________
A. Very much in favor B. In favor C. No matter D. Not in favor
What do you think is not done enough about the water conservation measures of the authorities concerned? _________
A、Publicity B、Management C、Regulations D、Technology
It is everyone's responsibility to conserve water, and I believe that as long as all of us keep water conservation in mind at all times, we will surely be able to create a better life!