Ventilator self-test program does not include

The upper pressure limit is not included in the ventilator self-test program.

In modern clinical medicine, the ventilator, as an effective means of artificially replacing the function of autonomous ventilation, has been commonly used in respiratory failure due to various causes, anesthesia and respiratory management during major surgery, respiratory support therapy and first aid resuscitation, and occupies a very important position in the field of modern medicine.

The ventilator is a medical device that can prevent and treat respiratory failure, reduce complications, and save and prolong the patient's life.

The ventilator must have four basic functions, i.e., inflating the lungs, converting inhalation to exhalation, discharging alveolar gas, and converting exhalation to inhalation, and so on.

Basic principle of the ventilator:

Autonomous ventilation inspiratory action produces negative pressure in the thorax, the lungs passive expansion of the alveoli and negative airway pressure, which constitutes a pressure difference between the airway mouth and alveoli to complete the inhalation; inhalation of the thorax and the lungs retracted elastically, resulting in the opposite pressure difference to complete the exhalation.

Therefore, normal respiration is due to the body through the respiratory action to produce alveoli and airway opening "active negative pressure difference" and complete inhalation, after inhalation of the thoracic contour and lung elasticity retraction to produce the alveoli and the airway opening passive positive pressure difference and exhalation, in order to satisfy the physiological needs of ventilation.

The ventilator ventilation is driven by the extracorporeal mechanical drive so that the airway opening and alveoli to produce a positive pressure difference, and expiration is in the withdrawal of the extracorporeal mechanical drive pressure after the thoracic contour and lung elastic retraction to produce the alveoli and the opening of the airway to exhale a passive positive pressure difference.