Is it safe to be out of Coldwell Cobalt
Safe. Coldwell Cobalt refers to Nanjing Coldwell Cobalt Co. 2022 Nanjing Coldwell Cobalt Co., Ltd. and International SOS, the world's leading healthcare and safety risk management service company, signed the "Coldwell Cobalt Global Employee Resilience Service Solution Service Contract" at Coldwell's headquarter in Nanjing, China***. With the help of International SOS's medical and safety network resources covering the whole world, ColdRock will be able to better protect the health and life safety of its frontline employees overseas when facing the risks of high-risk infectious diseases such as malaria, monkeypox, and neococcal pneumonia, the extreme lack of medical resources in the project area, and the high uncertainty of overseas political and security risks through the 7 days x 24 hours localized assistance and native Chinese language support. Therefore, the cold sharp cobalt industry expatriate safety.