What lab tests for rheumatism

Question 1: What lab tests should be done for suspected rheumatic diseases? Rheumatic disease suspected or diagnosed patients come to the rheumatology and immunology department, often receive physical examination and a variety of laboratory tests. Below, we will give you an explanation of some common laboratory tests. 1, routine blood and urine tests, liver function tests: to see whether there are abnormal indicators to help confirm the diagnosis of the disease and monitor the adverse effects of drugs. 2, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR): referred to as the blood sedimentation rate, the normal reference value: adult males 0-15mm / h, women 0-20mm / h, the blood sedimentation is high, it means that the disease is still in the active stage, the higher the more serious. The higher it is, the more serious it is. Decrease in blood sedimentation shows that the drugs have played their role and the disease is under control.3. C-Reactive Protein (CRP): Normal value is ≤10mg/L. High CRP indicates that there is infection, trauma and inflammation in the body and the disease is still in the active stage.4. Anti-streptococcal haemolysin 0 (ASO): Normal value is less than 1:500, and a positive result shows that a person may have rheumatoid fever. A positive test shows that you may have rheumatic fever.5. Rheumatoid Factor (RF): RF is commonly found in a variety of rheumatic diseases and acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. Therefore, you cannot assume that you have rheumatoid arthritis simply because you have a positive RF. However, if the RF titer is high and multiple measurements are positive, then the likelihood of having rheumatoid arthritis is higher.6. Antikeratin antibody (AKA), anti-perinuclear factor (APF), anti-RA-33/66 antibody, anti-Sa antibody: commonly found in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, with a high rate of positivity in the early stages of the disease.7. Antinuclear antibody (ANA): positivity is commonly found in many diseases. If you have signs of SLE at the same time, you should be highly suspicious of lupus. A negative test is almost certainly not lupus.8. Anti-ds-DNA antibody: Almost exclusively seen in SLE patients. The higher the titer, the higher the disease activity. 9. anti-Sm antibody: Almost exclusively seen in SLE patients. However, not all lupus patients show positive results.10. Anti-SSA antibody and anti-SSB antibody: have greater significance in the diagnosis of dry syndrome.11. HLA-B27: have greater significance in the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. Common imaging tests include: 1. X-rays: generally choose the area with the most severe symptoms. If the local symptoms are atypical, the doctor will choose the area where the disease commonly flares up to take pictures according to the identified direction of consideration. For example, for rheumatoid arthritis, hands and wrist joints are often chosen; for ankylosing spondylitis, sacroiliac joints and hip joints are often chosen. Generally every 3 months or half a year to shoot. 2, CT examination: high resolution, conducive to the early detection of disease, the lesions reflect a more comprehensive, specific. 3, magnetic *** vibration imaging and ultrasound: cartilage, synovial, joint effusion and other intra-articular lesions can be clearly shown for ankylosing arthritis and osteoarthritis. In addition, arthrocentesis and synovial fluid examination, as well as arthroscopy and synovial examination, are considered in patients who have a severe accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity or in whom the diagnosis cannot be confirmed. Because these tests require a high level of environmental and medical equipment and technical skills, it is recommended that they be performed in a major hospital.

Question 2: What are the tests for rheumatism? Suggestions: Hello: Rheumatism generally to check: blood routine; rheumatism four (sedimentation, anti-chain O, C-reactive protein, rheumatoid factor); X-ray; suspected of ventilation need to check the blood uric acid, suspected of ankylosing spondylitis need to check the HLA-B27. From the test indicators you provide to see suspected of ventilation, but the specific diagnosis also need to be combined with your specific symptoms to see the I It is recommended that you have an early diagnosis and early treatment, as this disease is an immune system disease that develops very quickly, and in the middle and late stages of development, it can aggravate pain, cause deformation of the joints, and even lead to damage to various organs in the whole body. Our hospital is Taiyuan rheumatoid disease hospital, for this kind of immune system disease, we use pure Chinese medicine integrated therapy - "Hou's therapy", mainly from the system of medication, physical therapy, functional exercise, dietary rehabilitation and so on to achieve the purpose of treatment of the disease. Hou's therapy has been listed as the national eleventh five-year plan to promote science and technology projects, promoted throughout the country, the CCTV has been reported many times, you can log on to our website or log on to the authoritative 39 network of rheumatism and immunity program to understand in detail, you still have any questions you can contact us at any time. I wish you a speedy recovery!

Question three: check rheumatoid need to check what items a laboratory examination due to clinical research, teaching, Chinese medicine diagnosis of rheumatic diseases, has not been as before, can not ask the laboratory test indicators, but must be used as an important reference for the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases, therefore, in the conditions of hospitals, the necessary laboratory examination is necessary. Mainly includes the following parts:

1, C-reactive protein c-reactive protein is a kind of oral globulin, in the normal serum using the general method is not easy to measure, the standard method of measurement is the capillary assay test, the reaction results for the "02++++". Such as acute rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and other active phase can be a positive reaction.

2, erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is also known as hematocrit. The increase in sedimentation is due to the increase in large and asymmetric molecules in the plasma such as fibrinogen and stomatoglobulin, which accelerates the sedimentation of red blood cells. It is a more reliable way to test the degree of activity of rheumatic and arthritic changes. If the joints are red, swollen, hot and painful, it is obvious. Blood sedimentation increases, such as joint redness, swelling and heat pain disappears, then the blood sedimentation has a different degree of decline.

3, anti-nuclear antibody anti-nuclear antibody refers to a class of antibodies that can react with the nucleus or components of the nucleus. When the body's immune function is malfunctioning, the aging degenerated cell nuclei in the body can not be cleared and become autoantigens, and the antibodies produced by these nuclear antigens are antinuclear antibodies.

4, lupus cell determination of serum antinuclear antibodies and leukocytes contact, leukocytes broken and dissolved to form hematoxylin vesicles, vesicles phagocytosed by neutrophils, known as lupus cells (LE). LE cells are found in 20% of lupus patients, but can only be used as a reference, and can not be used as the basis for specific diagnosis. Rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma may find lupus cells in about 10% of patients.

5, rheumatoid factor (1lF) determination of rheumatoid factor is the body against its own denaturing IgG and autoimmune antibodies generated, these antibodies also include IgA, IgM, IgG and other immunoglobulins. The current clinical measurement method is to determine the IgG rheumatoid factor, and part of the rheumatoid arthritis patients in the serum of the presence of IgG, IgA rheumatoid factor, can not be measured with the current method, so about 30% of the rheumatoid arthritis patients, the rheumatoid factor always remain negative.

Rheumatoid arthritis, about 70% of patients with rheumatoid factor can be positive, and the effectiveness of the rheumatoid factor with the progress of the disease and the cure has a certain correlation, therefore, many doctors have the rheumatoid factor as a clinical observation of the therapeutic effect of the important indicators. However, rheumatoid factor is not a specific serologic diagnostic method for rheumatoid arthritis, so in cases where rheumatoid factor is positive, it is not necessarily rheumatoid arthritis.

6, streptococcal antibodies (anti-"o"

Determination of antibodies to streptococcal hemolysin "O" is an important experimental basis for the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever, anti-streptococcal "O" titer in l: "O" titer in l: "O". "The titer of anti-streptococcal "O" in l:

200 or more is positive. The positive rate of rheumatic fever can reach 70%~80% and the titer is high. The anti-"O" assay has little reference value in rheumatoid arthritis.

7, serum immunoglobulin determination immunoglobulin is a group of serum globulin with antibody activity, similar to the tuberculosis. It can be divided into five categories: IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE.

Question 4: What items are needed for rheumatism check I was in Beijing last week to find Dr. Zhang Dianxue just checked, did the blood routine, rheumatism four tests also took an X-ray, generally seems to be one of these on enough, but everyone's condition is not the same, the doctor may combine with your past medical history to let you do some other tests, you can listen to the doctor's advice

Question 5: Check the rheumatoid arthritis need to be tested, and then the test will be done by the doctor. What tests are needed to check for rheumatoid arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, predominantly inflammatory synovitis systemic disease of undetermined etiology. It is characterized by polyarticular, symmetric, aggressive joint inflammation of the small joints of the hands and feet, often accompanied by extra-articular organ involvement and positive serum rheumatoid factor, which can lead to joint deformity and loss of function.RA may be associated with heredity, infections, sex hormones, etc. The pathology of RA arthritis is mainly characterized by synovial lining cell hyperplasia, infiltration of a large number of inflammatory cells in the mesenchymal stroma, and the neoformation of microvessels, the formation of vascular opacities, and destruction of cartilage and bone tissues. and destruction of cartilage and bone tissue, etc.

The main goal of rheumatoid arthritis treatment is to reduce the inflammatory response of the joints, inhibit the development of lesions and irreversible bone destruction, protect the joints and muscles as much as possible, and ultimately achieve the goal of complete remission of the disease or low disease activity. The principles of treatment include patient education, early treatment, combination of medications,

individualized treatment plans, and functional exercises.

1. Patient education enables patients to correctly understand the disease, build up confidence and patience, and be able to cooperate with doctors in treatment.

2. General treatment of joint swelling and pain should emphasize the rest and joint braking, while in the joint swelling and pain relief should pay attention to the early start of joint functional exercise stiffness. In addition, physiotherapy, topical drugs and other auxiliary treatment can quickly relieve joint symptoms.

3. The drug therapy program should be individualized, and the drug therapy mainly includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, slow-acting anti-rheumatic drugs, immunosuppressants, immunological and biological agents, and botanical drugs.

(1) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effect, is the most commonly used drugs in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, applicable to the active stage and other periods of time of patients. Commonly used drugs include diclofenac, nabumetone, meloxicam, celecoxib and so on. (2) Anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are also known as second-line drugs or slow-acting anti-rheumatic drugs. Commonly used are methotrexate, orally or by sedation; salicylazosulfapyridine, starting from a small dose and gradually increasing, and hydroxychloroquine, leflunomide, cyclosporine, kinnofen, and paeonia lactiflora total, and so on.

(3) Yunke i.e. technetium [99Tc] methylene diphosphonate injection, is a non-excited state of the isotope, the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis to relieve the symptoms of the rapid onset of action, the adverse effects of less. Intravenous medication, 10 days for a course of treatment.

(4) glucocorticoids Hormones are not the drug of choice for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. But in the following four cases can choose hormone: ① accompanied by rheumatoid vasculitis, including polyneuritis, rheumatoid lung and plasma membrane inflammation, iritis and so on. ② Transitional therapy in patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis, small amounts of hormones can be used to quickly alleviate the condition, once the condition is under control, the hormones should first be reduced or slowly discontinued. ③ Patients who are ineffective after regular slow-acting antirheumatic drug treatment can add small doses of hormones. Local application, such as intra-articular injection, can effectively relieve the inflammation of joints. The general principle is to use small doses (less than 10mg/d) for a short period of time.

(5) Biological agents At present, in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, there are several biological agents have been approved for marketing, and have achieved a certain degree of efficacy, especially in the treatment of refractory rheumatoid arthritis plays an important role. Application of several biological agents in rheumatoid arthritis: ① Infliximab is also known as TNF-α chimeric monoclonal antibody. Clinical trials have proved that patients with rheumatoid arthritis who are ineffective in methotrexate and other treatments can achieve satisfactory results with Infliximab. In recent years, it has been emphasized that early application is more effective. Usage of static, repeated at intervals of 4 weeks, usually used 3 to 6 times as a course of treatment. It should be used in combination with MTX to inhibit the production of anti-antibodies. ②Etanercept human recombinant TNF receptor p75 and IgG Fc segment fusion protein.Etanercept has positive efficacy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and AS, and is well tolerated. At present, there are two commercial dosage forms of Etanercept in China. Adalimumab (Xumel) is a fully humanized monoclonal antibody against TNF, which is not easy to induce the production of anti-antibodies. ④ Anti-B-cell therapy is getting more and more attention. ⑤ Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody Rituximab (Merovate) has achieved more satisfactory efficacy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.Rituximab can also be used in combination with cyclophosphamide or methotrexate.

(6) botanical drugs At present, there are a variety of botanical drugs used for rheumatoid arthritis, such as Lei Gongteng, Paeonia lactiflora total glucoside, Qingdao alkaloids and so on. Some of the drugs have some efficacy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, but the mechanism of action needs to be further studied.

4. immune purification rheumatoid arthritis patients often have high titers of autoantibodies in the blood, a large number of circulating immune complexes, high immunoglobulin, etc., therefore, in addition to drug therapy, you can choose the immune purification therapy, can be ...... >>