Trademark Classification
Industry Matching
Class 1 Chemical Raw Materials
Class 2 Pigments and Paints
Class 3 Chemicals
Class 4 Fuel Oils and Grease
Class 5 Pharmaceuticals
Class 6 Metallic Materials
Class 7 Mechanical Devices
Class 8 Handicrafts Instruments
Category 9 Scientific Instruments
Category 10 Medical Instruments
Category 11 Lamps and Air Conditioners
Category 12 Means of Transportation
Category 13 Arms and Fireworks
Category 14 Jewelry and Watches
Category 15 Musical Instruments
Category 16 Office Supplies
Category 17 Rubber Products
Class 18 Leather and Leather Goods
Class 19 Building Materials
Class 20 Furniture
Class 21 Kitchen Utensils
Class 22 Ropes, Nets, Bags and Canopies
Class 23 Yarns, Yarns and Threads
Class 24 Cloths, Bed Linens
Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Clothing Class 25
Class 26 Buttons and Zippers
Class 27 Clothes, Shoes and Hats
Class 28 Clothing, Shoes and Hats Class 29 Class 26 Buttons and Zippers
Class 27 Carpets and Mats
Class 28 Fitness Equipment
Class 29 Foodstuffs
Class 30 Convenience Foodstuffs
Class 31 Feed and Seed
Class 32 Beer and Beverages
Class 33 Alcohol
Class 34 Tobacco and Smoke
Class Class 35 Advertising Sales
Class 42 Website Services
Class 43 Restaurants and Lodging
Class 36 Financial and Property Management
Class 37 Construction and Repair
Class 39 Transportation and Storage
Class 40 Materials Processing
Class 44 Medical and Horticulture
Class 45 Social Services
Class 38 Communication ServicesClass 41 Education and Entertainment