Physical Therapy Instrument is short for Physical Therapy Instrument. Specifically, it is a device that applies physical factors to the human body to make it better. Common physical factors include "electricity, sound, light, magnetism, water, pressure and so on. Compared with medication, physical therapy is relatively safe and environmentally friendly. However, different from drug therapy, physical therapy is still very effective for some diseases, such as by improving blood circulation to improve the function of human organs or improve the state of local tissues of the human body is very effective. Here are some examples of the effectiveness of several common physical therapy equipment:
It is a certain voltage and frequency of pulsed electrical signals through the electrodes and the human body connected to the human body, because many components of human tissue have a certain electrical properties, so when subjected to electrical stimulation, the human body's muscles, nerves, and body fluids, the blood will produce a certain degree of physical and chemical reactions. Low-frequency electrotherapy and medium-frequency electrotherapy are among the most common such devices. Electrotherapy has been used in hospitals to improve pain and regulate nerve function with some efficacy.
Two magnetic therapy
Since mankind is evolving under the earth's large magnetic field, the relationship between mankind and magnetism is inevitably related to health. Will a certain intensity of magnetic effect on the human body, can cause the body to produce a series of reactions, and now many magnetic therapy equipment has been on the human body's recovery role.
Three heat therapy
The most widely used physical therapy equipment should be heat therapy equipment. The direct result of heat therapy is to cause vasodilatation of local tissues of the human body, so that the blood flow is strengthened, open up the blocked capillaries, increase the amount of blood perfusion to the human body tissues. The therapeutic effect of this type of equipment is directly related to the fact that the body's metabolism of tissue cells is promoted under the conditions of improved blood circulation. Therefore, the degree of improvement in blood circulation corresponds directly to the therapeutic effect. The most common heat therapy instruments are short-wave and ultra-short-wave, microwave and infrared physical therapy devices.
(1) short-wave and ultra-short-wave: the strongest penetrating energy, its energy can directly enter the human body dozens of centimeters depth of human tissue. Such equipment in the hospital has a relatively wide range of applications. However, the use of energy to grasp the high and low, because the short-wave fat absorption is far greater than the muscle absorption characteristics, in order to avoid the treatment, because the fat tissue due to the absorption of too much energy and fat liquefaction or burns the body's normal tissues.
(2) microwave: compared with short-wave, ultra-short-wave, microwave penetration ability to be poorer, generally speaking, electromagnetic waves have a half-wave penetration ability, 12-centimeter wavelength microwave half-wave penetration ability is 5-6 centimeters, so the microwave therapeutic instrument is more suitable for osteoarthritic inflammation and inflammation of superficial soft tissue disease physiotherapy, but the biggest advantage of microwave is that the human body's bones, muscles and adipose tissue The absorption capacity of microwave is very close to the experimental confirmation: under the action of microwave, the absorption capacity of microwave in different tissues of the human body has the following relationship: fat: muscle: bone = 1: 1: 1. So the effect of physiotherapy on shallow tissues of the microwave to be significantly better than the short-wave, ultrashort-wave. At present, hospitals at all levels recognize the efficacy of microwaves on inflammatory diseases of bone and joints, prostatitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, rhinitis and so on. Family microwave therapy instrument has begun to enter many families, due to the high cure rate, by the user very high evaluation and recognition.
(3) Infrared therapy instrument: This type of instrument is welcomed by patients due to safety and economy. There are also many manufacturers, Zhoulin spectrum therapy instrument, Ankang therapy instrument, Lide therapy instrument, etc. is very familiar with the physical therapy equipment. It is widely used in surgical wound healing and burn treatment. Osteoarthritis rehabilitation effect is also good, but the efficacy is not as good as the microwave therapy instrument, especially lumbar disc disease, prostatitis, rhinitis and other aspects of the treatment of microwave efficacy is more prominent.
Four microwave therapy instrument mechanism
Microwave therapy instrument is a high-efficiency physical therapy equipment, joint inflammatory diseases and superficial soft tissue inflammation, infection has a definite effect. The therapeutic effect of the microwave therapy instrument is based on improving the blood circulation of the local tissues, the microwave through the physiotherapy radiator directly irradiated to the human body within the local tissues, causing water molecules, ions and dipoles within the tissues of the rotating and oscillating, so that the temperature of the tissues, resulting in the organization of the capillaries expand significantly, blood flow greatly strengthened, which in turn produces a series of clinical efficacy. At the same time, the microwave therapy instrument has other heat therapy equipment does not have the exact efficacy, fast onset of action, the clinical efficacy of the characteristics of the proposed in the microwave can directly penetrate the energy into the internal lesions, rather than just the human body on the basis of superficial skin.
(1) By improving blood circulation, the lesion tissues are fully supplied with nutrients, which promotes cellular metabolism and regenerative
functions; medical institutions at all levels have already widely used microwaves in the treatment of post-surgical wound healing and prevention of wound infection
and have greatly shortened the time of wound healing.
(2) By improving blood circulation, a large number of substances with immune function, such as white blood cells and macrophages, immune proteins, etc.
fully reach the inflamed tissues, and play a very good role of antibacterial, sterilizing, and removing free radicals of healing, so the medical science
has been widely used in the treatment of anti-inflammation and swelling with the microwave therapeutic instrument.
(Schematic diagram of microwave penetration knee arthritis)
Five technical parameters of the home microwave therapy instrument
Microwave therapy function is the most important function of the microwave, due to the complexity of the family use, so the home microwave therapy instrument on the technical requirements of a higher level than the hospital, in addition to the design of the design to take into account the prevention of the microwave output out of control, but also should take into account the limits of the maximum power and the Output microwave heat sensation, one of the key technologies to solve such problems is the use of pulsed microwave output mode. Affordable Channel Network Limited production of nine Yao physical therapy instrument multi-function microwave therapy instrument as an example of home microwave technology!
(1) Power 1-15W
(2) Output maximum average power: 30W
(3) Microwave peak: less than 100W
(4) Treatment mode: pulsed
(5) Standing Wave Ratio: no more than 3
(6) Power supply 220V 50HZ
Physical Therapy Apparatus <
Ultra-long electromagnetic wave is a kind of low-frequency electromagnetic wave, similar to the sun magnetic wave.
Its essence belongs to low-frequency alternating magnetic field. Its electric and magnetic field strength and direction change with time, vibration frequency between 50 ~ 60 Hz, wavelength of 5.0 × 106 ~ 6.0 × 106 m. Because of its physical properties and the sun's magnetic wave similar to, when used as a human body, it can significantly improve blood circulation, improve immunity, regulate the nerve and endocrine function, resulting in a good health care, treatment, rehabilitation effect.
Ultra-long electromagnetic wave has three major physical characteristics, namely, vibration, electromagnetic induction and transmission. Acting on the human body, can produce the following effects:
1, vibration of ultra-long electromagnetic waves acting on the human body, due to its magnetic field strength and direction changes over time, can cause the body of paramagnetic elements of **** vibration, such as iron, oxygen, cobalt and so on. In this way, on the one hand, can magnetize iron, promote blood circulation, improve aerobic metabolism; on the other hand, can remove deposits on the walls of blood vessels, dredge the meridians, soften the blood vessels, become the blood vessels within the "scavenger". This vibration also has the role of micro-massage in vivo, can bring comfort and warmth to the human body oscillation, play analgesic, sedative, relaxation of the nerves, the treatment of insomnia effect.
2, electromagnetic induction When the ultra-long electromagnetic wave transmission body cells, can make the cell membrane on both sides of the transmembrane potential rise, accelerate the exchange of substances inside and outside the cell; on the other hand, the ultra-long electromagnetic wave 3,000 times a minute of tiny vibration, in addition to making the cellular elements of the occurrence of microscopic vibration, accelerate the return of the lymphatic fluid outside, but also to make the organization, the temperature inside the cell increases. In addition, the electrode itself is affected by the electrical resistance also produces heat, the cell generated by the Joule heat and ultra-long electromagnetic wave itself produces external heat, the superposition of the two heat effect has a diastolic smooth muscle, dilate the peripheral blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity, activate the enzyme activity, improve the cell metabolism rate of the role. Therefore, it has the effect of anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, detoxification, antispasmodic, decongestive, analgesic, and promote wound healing.
3, transmissibility of ultra-long electromagnetic wave is different from other magnetic therapy products is the magic of its magnetic lines have a strong transmissibility. Can penetrate into the human body. Some deep organs and tissue lesions, such as cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, lumbar and leg pain, knee disorders, neurasthenia, insomnia, gastrointestinal discomfort, peripheral neuritis and other chronic diseases, with medication is difficult to reach the therapeutic effect.
The above mentioned four functions through the synergistic and superimposed effects multiply the efficacy, and easy to use, no side effects.
But as a physical therapy device, it must be used in strict accordance with the instructions. Overtime and excessive use may also bring adverse effects to the body.