Bibliography of Hospital Emergency Medicine Department Construction Management Specifications

Chapter I: Nature and Tasks of the Department of Emergency Medicine

I. Nature

II. Tasks

Chapter II: Requirements for the Architectural Design of the Department of Emergency Medicine

Chapter III: Organizational Setup of the Department of Emergency Medicine

I. Principles and Requirements

II. Necessary equipment and medicines for emergency medical treatment

I. Emergency Resuscitation Room


III. Emergency Operating Room

IV. Trauma Room

Chapter V. Rules and regulations of the Department of Emergency Medicine and duties of personnel


Three, emergency observation room work system

Four, emergency infusion room work system

Five, emergency ward work system

Six, EICU work system

Seven, the first diagnosis is responsible for the system

Eight, emergency green channel management system

nine, emergency triage system

Ten, the emergency post responsibility system

XI, emergency reporting system

XII, emergency resuscitation system

XIII, emergency medical record writing system

XIV, hospitalization medical record writing system

XV, emergency admissions system

XVI, physician on duty system

XVII, shift handover system

XVIII, tertiary physician responsibility system

XVIII. Physician Responsibility System

19, Emergency Difficult Case Discussion System

20, Emergency Death Case Discussion System

21, Aseptic Operation System

22, Medical Order Checking System

23, Nursing Care Checking System

24, Patient Case Management System

25, Emergency Personnel The system of paraprofessionals

26, the director of the Department of Emergency Medicine

27, the duties of emergency medicine physicians

28, the duties of the head nurse of the Department of Emergency Medicine

29, the duties of the head nurse of the Emergency Department

30, the duties of the head nurse of the Emergency Infusion Room

31, the duties of the head nurse of the Emergency Ward and EICU

32, the duties of the head nurse of the emergency ward and EICU

33, the duties of the head nurse of the emergency ward and EICU< /p>

32, emergency room nurse duties

33, infusion room nurse duties

34, emergency ward and EICU nurse duties

35, emergency medical staff medical ethics

36, involving legal issues management regulations

37, emergency medical risk management system

Chapter VI: Skill Requirements, Training and Assessment of Emergency Medicine Professionals

I. Skill Requirements of Emergency Medicine Professionals

II. Training of Emergency Medicine Professionals

III. Principles of Assessment of Emergency Medicine Professionals

IV. Assessment content

Chapter VII Basic Skills of Emergency Resuscitation

I. On-site Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

II. Oxygen Therapy

III. Endotracheal Intubation

IV. Circumcricular Turbinate Puncture and Circumcricular Turbinectomy

V. Tracheotomy

VI. Percutaneous Tracheotomy

VII. Heimlich maneuver for asphyxiation

VIII. Pleural puncture

IX. Closed pleural cavity drainage

X. Pericardial puncture

XI. Peritoneal puncture

XII. Lumbar puncture

XIII. Selection of venous access

XIV. Gastrointestinal decompression I

XV. Gastric lavage

XVI. Application of double-bladed triple-lumen tubes

XVII. Catheterization and indwelling catheterization

XVIII. Suprapubic cystocentesis

XIX. Debridement

XII. Haemostasis, bandaging, immobilization, and portering

Chapter VIII: Management of the Emergency Medicine Section

I. Management of Emergency Care<

II. Management of triage

III. Management of shift preparation

IV. Management of resuscitation room

V. Management of emergency observation room

VI. Management of emergency wards

VII. Management of EICU

VIII. Management of emergency infusion room

IX. Medical document management

XI, quality control standards for emergency work

XII, other conditions of disposal norms

XIII, emergency medicine staff code of conduct

Chapter IX Emergency personnel continuing education

Objects of training

Training methods

Third, the content of the training

Fourth, training objectives

Fifth, training and assessment

Chapter X: Quality Control Requirements for Emergency Medicine in Jiangsu Province

One, general quality control requirements

Two, emergency work requirements

Three, emergency basic facilities requirements

Fourth, emergency staff morals and cultivation

Five, emergency physician work requirements

Sixth, the basic skills requirements of emergency physicians

Seventh, the handling of patients with legal issues

Chapter XI Jiangsu Province, the emergency intensive care unit (EICU) quality control requirements

One of the overall requirements of the EICU quality control

Two of the basic requirements of the EICU quality control

Three of the hospitals of all levels of the EICU quality control requirements

Three of the quality control requirements of the EICU

Fourth, Medical Management of EICU

Fifth, Setting up of EICU

Appendix I Medical Quality Assessment Table of Emergency Medicine Departments in Second- and Third-level Comprehensive Hospitals in Jiangsu Province

Appendix II Medical Quality Assessment Table of EICU Specialties in Second- and Third-level Comprehensive Hospitals in Jiangsu Province



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