Strong technical force, with coagulation knife, electrode knife and Lip knife treatment system, digital electronic colposcopy, radio frequency therapeutic instrument, Bohm light, microwave, pelvic inflammatory disease therapeutic instrument and a large number of advanced medical equipment, for the expert diagnosis and treatment of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, cervical erosion, cervicitis, functional uterine bleeding, pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginitis, and other gynecological diseases to provide a sufficient scientific basis and a new means. It carries out a number of surgeries such as curettage, hymen repair, vaginal tightening, radical curettage of cervical cancer, etc. In addition, it takes the lead in carrying out endoscopic visualization, microtubing, and uterus-protecting painless abortion popular in Europe and the United States, which pushes the surgery for terminating early pregnancy into a new realm of safety, visualization, and painlessness.