Toru is carefree, cooking smells good, Zodiac is often hugged, and has a kind heart.
Yuki is pretty, wins fights on the spot, has a dedicated mind, and gets superb grades.
Clip is naive, school uniforms are not worn, studies are hard, and personality is stubborn.
Splashchun is cool, has black and white hair, black is scary, and calm is needed.
Giisa is cute, Kotori is likeable, mental is weak, tiger is like a cat.
Red Leaf is happy, Kotori is hugged often, her body is pitiful, and school uniforms are worn by women.
Bobo is serious, doctors are responsible, injuries are had, memories will be erased.
Ayame is long-haired, transformations are casual, younger brothers are to be loved, and finding death is frequent.
Red Wild is like a horse, home is out of sight, zodiac is out of sight, dissatisfied people are taken care of.
The light path is smart, the man is small is the ghost is big, the lamb is furry, the goji yarn is protected.
Lizin is female, male is sure, movement is sensitive, apology is necessary.
Zi Wu is lazy, work is to be destroyed, people are a bit colorful, houses are often broken.
Leolo is cute, to change is to change*, to fall in love is to fight, a clip is to run away.
Iling is icy cold, her figure is hot, her speech is vicious, her heart is tender.
Disgruntled people are nasty, beatings are frequent, psychology is BT, and sickness is daily.