The general cost of surgery is about 1000-2000 dollars.
Armpit malodor is the most common type of body odor, which is a special odor caused by the decomposition of organic matter in the secretions of the sweat glands in the armpits by bacteria that produce unsaturated fatty acids. It is predominant in young adults, especially women, and often has a family genetic history. There are many treatment methods for armpit odor, mainly surgical and non-surgical two categories.
Minimally invasive axillary deodorant removal surgery advantage: it can fundamentally remove the odor-producing sweat glands, changing the traditional treatment of axillary deodorant destruction of large easy to recur difficulties. Because it is safe, reliable, painless, does not change the appearance of the skin, to ensure the therapeutic effect. External rubbing medicine, ionized cauterization, sclerotherapy injection and other treatment failure, the treatment is more effective.