Where is the largest landfill in China?

China's garbage treatment facilities are still very backward. 364 cities do not yet have garbage treatment plants. The National Development and Reform Commission has required all cities with municipalities to collect garbage treatment fees by the end of 2007 and invest all in the construction and management of garbage treatment facilities. It is expected that the investment scale of domestic waste plants in my country during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period will be more than 36 billion yuan. The annual growth rate of waste disposal in my country is more than 10%, but the disposal rate is low. Solid waste is the most concentrated waste, and it also pollutes the environment very much, especially hazardous waste and medical waste, which directly threatens the health and life safety of the people. The amount of solid waste generated is affected by the efficiency of resource utilization in the production process and the production and consumption of products. Therefore, there is a close correlation between the amount of waste generated and P. Judging from the situation in my country, with the rapid growth of P in recent years, the growth rate of domestic garbage and industrial solid waste has remained at 10%. In 2005, 195 million tons of domestic garbage and feces were cleared and transported, and the comprehensive treatment rate was About 51%, industrial solid waste is 1.34 billion tons. Among them, hazardous waste is about 10 million tons, and 4 million tons have not been disposed of. Our country's waste treatment plants are very backward in scale and structure. According to the Ministry of Construction's inspection of the operation of 661 urban waste landfills across the country, as of the end of 2005, there were 372 domestic waste landfills in operation in 661 cities across the country, distributed in 297 cities, and more than half of the urban waste disposal rates 0. The centralized treatment rate of all domestic waste is only 50.8%. Nearly 85% of urban domestic waste is processed by landfill. However, only 15% of these landfill plants can achieve basic harmless treatment of domestic waste, and 5% are landfilled. The on-site garbage is relatively completely harmless, and the rest of the garbage is simply filled up, which still continues to cause pollution to the environment. Building garbage treatment plants is becoming common sense everywhere. According to the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" of the State Environmental Protection Administration, my country will invest 45 billion yuan in new garbage treatment plants, and the harmless treatment rate of municipal solid waste will increase from the current 50% to more than 60%. During the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period, my country's new garbage processing capacity was approximately 120,000 tons/day. If calculated according to the plan of adding 242,000 tons/day of harmless municipal waste treatment capacity during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", the construction cost per ton is Between 150,000 and 200,000, the investment scale of domestic waste plants during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period is about 36 billion to 48 billion yuan. Judging from the situation in various places, more and more attention is paid to waste disposal. Beijing and Henan Province have both issued plans for the construction of waste treatment plants during the "11th Five-Year Plan". We expect that other provinces and cities will also increase investment in this area. . In addition, the National Development and Reform Commission pointed out at the National Economic System Reform Work Conference in February 2007 that China will use price levers to promote environmental protection and implement "polluter pays". It stipulates that all cities and towns will collect sewage treatment fees by the end of 2007, and all municipalities will Cities are required to collect garbage disposal fees within a specified period. This policy is expected to increase local financial strength in building garbage treatment plants. The latest statistics from the Ministry of Construction: As of the end of 2006, there were 467 domestic waste treatment plants (sites) nationwide, with a processing capacity of 85.67 million tons; 372 landfills, with a processing capacity of 71.03 million tons, accounting for 80% and 71.03 million tons respectively. 83%; there are 69 incineration plants with a processing capacity of 11.38 million tons, accounting for 15% and 13% respectively; there are 26 composting plants with a processing capacity of 3.26 million tons, accounting for 5% and 4% respectively; as of the end of 2006, incineration treatment accounted for all The proportion of total waste disposal is about 13%. Compared with 2005, landfilling has dropped by 2 percentage points, composting has dropped by 1 percentage point, and incineration has increased by 3 percentage points; the proportion of waste processed through incineration and power generation in my country is close to that of the international Average. In addition, a number of incineration plants have been completed or will soon be completed and put into operation within half a year: Yixing waste incineration project, Fuzhou Hongmiaoling waste power plant, Xiamen comprehensive sanitation treatment plant, Tianjin Qingguang waste incineration power plant, Wenzhou Cangnan waste power plant, Ningbo Zhenhai waste incineration power plant, Zibo waste incineration power plant, Kunming western suburbs waste incineration power plant phase I, Chengdu No. 1 waste incineration power plant and other projects. 80% of the incineration plants were constructed in the past five years, and a number of leading companies engaged in investment or supply of incineration plants have begun to form. It can be seen that waste incineration power generation is in a stage of rapid development in our country.